I platinumed this on my Vita about two months ago -- I was utterly hooked! This game was so much fun, since it has iCloud save, I think I'm going to double dip and buy it again for iOS. It'll be awesome playing this on iPad Pro 12.9" or on my iPhone on the go. This looks a lot like the Vita version, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Adding on to the praise. I've been a fan of all the lego games with Star Wars and Batman Beyond being my favorite, up until now. The graphics and controls seem to get better with every iteration and they simply nailed this one. The replay value is almost endless as in addition to having to go back and play levels with additional characters that you cannot use on the first run through, there is also an area to play as the dinosaurs. As I'm an "older" gamer, I agree with a previous poster that this game feels more "grown up" in that I don't feel like I'm playing a kids game.
Picked it up yesterday and have been enjoying it! Couldn't wait to finish Batman and reading all the praise helped sway me. Definitely one of their best! Hopefully, they'll follow this model when they release The Force Awakens.
I was just playing Lego Star Wars again today and realized why I haven't played the Lego games on iOS in a while--you can't save wherever you are (if you quit you have to restart the whole level), and with the levels as long as they are it was really annoying. Has that changed at all with the newer Lego games?
The LEGO Marvel, Batman Beyond Gotham, and Jurassic World seem to have much shorter levels than Star Wars, in my opinion. Over the years, I've grown to be more understanding about not having mid-level saves. But the shorter levels definitely help!
I think it's because Star Wars is the full console game whereas the newer ones are ports of the mobile versions like Vita & 3DS.
Yeah, absolutely. I've only played some of the LEGO games on my Mac and PS3, but the levels are much bigger than the portable ports. I kind of prefer the new DS ports for iOS that look similar to the full versions, but I am so glad we got the full version of Star Wars. Does anyone know if the Lord of the Rings port is from the console or portable version? The Marvel game and first Harry Potter are isometric, which looks good, but I prefer the more console look. And they've done a great job with the latest Batman and Jurassic World of making them look and feel like the console version but made specifically for portability.
Hello. My son is totally stuck trying to figure something out, I'm hoping someone can help. In the discovery center dome place, there's a door leading to Lost World level. Right after he enters, there's a jungle-y area and not far from the entry point there's a crate up high that should be push-able but the tiles kindf of end just beofre the end of the platform and no amount of pushing will move it. Anyone have any idea how to get this thing to move? It seems like it needs to fall off, break, and parts are harvested from the remains. Help, please, anyone.
@jmelrose the easiest thing to do is to watch someone else's walkthrough. You can estimate how far in the game your son is so you can easily find the part to watch in that 12 part series. I'm not familiar with the game so I'd have to watch it from the beginning to get to point you're talking about. It should be easier for you guys. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Yes, Thanks. I've tried but the iPad version is much less documented compared to the console version. I can't find it, and I've spent a lot of time on YouTube watching Lego videos... way more than a full-grown adult probably ought to. On the upside, I'm laid off now so ::shrug:: what else do I have going on atm
@jmelrose the playlist I linked should point out to mobile version of the game. I’m aware the console versions are richer, content-wise. Still, even if you’d watch console version, you should get to the point where you’re stuck. Hope it helps. I know these troubles very well. It happened countless times with my kids. They got stuck somewhere, boss is too difficult, they don’t like this passage... who they gonna call? Dad to the rescue! I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually. Luckily, these LEGO games aren’t that bad after all.
Search youtube for packattack04082 and Lego Jurassic World. He has both the console and mobile version walkthroughs so you should be able to find the mobile version by looking at the Vita/3ds one. All mobile Lego games are totally different than the console versions (except Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga) - same overall story but the gameplay and puzzles are completely different so looking up a console walkthrough won’t help if you are stuck on the mobile game. Most of the ios/android Lego games are completely the same as the 3ds/Vita versions, though sometimes there are a few minor differences. For example, Lego Batman 2 (DC Superheroes) only has a times 2 stud multiplier, and Lego Marvel Superheroes allows you to enter a new level (ie. in Story mode) with any character you have unlocked, rather than the usual method of only allowing you to do that in freeplay (ie. what it is called when you replay the levels).