Yes it work almost flawlessly. Just be sure to reset your device. I just have one concern. I have the lego star wars saga on my Xbox, but I dont remember if you can save in the middle of a level or if it have check points. Someone can tell me if we can save or if the game is supposed to have check point built into the level. I was very disapointed when I lost two time my progress into the first level of the first episode. The first time when I exited the game with the menu ( going back to the cantina) and the second time when I decided to just leave the game. Neither time my progress into the level was saved. I think its absolutly stupid since we dont always have time to play 20 minutes in one shot....
Since they're releasing older LEGO games, here's hoping we see Indiana Jones and the first Batman games.
For me it's definitely worth it. It's a solid port, decent controls, familiar awesome gameplay, and no freemium crap to be seen from any nearby planet. Download it and play the first Episode... The whole first episode is free, so you can play through that and then make the decision if you want the whole saga or not. EDIT: Just noticed your name.
No saves in the middle of levels from what I can tell. I can exit the app and do one other thing on my aging iPad 3 and return to where I left off. If I do any more than that or do one big thing the game has to reboot and progress in a level is lost. I don't know yet if my iphone 5 will do better at not closing the app when multitasking.
Compared to LEGO Batman, there seems to be a lack of anti-aliasing or something. More noticeable on the iPhone than then the iPad. Maybe it has something to do with how old the assets for the game are, compared to the newer ones.
Masses of content, this is a huge game! Not entirely sure of the point of having Game Center included if there are no leader boards or achievements tho?
Yep i'm finding it amazing. I tend to complete one level and then exit (so it saves). A LOT of levels, very impressive. Not bothered by leaderboard/achievements, just looking forward to going through all the levels. A great game so far
Maybe they planned to add online co-op like the ps3/360 versions but didn't get it worked out in time?
This is my first rodeo with one of these lego you guys typically use the classic controls or the touch? Both seem to have their issues.
Classic controls for me. On the pricing, in the US version, when you get to the screen that shows bundle pricing, it also shows what your savings will be vs buying separately. If I recall, buying all at once for $14.99 saves $9.99, or something like that. Hopefully this is done similarly for other currencies. There are areas with playable levels and missions besides the 6 episodes - this is a full console game - tons of content! After buying the full bundle, you will still need to go to a second pay character and choose Restore Purchase. Then all pay characters will leave their positions. Also, something I wasn't clear on and saw asked by another poster, buying the bundle DOES NOT break the game. It is not like a cheat where you now have every character, etc. What it does is allow progression just as if you bought the Wii cartridge and stuffed it into your iPhone ;-) Hope this helps.
It also looks like there are some characters you cannot get unless you buy all the levels and bonus content.
So I'm having some trouble with the IAPs. Whenever I walk up to the guys to purchase them they say offline above their head. Well I am online otherwise I wouldn't be able to post this. I haven't done any missions yet so i don't know if that might be why it won't let me purchase anything, but I doubt it. Anybody got any suggestions or had the same problem?
Are the bonus missions and levels in the console version too, or are they ios extras? I notice that one of the levels is called Lego City - is that a Star Wars-based level or just an intro of sorts to their Wii game?
I have not installed the iOS version yet so I cannot speak to all the bonus missions you are seeing but the Lego City mission is in the Wii version. The Wii version has quite a few bonus missions.