iPhone Legions of Steel (by Slitherine)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ojtitus, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. Sexy Pirate

    Sexy Pirate Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    Call centre / Parent
    Newcastle England
    what kind of playtime does a usual mission take? just as deathwatch takes up quite a bit of time and if this plays a bit quicker I'm tempted to pick this up too just for when I want a game to play but don't have ages to sit down and play. looks great but the same week as death watch o_O I'm tempted but might just wait until I've got more time (mainly after I'm finished with DW)
  2. lilgac

    lilgac Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    #22 lilgac, Jul 18, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
    I don't find it long for each mission, as there "run" option hehe but there's penalty for firing. In terms of loading time between your turn and AIs, it's fast. I'm using ipad 4, so if you are using newer gen, then def no problem.

    And for each mission, there's option to speed up x2 the whole moving/ firing etc,sort of fast fwd for speedier playthrough

    The tutorials, a campaign itself has 20 missions, each going through types of attach/ rules/ covering/ units etc, so there's more options than the SH rules. There's another campaign after that, I counted 10 missions. There's a skirmish mode, 15 missions.

    One note for dev, can the sound effects be pumped up, to increase the game experience. And as mentioned, some voice overs would be nice. When throwing grenades, the sound effect came slightly later than the visual effect?
  3. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
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    Saratoga, CA, USA
    So how is the replayability of any single campaign or skirmish map? As 1 who plans to play mainly against the AI, can I count on the AI significantly varying say its initial setup on a specific map each time I replay it?
  4. Sexy Pirate

    Sexy Pirate Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    Call centre / Parent
    Newcastle England
    this all looks and sounds awesome just not sure I'll have time to play it right now with just getting death watch so I'll wish list it for now and hopefully not forget to pick it up in the not to distant future.
  5. The Son of Anarchy

    The Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    There's certain goals to achieve in the campaign with each map like 'get at least one squad member to the exit by turn three'. Me being a completionist replayed just that one map three times to achieve all the goals. I haven't played skirmish (scenarios) yet but I do know you can play each one with or without Electronic Warfare as well as choose to be machine or human/alien. Also you're not guaranteed to go first in each map so that alone changes things up a bit from the get go. Make of that what you will but I think there's heaps of replay value here.
  6. lilgac

    lilgac Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    #26 lilgac, Jul 18, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
    Just started the first mission of the non tutorial campaign. Must say the initiative phase is rather important.. Who gets to start first and if you won the roll, may chose not to start first..

    Leadership pts usage takes some time to get a hang of it for advantage in the battle

    Edit: i rate one star down cos of the sound effects which i wish can do more to bring in the game experience
  7. lilgac

    lilgac Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2013
  8. ScotDamn

    ScotDamn Well-Known Member
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    Jul 8, 2013
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    Happy Daddy
    I like the initiative roll deciding who goes first. That's cool. A lot of cool options for any one turn. I agree the sound effects leave a bit to be desired though.
  9. 64o

    64o Member

    Jul 7, 2014
    oh Slitherine, to release this two days after Deathwatch and at twice the price, don't ever stop being you
  10. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    Sooo, jb + ipa trick and this runs on iPhone.
  11. lilgac

    lilgac Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    Game rules are quite difficult.. Third mission route security, thought my goal is to last 10 rounds (= 10 victory pts), end of it Mission failed. craps, it's to exit the commandos..plus deduction of pts for using forcewall grenade..
  12. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    #33 VirtualBoyFreak, Jul 20, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2015
    Is it only me, or scenery is not very varied? I find it a bit dull compared to other similar titles. Also, is there random map creation?
  13. Lhonster

    Lhonster Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    slitheriian lian,

    I don't know if it was only my older iPad2 or not, but on the first non-tutorial mission, when I used the dodge command option (paying with a star), and after it was activated by a bot shooting at the commando, it would reset the commando's action point back to full points after some had been used opening a door, which caused the opportunity fire. Also later I could not select highlighted squares for moving or shooting. I could recover the mission by exiting back to main menu and then reloading the game, which would reload at the start of the turn.
  14. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011

