I keep reading on press releases that Lego: Jurassic World is/was being developed for the IOS and Android platforms, but since it's release last month for Sony/Nintendo/PC, I haven't heard anything more. Does anybody have any info?
So that link was supposed to show me what? That the game is glitchy and for little kids? 1st, this will be for a 3 year old, so easy isn't a negative for me. 2nd, your link really doesn't address my question about when Lego Jurassic World will be out on IOS or Android. Thanks for the irrelevant info though.
Sure. If it comes, it will be long after the other versions. They do this because usually the mobile versions of their games are almost exactly the same as the 3DS/Vita versions but about 1/8th of the price. Maybe look out for it around when the Bluray releases?
In my experience with Lego games for iOS, most of them come out 6 months or more after their console/handheld counterparts. I would bet that it will eventually come to iOS/Android (since almost all of the Lego games have for a while), but Christmas or 1st Quarter next year is probably when we'll see it.
Well that didn't happen, did it? Anybody see or hear of an update on this? I've got a 3 year old that would love to play lego jurassic world on the iPad.