iPhone Legends of Callasia (by Boomzap)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by wondroushippo, Sep 9, 2016.

  1. gmattergames

    gmattergames Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    Update live, able to purchase, works great.
  2. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Got stuck on Kingdom campaign pt.4 - Secure the Serpentine Passage. Nasty piece of work, very well done. Refreshingly difficult in the strategic department, not just plain-out sadistic with a cheating and/or overpowered AI. I really liked the first part where you have to hold position, much better executed than most similar scenarios in other games.
  3. odin

    odin Member

    Dec 16, 2010

    Yeah; it starts with a PSD file; each territory is a layer. Once balancing and playtesting is done, the border is added on top as another layer and decals are added to get mountains, forests, etc.
  4. ERA101

    ERA101 New Member

    Oct 24, 2015
    Did the developer has a plan to add dwarves and orcs faction into the game?
  5. monikazapper

    monikazapper Active Member

    Yes we do! In fact, we had a successful Kickstarter last month for the Dwarf expansion pack, and the team has been working on the new underground maps, campaigns, heroes, cards, and more. We're hoping to make the Orcs playable too, depending on how the well the main game and the Dwarf expansion are received. (The Dwarves have been a much requested faction during our launch on Steam.)

    Some WIPs and playtest videos are posted here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/boomzap/legends-of-callasia-the-stoneborne
  6. ERA101

    ERA101 New Member

    Oct 24, 2015
    About alliance in skirmish.
    Can you set alliance before game start?
    AI don't make alliance even I make one, it's make the game unfair for AI.
    (I never see them make alliance in normal AI. didn't try in higher difficulty)
    Sometimes I want to play 2v2 or 2v2v2.
    Or set script that AI will try to make alliance if. you make one.
    And alliance army should be able to participate in other battle?
  7. monikazapper

    monikazapper Active Member

    No, currently we don't. But we are working on a "teamplay" mode where you can set alliances before each game. It will also allow more than 2 players to ally, so you can set 3v3, 4v2, 5v3 games, etc.
    It is possible for AI to accept your alliance request, though it doesn't happen quite frequently.
    And no, only two players can participate in a battle. Allies can never be in the same land at the same time, even if there is no battle. However, your ally can use cards to help you.
  8. Jim Shorts

    Jim Shorts Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2014
    Love it! Revenge upon the Faeborne was a bit tough for the third campaign stretch, but I figured it out. Awesome game... again, love it! Bring on the Dwarves and Orcs!! I want it all!
  9. monikazapper

    monikazapper Active Member

    Thanks Jim! Hope the win was more fulfilling because of the difficulty? ;) We're excited for the Dwarf DLC too!
  10. Gilgilad

    Gilgilad Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2013
    Awesome game. I beat a few levels of the campaign then did what I always do in these types of games, start playing random AI skirmishes with the max player count. Pretty awesome game, beat a 8 player map on normal and then on hard difficulty. Was a bit on the easy side even on hard so looking forward to trying out the hardest difficulty next time.
  11. Phantom42

    Phantom42 Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 23, 2014
    Buggy expansion update

    I updated the app about an hour ago (the update adds the Stoneborne / Dwarves). I tried to play the first scenario in the new campaign (Into the Great Dark), but I don't know how to make progress. Movement in the map is largely broken. Often, when moving from one territory to another, it will either not work at all (won't allow me to move) or it will take me some really weird path. Example 1: When I try to move from South Zaltan Mines to East Zalan Crags (they look like they are joined in the map, and in fact I can see the troop counts there), it won't let me go there directly (instead it takes me through East Zala Forest). Example 2: I have no idea how to get to East Blackmarsh (I tried from each of the 4 adjacent territories, but no luck). Example 3: it allows me to jump from East Zalan Crags directly to North Blackmarsh, even though they don't appear connected on the map.

