Universal Legends of Warriors - Beta Testers Wanted!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by antony.thai, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. MinhMinh

    MinhMinh Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2015
    I'm sorry for being late on this! We're having some issues with the release in Apple App Review and our provisioning seems to be expired. That's why we see the issue.

    We will take a look on at as fast as we can and will inform you right when it goes back normal.

    Thank you.
  2. Diverge

    Diverge Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
    Any beta spots available ?
  3. MinhMinh

    MinhMinh Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2015
    We're still opening mate. You can PM me your testflight's email so I can put you in.

  4. Diverge

    Diverge Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
    Sent :)
  5. WickedProg

    WickedProg New Member

    Oct 28, 2015
    I'll give it a shot too.

  6. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your attention. Rise of Heroes won't give you any similar gameplay to any others iOS games at the moment. It gives something new regarding management/strategy/rpg gameplay.

    I really hope that you will like it.

    Thanks dude! If you want a beta test please pm me your TestFlight's email. We're still in a need of testers.

    @ALL: We're very sorry for our late reply on the thread cos we're facing too many bugs to be fixed before the launching Nov-5. We're running behide the schedule already.. :(. BUT with your helps, Rise of Heroes already makes a big move to become something much better than the original one. I would like to say THANKS to everyone. Let's make it a better game everyday!

  7. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Rise of Heroes's Initial Version will be released in Nov-5

    Hi everyone,

    Rise of Heroes's Initial Version will be released in Nov-5.

    The first waive of beta is closed now! We will picking 3 great testers for iTunes Gift Cards and announcing later (since we're in a bit trouble to purchase iTunes Gift Cards in our country because the only supplier of its is closed now, we're investigating for more options, please don't worry). All helpful beta testers are credited inside the game's about section!

    We want to say the big thanks to you! Without you guys, Rise of Heroes can't move that far!

    Even today is the launching, but content of Rise of Heroes will be increasing overtime, we will start our next waive of beta testing soon so please lets us know if you still want to see beta content of Rise of Heroes's udpates.

    Thank you a lot!
  8. kzerrrr

    kzerrrr Active Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    #108 kzerrrr, Nov 9, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
    Sad I wasn't selected as beta tester that day. Bummer. But, downloading game now anyway.
  9. Lavender

    Lavender Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2013
    United States
    Devs have different reasons for accepting and not accepting testers. Experience, how many trustworthy posts someone has made, how long they've been a member of a forum...

    But.... I'm pretty sure 'racism' is not one of them. :(
  10. Lavender

    Lavender Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2013
    United States
    #110 Lavender, Nov 9, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
    Congratulations on completing and releasing the game!!
    It really is a fun game. A lot of work went into it.
    I am very excited to tell other people about it. :)
  11. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    #111 cofunguy, Nov 9, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
    First, developers usually know what type of person they are looking for. I myself didn't get selected either. Sadly more and more people are applying for beta testing. Thus it is a numbers game. Sure I didn't get selected but I chalk it up to lots of people applied and they took the first X people who applied and met their criteria. But at the same time, I am not implying the developers are racist either. So You might want to tone down the rhetoric. Never a good idea to call/imply the developers are ever a derogatory term.

    Second, it was a closed beta and obviously they cannot accept everyone who applies. The above paragraph applies.

    Third, sadly some people who want to "beta test" don't really test but want to try to get a leg up on competition. And thus really don't help in testing the application. I am NOT saying you might be that type of person but it is a known problem that occurs. Also some folks might expect to get the app for "free" when the real reason for beta testing is to find flaws/issues in the app and make the app better. Yes the developer MIGHT reward folks but one shouldn't test thinking such an item might occur.

    Lastly, for future betas you might want to keep log of what apps you have beta before. Always nice to mention other items you have beta test before when applying for a testing.
  12. warcrack

    warcrack Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2010
    Electrical Engineer
    I don't think have problem for anyone to applied in beta test, but second round not open yet...
    For this kind of games need minimum 50 active beta testers.
  13. kzerrrr

    kzerrrr Active Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    #113 kzerrrr, Nov 9, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2015
    Okay okay.

    PS. I edited the previous post already. Sorry, for the fuss.
  14. playandsleeponly

    Oct 23, 2015
    Well, at least he apologized. He owned up to his mistake. Most people would just continue bashing.
  15. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    OMG.. I'm sorry to make you feel my message badly. I'm sorry.

    Let's me explain a bit the situation while rejecting your request. I've discussed with the team to search for 50% of random players & 50% of experienced players for beta testing the app. While receiving your request, we saw that you have 1 single post in RoH's upcoming thread so we listed you as random players which we already have enough testers already and since we can't understand what type of player you are. It's just that, I and the team don't have anything else beside that while sending you our response.

    And sorry for letting you hear our apologize just now. It's a bit late we know that. But I hope that you will understand this for us.

    @ALL: Thank for helping us to explain everything. Next round of beta will be opening after the Xmas's update. We're still wanting to announce Winners of the 1st round of beta test also, please wait us for a bit. (We're stuck with purchasing iTunes Gift Cards in our country... which is so sad, but we will solve it as fast as we can)
  16. kzerrrr

    kzerrrr Active Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    #116 kzerrrr, Nov 10, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2016
    No no, I'm sorry for my earlier comment (already edited). I was scared people would get the wrong idea of me. I just overacted. Yeah, congrats on the release of your game.
  17. warcrack

    warcrack Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2010
    Electrical Engineer
    Another bugs with text info

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