    [thread=266347][​IMG][/thread] [thread=266391][​IMG][/thread] [thread=264118][​IMG][/thread] [thread=266417][​IMG][/thread] [thread=266548][​IMG][/thread] [thread=266376][​IMG][/thread]

    Legions of Steel


    is one of the nominees for

    Touch Arcade Forums' Game Of The Week

    July 16th, 2015


    ***PLEASE NOTE***

    1) Developers, publishing partners, or affiliates cannot vote for their own games. If your game is in the poll, you can't vote for it. You are free to ask TA forum posters in your game release thread to vote for your game... but please don't post multiple messages about it.
    2) This voting is for TA members with some activity. If you have to ask someone to create a new account to vote, you're doing it wrong.
    3) Suspect votes may be void.

    Credit to AndyC83 for GotW logo
  15. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    I can't speak for the game as I don't have an iPad, but with the boardgame version, about half of the available tilesets looked the same, the others varied quite a bit. It could be after they add some more to it you will see some more variety in terrain.

    We had a blast playing this game when it came out - it was like Space Hulk, but with more variety, and more flexible rules. Lots of fun, and it makes me wish I could play this version. :eek:
  16. lilgac

    lilgac Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    With last two missions of the second and last campaign remaining, here's my view.

    Those who are looking for nice animations or voice overs, you are not going to find it. The sound effects are much dump down, which is disappointing. However, strictly speaking, if you are looking for the "port" of the boardgame, this is it. The rules etc are well implemented, variety of options like advanced covering, use of leadership points, war of fog, obstruction grenade etc.

    Though it allows you to "upgrade certain stats" after each successful mission for the corporal / sergeant, the RPG feel is not there. So this is really like playing the board game, on the ipad.

    Thus far, I am playing this game with this mindset, getting to know the boardgame, rules etc and I do find it engaging as there are variety of rules/ options in combat. It also helps that the variety of victory conditions helps keep the game interesting. There are missions that are "rush" which you need to get to a point before the machines get there or cut you off, or you have to choose whether you want to kill for points to exit your units for points.

    There are few minor issues/ bugs such as deselecting of radar option and text wraps issue, but overall I don't find anything that stops you from playing/ ruining the gameplay.

    However, at this price point and the lack of engaging sound effects or animations, it can feel a little "dry"' and it's a pity they do not include a random mission/ map generator.

    Space Hulk by FC, (sadly it went down), also a strict port of boardgame rules and even the campaign, helps one to immerse in it through the animations and nice voice overs.

    I would recommend LoS for those true fans of this boardgame, or simply like to pick up and play with opponents through online multiplayer or hot seat, which I enjoy doing with SH as well. But if you are looking for a similar xcomie/ space marshals or even the recent hot DW game, you are very likely to be disappointed.

    Hopefully, perhaps future we get to see a Battletech boardgame port..
  17. mzinn

    mzinn Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2014
    Loving it but have hit a wall. Omg I'm losing every time. Just can't figure it out. I must be missing an ability or something. Argh!
  18. lilgac

    lilgac Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    Which mission? What is the issue you are facing?
  19. mzinn

    mzinn Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2014
    #40 mzinn, Jul 24, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2015
    Actually I just started & I am working through the tutorial missions. I think my issue is when I lose a guy I restart. I should just play it through & let my remaining guy(s) try to finish off the mission. So used to not wanting my team members to die. I don't remember which tutorial I'm on now but I'll be back to my iPad later & will check. I'm sure I'm missing something or just forgetting something I've learned. Nonetheless it's a really fun game. Can't wait to be better at it!

    EDIT- and no laughing at me :)
    Ok so it's Automatic in the tutorial I can't get past. This one has me stumped. No matter where I've put my guys or what tactic I've used they all die. Any help would be appreciated. I'd like to know what I'm missing. I'm sure it's something simple but it's got me beat :-(

    Finally got past it. Had to play a little more offense & did just fine. Completed all tutorial missions.

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