Just a note about the LEGO SW Complete Saga app: I personally have to switch my phone to Airplane mode in order for it to not crash at the beginning of the game. But once I've entered the game, I can take it out of Airplane mode. I hope they push out an update to fix the problem, but it's been like this for quite a while now. But the awesome thing is that you don't need a connection to play these LEGO games!
If you are a fan of these games do not hesitate. This is the first one that has really evolved the game play with new mechanics and features....3rd person cover/shoot, flying levels are more "open" and not on rails, graphics improved. Very well done.
Just a quick silly question; the season pass includes the $6.99 "The Force Awakens" in-app purchase? I would think this to be the case, but it doesn't hurt to confirm... Nevermind, curtis confirms this on pg. 3 of the thread
I purchased the season pass too, but I prefer the pay up front model. Now, with family sharing, every family member still has to purchase to play. Lego Jurassic Park, I bought, we all play. Much better.
Does this have Cloud Save? I'm playing it on my iPhone 6+, but I'd love to pick up my big iPad Pro and play it on the couch sometimes too, just for the large screen gorgeousness. I finished the first level last night and tried to figure out where/how cloud save worked, but it wasn't apparent from the title screen... Since UPS *lost* my Vita version I preordered from Amazon yesterday, I'm buying the season pass on iOS so I can at least play while I wait until (??) for my Vita version to arrive.
I was wondering this too. I was really happy to find out that there is indeed cloud save support! Although there doesn't appear to be a manual way of using it. All I did was launch the app on my phone and it detected my save. Totally buying the season pass now!
Yes, there is a "Restore from iCloud" button on the main menu screen, right after the initial "Tap to Play." I'm playing on an iPad Pro and it does look great on the large screen.
Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for! Purchased the Season Pass and can't wait to play on "iPad Biggie" tonight
spent alot of time with this game last night at work. and im suprised. so far every open world zone i found in the pc/console is here in the mobile version. just a tad smaller with less fluff. only thing i havent found so far is the purchasing of characters with lego bits. in the pc/console version there are npcs scattered here and there that you can converse with / buy with lego bits. they are not where they should be in the mobile version. -looks around-
Yeah, I was wondering that too. After purchasing the Season Pass, I haven't found a way to spend any LEGO studs. Maybe we will be able to once the other content arrives. Or, since we got the pass, maybe they'll all be unlocked already for free play. Otherwise, why are we collecting these studs anyway?
Agreed. I appreciate the season pass and what not but if it removes the whole stud purchasing system.. that honestly takes a way a good portion of the fun of lego games.
You do have to use the studs to purchase characters that you have unlocked through playing the game. You will need to use additional characters to reach some areas unavailable to the regular characters during your first playthrough.
BUG! So is anyone else missing Finn on the repair the falcon level? (Ch 4) He is missing and appears to be necessary to complete a puzzle. Also he is there on a console play through video.
He was not present on my play through, hold finger on top left portrait to bring up list of everyone, choose him. Worked for me.
Great news! Looks like I just haven't gotten far enough. Spending too long in Jakku I guess. Love that scrap yard.
Every since I have purchased the game, it always locks up for me when I unlock a certain task e.g collect enough studs to unlock Jedi for that level this has totally spoiled the game for me as it means I have to force quit the game after each unlock