Universal Legends of Warriors - Beta Testers Wanted!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by antony.thai, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    This issue is there because if the tournament system is changed and only playable in our coming version, please wait a bit for our upcoming beta release, we're only need Apple to make a approval for it.

    Thanks mate! I could reproduced the issue already and put the team on fixing it.

  2. dwincelowicz

    dwincelowicz Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2015
    Sarasota, FL
    Would love to Beta Test this!

    Hey there, been following this thread since the start; just got around to registering an account to request beta access. Would love to be able to provide useful feedback in reference to this game, as well as help out wherever I can!

    ID is [email protected]

    Presently testing: Punch Club
    Previously tested: Ghostbusters Puzzle Fighter // Oraia Rift // Dungeons & Monsters: Dungeon Crawler RPG
  3. rittchard

    rittchard Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Are you still bringing more people in to beta test? I sent a PM a few days ago as well.
  4. InJ0k3R

    InJ0k3R Active Member

    Aug 20, 2015

    i just notice that the energy countdown timer restarts to 5:00mins everytime you enter events like orcmine, yeti and wagon... it works normally on campaign map though...
  5. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Thank you a lot for your interesting! I''m adding your email right now.

    Lets me double check my mail box, I''m sorry for your wanting. Beta testing is still opening but because the current release is a bit buggy so we want to invite new guys in our next beta release. Thanks for your understanding.
  6. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    It's kind of major issue here, I will put it on fixing in priority.

    Thanks for spotting it mate!
  7. warcrack

    warcrack Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2010
    Electrical Engineer
    Thank you for really hard work to make this game awesome.
    I have some recommends for you:
    1.In Shop i want to sell not needed items.This option will be great.
    2.Give-away some beta test codes for testers to upgrade to VIP or more Gems .
    3.Rent warriors from Tavern to kill monsters.

    Thats it for now.Thanks
  8. Huge Dragon

    Huge Dragon Member

    Sep 29, 2015

    Cont me in!
  9. InJ0k3R

    InJ0k3R Active Member

    Aug 20, 2015

    by leveling, evolving and reborning heroes, i discovered that the COLOR LEVEL of heroes are WHITE, RED, BLUE, PURPLE, and GOLD.

    1.) RED should be replaced by the color GREEN, as the green color alwayz represents weaker hero. WHITE, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE then GOLD. sounds good!

    2.) Heroes STARS should match the namecolor too. 1star heroes like Warrior and SAGITARII are color WHITE, 2star heroes are RED(green would be better tho) and 3star heroes are blue... looking back at the COLOR LEVELS you'll understand why 2star heroes turn blue and 3star heroes turns purple after reborn.

    3.) After reborn, Heroes STARS should increase too, lets say i have 3star valkyrie (should be color blue) after reborn it will turn to 4star purple valkyrie, another reborn and it will turn to 5star golden valkyrie... that way, we can easily compare same heroes, like, you may have a 3star level 60 valkyrie but a 4star level 50valkyrie is stronger.

    thats all for now regarding Heroes' NAME COLOR and STARS.


    THE YETI EVENT! this event should be dropping items too right? but all we can get here are coins so this should be fix.

    the SHOP. there are 2 ways where you can access the shop. first is the normal way where you go to castle and enter the shop there and buying from there works totally fine. the problem is this second way of accessing it, you go to EVENTS and enter the GOLD MINE without having a key, it will prompt you if you would like to buy from the shop, if you choose okay it will redirect you to the shop, the bug is found here cause any item you buy using this way will always CRASH the game.

    also, buying the VIP thing on the special shop, either of the 3type will always crash the game.

    well the game still crashes randomly from time to time so im eagerly waiting for the update...

    thats all for now...

    Beta tester
    [email protected]
    JOKER1435 (game center)
  10. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Thank you Warcrack! Your feedbacks matchs well with our opinion also.

    We're really want to add something that allow user can sell useless items/gears, but in fact, this feature will cost us sometime so it won't be ready in RoH next beta release, but it's surely will be added.

