Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel It`s the Wii Version. Low Quality Textures, low Quality Soundfiles. Make sure you are wearing your glasses ;-)
Hm, excitement level dropping... I might just go out and get this for my PS3 again, since I had it at one point but never got very far in it due to all the other stuff (games) I had going on at the time. But Lego Marvel on PS3 rocks so hard, and I remember this one being a blast on PS3 as well.
That's a bit disappointing. I would have hoped they'd have at least upgraded the sound and graphical assets if they were porting the DS version. I've played the console version and am kind of on the fence after hearing this. I didn't necessarily expect a full console port, but also was hoping for at least somewhere between the DS and console games.
Disappointing news about low res graphics and sound. Will still give the first episode a go for free though.
Actually, this appears to be a console port. I played both versions and the graphics and level design are a bit different. Based on Sanuku's video this looks like it has the console levels. Watch some videos of both versions on youtube if you don't believe me.
Well, at least it doesn't have the flickering/slowdown of Lego Batman. I was very disappointed with that minimum -but noticeable- freeze every 3-4 seconds. This one looks very nice and graphics seem very smooth. As always, thanks Sanuku for your videos. I'm grabbing this one and GTA:SA tonight Then compare with Sanuku's video. You're welcome.
This is not the DS version Yeah, you are right. I went to youtube and looked up videos on several versions of the game. DS version doesn't look anywhere near this good and has a slightly different hub world. The Wii version looks a little worse than this too but is the same content. Here are some videos: DS Version with first mission being played: Wii Version with first mission being played: I guess everyone can make mistakes.
I gotta give swisssk8er1 all the credit though for noticing this first. I just confirmed the claim by researching it myself. Still, happy to help the community out About 1:20 in Sanuku's video it shows 2.69 for each episode with some claim for a cheaper price in a bundle. I'm guessing that's 2.69nz, which is what.. $1.99 or something?
This original LEGO SW pretty much kick-started these games. Played through them all on the PS2. Will be getting this. Really glad it's finally on the AppStore.
Here's another short video of the iOS version. Best to skip to around the 1 minute mark.
It shows $2.99 per Episode pack+bonus predetermined character, $4.99 for a Trilogy pack, and complete pack is at $14.99 which includes all episodes, bonus levels, bounty hunter levels, arcade mode and challenge mode, and includes all unlockable characters. The $1.99 that you see are the individual price for the arcade pack, challenge pack and bonus level packs. I want to buy the Complete pack, but im not sure where to go to purchase it. LOL.
That's just my guess based on Sanuku's video. Looking at the other video posted Admiral Akbar is in the bar area and has some Challenge Pack for sale and there's a 7th area with a dude with a question mark block over his head. Not sure what that is. Also there is a door to the left of the first area that says something about an Arcade Pack. Guess those that get this tonight will find out. EDIT: Nice ninja job there EP. Thanks for making sense of the pricing on this. So $15 for the complete game. Not too bad. It's $10 used or $20 new for the wii version and more for the ps3/360 version. So all around a good deal as long as the game plays fine.