Is it Lego Minecraft: The Game or a line of Minecraft Legos? I'm with you, backtothis. I used to love Legos to death.
I like putting a bunch of sims in a room with the doors, windows, and fire alarms removed. Then I add a fireplace and a bunch of flammable crap, and well... You get it. I myself have yet to play minecraft.
You pretty much summed up my feelings about minecraft. I picked up today on my Android since it was on sale for 10 cents; this is after playing the PC version and not getting much enjoyment out of it. I think the problem with minecraft for me, is it's all pixels and bits. Legos are physical, you can hold them, have that snap sound when putting some together and interact with them. IDK, I had more fun decorating my house in Skyrim than minecraft. Not saying it's a bad game, just not for me.