It looks like there is some strategy to the arena in terms of when you play & what rank you achieve. If you start arena right after the reset, its not hard to get a decent arena rank -- I'm #192 in the second league, and for been above #200 I get two buffs that are usable in all content. At the same time, do I want to go up league? Not sure...maybe I deliberately drop rank after earning the free chests. So far its not too bad earning the free chests at this rank, but its definitely easier and faster if your a bit lower. So I dunno what the right strat is, but I can tell that there is strategy to it.
I need your help guys! The Sunspear (the spear that charges up and you can click on it to shoot for your spell damage) (3 points at level 8) charges up yellow, and you can shoot it right away for 3 damage once its full of yellow. You can continue to let it charge in which case purple starts to appear. BUT THERE SEEMS TO BE NO BENEFIT TO THIS. What the heck? Am I really interpreting this correctly? Its bugging me.
Hey man, I usually feel exactly the same lol...I deleted and re downloaded Solgard 3-4 times during soft launch myself...the units were a turn off for me too especially with Might and Magic Clash of Heroes expectations. They HAVE added some new units. I am going to try to post some screen shots of my team and two other units I don’t have yet. The units above, and ones that look like typical fantasy heroes etc are categorized as the “Warrior” race. The other races are things like “little people,” or “critters.”
Stellar Galaxy may have been cancelled sadly, as all soft launches have been pulled. The game is unavailable currently.
Dude, I dunno...going up ranks seems to be worth it as I just unlocked shroomling and the legendary unit “Lamp Wraith” from the final chest for this new season. I couldn’t believe it lol, lamp wraith is one of THE most popular units I believe. This was only from being in whatever the league above apprentice is.
I’m not sure how practical tanking an arena ranking would be unless you are already close. After a couple losses, the matches I get show 0 impact on a loss. It’s nice how you can eventually grind wins against clearly better teams by waiting for a streak of good RNG luck. The rank loss prevention after a few losses means you can get the rewards while in over your head by grinding a little longer.
Played for a while, but from experience and a lot of comments online, this game turns quickly into a grind fest with little to no progress. And some levels you just have to pray to RNGesus, so I uninstalled it. Gave it two chances but I already know where this is going.
This is what people that suck at puzzle games always say. It’s true that you can get screwed by bad luck sometimes, but when I’ve come up against a level I was struggling with more than once or twice, what I needed 9 times out of 10 was a lineup change. As for progress, that’s subjective, but I don’t think you are intended to zoom through the map. But there are 4 zones already and I’m at the final boss of the second one. I know others that are as far as the fourth area (but I think that person spent significant money). But even so, there are plenty of other things to do and ways to gain rewards besides progress in the main campaign, with more opening up every couple of levels. While I have spent a few dollars because I wanted to support the game, I haveen’t seen anything I’d describe as a pay wall. But this game is challenging, like the game it is based on. It probably isn’t for everyone. But let me add that I and others here will be more than happy to try and help anyone that’s wants tips to improve.
I will say this; I think they screwed up the difficulty curve. Starting at 45, some of the levels do get pretty brutal. At some point by the late 60s, I got more heroes and figured stuff out, and have rarely failed any level more than a couple times thereafter. Post 68, the difficulty has generally felt just right to me. Some levels make me go WTF hth am I possibly going to win this...I try a few different heroes and strategies and get past it. I'm at 103 and it has never felt as overwhelmingly hard as 65 and 68 -- and I made both harder than they needed to be I think, by not using one of the new heroes I already had.
Yeah, the difficulty definitely feels spikey, but not “must pay to get past” spikey or “can’t get past this without miraculously lucky board setup” spiky. We both know claiming you have to be lucky to make progress is utter bullshit.
I'm stuck at 75. What am I doing wrong? (Or, more accurately, what's my best strategy?) Edit: NVM. Beat it.
Case in point. I finally made it to level 80. This is the final boss of the second region. I’ve heard a bunch of folks talk about this boss being brutal. I’d tried it a couple of times last night and been wiped in 3 or 4 turns. They weren’t kidding. But I was low on energy anyway and needed it for other things, so I gave some thought to how the fight worked and what team might be helpful. Raven masters might be really good here, I thought, for doing a bit of damage and building some defenses. So I did roughpaw, cracklehoof (my standard yellow for bosses), grimchop (beefy and a bit of immediate damage), and raven master. Beat the fight on the first try, and that’s considering I had a significant screwup early (accidentally combined some cracklehoof into walls I did not intend). Apologies if I came across like a jerk before, but despite the free to play trappings, this is a fun game with a very solid foundation (clash of heroes).
Yeah, that one gave me fits (stuck there longer than 80, actually). But you have the right mindset. If something isn’t working, try a different approach. This isn’t the sort of game where brute forcing every level with the identical lineup is going to work. But taking that approach is why people think you have to have insane luck to win.
I am soooooo guilty of this lol. I want a certain team to work in all situations ahaha. Uuuuuh....whichisabsolutelyridiculous in a game like this. Besides, their business model alone crys for variability. Not that I defend a business model from the likes of King, but yeah...thats how it is.
I’m actually unlocking new units at a pretty steady clip. I have 16 unlocked now, with 14 remaining. Not terrible. Some aren’t very useful yet, mind you (e.g. finally got sun mage, but doesn’t do much until second skill unlocked)