    We will see how we will upgrade beta testers into VIP to try this experience, we believe that it's so much fun also.

    Regarding the rental, it's really an interesting idea, I will put it into discussion with the team, also, I could know tons of problem while adding it but still, it's a very interesting idea and well worth our time for considering.

    Can you send me your testflight id?

    Thanks for your interesting of RoH!
  11. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Hahaha! So you're that amazing squad! Everybody here in the studio are trying to beat your team but we simply can't.... Hmm... (including me)

    Regarding the colors stuffs, we believe that we need some improvements there since the color's changing rule doesn't brings me any feeling. We will follow your suggestion. Thank you a lot for helping us on that!

    We have the same idea with the rarity system also, that's why in the next beta release (probably coming today) will has it also. Plus the new rule, 5 stars Hero is the current limitation of RoH. (Well, we might increase it later during updates).

    Yeti's event is designed to give player a place where they can hunt some coins especially when they don't have any key to access the mine. The main reward of Yeti is coin, but there's a small chance player can be rewards by rare weapons also. What is your opinion with this design dude?

    The crashes issue is still there in the latest beta release.... :( Thanks for letting us to know about that. We will make a fix as soon as we can.

    It's really interesting reading your feedbacks, we know that your already spend quite time on the game and on the forum to join us building RoH. It's very much appreciated!

    PS: New release of beta build will come today I hope. I will lets everyone know it when it's ready.

  12. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    New Beta Release is available!

    Hey all,

    The new beta release is just approved and ready to download right now via TestFlight!

    I will make the update logs a bit later but you can download it now.

    There're tons of improvements and bug fixs are made for the whole last week until now.

    And thank you a lot for your time spending on playing Rise of Heroes.

  13. InJ0k3R

    InJ0k3R Active Member

    Aug 20, 2015

    im really glad i could help! the update is really awesome!

    1.) Heroes STATS and SKILLS are well balanced now, especially that of Ilana (former Valkyrie) cause in the previous version, she is just too powerful. You have really done a good job adjusting the heroes stats and skills.

    2.) The YETI Event is evev better! there is no waiting time now, as long as you have powerful and strong friends that can help you, you can gain a lot of gold, and it drops equipment too.

    3.) The TOURNAMENT is FIXED... but i do need a lot of fighting to catch up on the ranking tho. lol!

    4.)Campaign LOOTS INCREASED! just awesome!

    but the thing is, the GOLDMINE... the loots decreased! of all event, this should have the highest gold to be looted but in this update, it drops by about 30%. completing the gold mine gives me 800k-1M coins but now it just gives me 500k-600k...

    but all in all, the update is awesome...
    keep it up!

  14. warcrack

    warcrack Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2010
    Electrical Engineer
    The server is down?
  15. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Thank you a lot for that! We're keep making it better here. Love to receive more of your feedbacks mate!

    Yes, I was about to lets everyone know it since we're facing with a huge bug in server, we need to take it down for the fixing.

    Please wait a bit, during this time, the game is still playable in offline mode but don't delete the game yet, please wait for the next beta release to update so we can secure your data.

    Please lets us know if there're any other issue.

    Thanks in advance mate!
  16. cmdrmonty

    cmdrmonty Member

    Aug 28, 2015
    I can't seem to progress past level 63 is there something I'm doing wrong :)?
  17. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Can you explain us more clear what is your problem my friend? It will be more easier for us to debug.

    Thank you a lot. ;)
  18. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    New Beta Release is available! (Submission Candidate)

    Hey all,

    We have the new beta release lives few minutes ago with most of major bugs (including the server thing) are fixed.

    Please update and enjoy RoH during weekend with us!

  19. cmdrmonty

    cmdrmonty Member

    Aug 28, 2015
    This is what I see on the map screen on v

    Attached Files:

  20. antony.thai

    antony.thai Well-Known Member

    Ahh, I see, so the percentage of winning is really low here. But have you try beating the stage yet?

    I think that improvements will be need on your heroes.

    But please lets me know what you feel about that.

    Nice weekend my friend!

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