    Hope this gets fixed! As soon as it does, I'll almost certainly buy the expansion ($7).
  12. monikazapper

    monikazapper Active Member

    Hi Phantom! Thanks for reporting this - we just released an update today with the fixes. It seems to have affected all the new maps. Hope you enjoy the expansion!
  13. Phantom42

    Phantom42 Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 23, 2014
    Just tried the update. Works like a charm now. Bought the expansion ($8 US, not $7 as I previously mentioned). That was fast work on your part. Thanks!
  14. monikazapper

    monikazapper Active Member

    Thank you! It helped that players reported it immediately, and Apple approved it faster than usual. :D
  15. ZS77

    ZS77 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    Screen shots won't load on TA app.....so followed link to website, watched the trailer video.....only one thing to say really.....

    .....how the hell did I miss this? It looks right up my street - love the artwork and, going by the TA forum impressions, I'm going to really enjoy this one. Can't wait to get home and fire it up on my iPad.
  16. monikazapper

    monikazapper Active Member

    Just popping in to say we won Best Multiplayer Game and Excellence in Gameplay in the 1st International Mobile Gaming Awards (IMGA) in Southeast Asia! Hopefully this would bring in more people to play MP with.

    Anyway, we're still working out some of the bugs reported and we hope we could push out an update with the fixes soon. If you're encountering other issues, just let us know!
  17. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    #57 Ayjona, Dec 13, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2016
    I forgot to respond to this entirely. Sorry, devs.

    But no, not quite. Whereas play-by-email was mostly a way to allow players to constantly have Civ running on their computers, the ubiquitous nature of our mobile devices and cellular connections - as well as the convenience of push notifications that launch games directly and bring us online in seconds - allow us to play anywhere, anytime. Which is not just a step up from play-by-email on stationary devices, but in some ways the polar opposite.

    The reason asynchronous play is so powerful is that it enables a whole new class of gamer to play online matches. Allow me to take my turns at my leisure, and I’ll rip through five games of Carcassonne, Ascension and Starbase Orion per day. Force me to schedule online sessions, and I will play for fifteen minutes twice a month.

    Given how relatively easy async mechanics are to tack on on top of an existing multiplayer implementation, there is often very little reasons for a developer that promotes online turn-based play not to at least use Apple’s existing asynch framework and APIs to enable this new paradigm* of online gaming, if not make their own.

    * Async enthusiasts might still be a niche market segment. But within that segment, this mechanism represents a true paradigm shift. Many of us have not been online gamers since our teens/for a decade or more. And suddenly, we game not only frequently, but competitively and with great passion. Without ANY disruptions to our time-demanding daily lives.

    As for the considerations you list, how to notify, set it up, what happens when players take too long to respond, etc, all of these questions have already been answered a multitude of times over the past 8 or so years, in ways that are highly relevant to your particular title, by a wealth of great asynchronous iOS titles (games that constitute the foundation for research for any developer that decide to develop a strategic multiplayer title for the platform).

    Take a long (and tons of fun) look at Ascension, Carcassonne, Starbase Orion, Summoner Wars, Ravenmark: Mercenaries, Lords of Waterdeep, UniWar, Outwitters, Haunted Hollow, Last Warlock, and in part XCOM: Enemy Within, Pacific Skies, Frozen Synapse, Worms 3, and Warbits (though these last six fall short in some ways, such as having notifications that do not bring the player directly into the match).
  18. ZS77

    ZS77 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    Two words - nail, head. I've never heard the argument for asynch online games put better - the comparison of time given is so very true for many people, especially those of us with full time jobs, kids etc.
  19. monikazapper

    monikazapper Active Member

    Thanks Ayjona! At the current state of the game, it would be challenging to implement an async multiplayer mode. But this is really good to know, and that's a helpful list of game references. It's something we can consider for our next strategy game. Legends of Callasia was our first, and we learned a lot about what to do and not to do. We've already started development for the next game, and I'll share this with the team.

    By the way - we have an ongoing tournament to celebrate the Google Play release! So now you can play iOS vs PC or Mac or Android. Qualifying round is until January 6th, then we'll have a single-elimination tournament starting January 9th. More info here: http://legends.boomzap.com/2016/12/08/4th-legends-of-callasia-tournament/

    Thanks and advanced happy holidays everyone!
  20. DTK

    DTK Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2014
    Berlin Germany
    I played the game from the first day of the release and I find it amazing!

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