Legalization of Marijuana?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Giggity, Jul 21, 2009.

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Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

  1. Yes

    198 vote(s)
  2. No

    134 vote(s)
  1. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    #121 Electric_Shaman, Jul 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
    goddamn i go away for a day and the thread exploded -.-
    One thing stood out above everything else though:
    Says Mr. Hardcore who insists that his opinion is based on his wealth of experience. All 20 years of it ladies and gentlemen, oh wait no I don't think toddlers smoke, so 10 years of experience max is what you base your views on?
    Don't get me wrong, personal experience is invaluable, it just seems a little reckless to insist your opinion is valid because you have experience when your experience isnt exactly extensive.

    Okay, I'll give you that I used the word promise far too liberally, but it's still early days to be condemning the Obama administration already

    What you're saying just isn't true, there are too many variables involved for pot to be about the same price worldwide. Because pot is so much harder to find in some cities, it's more expensive. Don't believe me? Go try and find pot in Singapore or Korea and enjoy paying upwards of 80 US dollars for an eighth of schwag. Are you going to tell me Korea and Singapore are third world?

    Yes most pot you find on the street today would be full of fertilizers and pesticides, but you can't use it as an argument that pot is unhealthy; it's nonsensical because it's the fertilizers and pesticides that are unhealthy. Legalization would help to eliminate these, or at least you would be able to choose to buy a fully organic brand of ganja.
    And ya, smoking anything is dangerous to your health, not going to argue with that.

    Well if you're going to be comparing MJ for medical use, obviously I would not take smoking as the example to compare. Vaporize for minimal smoke harm. Or eat brownies. And no, I don't think smoking pot is safe compared to some things, but I think pot itself is, which has been my point all along.

    Yes you can control second hand smoke, what do you think the smoking ban in the UK was for? I don't expect to be able to saunter down the street with a joint and blow smoke in a cop's face; I expect to not be allowed to smoke in most places.
    And you can't equate the introduction of a new substance to increased vehicular manslaughter, again, too many variables involved. Sure it's a very logical assumption that I too would make, but we can always hope. Introducing huge fines for DUI might help deter people a little more (I personally think DUIs should result in a life ban from driving: it's an absolutely inexcusably irresponsible thing to do)
    And as for co-workers coming in stoned, that just won't happen if it's legalized. I'm guessing any employer with sense would introduce a rule that coming into work stoned is grounds for immediate termination.

    Why the assumption that smoking pot will make me have a negative impact on you or your community? It is a victimless crime, ie i hurt only myself. The worst impact I'm going to have is none because I can't be bothered to go out and get into the community spirit.
    Edit: Was just skimming thru and realised some people do have a right to smoke: medical marijuana licenses legally give you the right to smoke.

    You can link criminals being more likely to be habitual drug users till the end of days, but what would really be good evidence (although impossible to collect) is the number of habitual pot users that are not criminals (ignoring the fact that habitual pot usage is a crime in itself).
    And yes, it's hard to find the hard evidence to back up my point, because who is going to fund research in the opposite direction of yours? It's not in enough rich people's interest to do so.
    Actually, we have stated why legalizing pot will be helpful: it'll be a new market in the middle of a recession. Aside from that, it won't be, it's just an injustice in the legal system that needs to thrown out. The whole point of a legal system is fair, standard rules for all, but where's the standard if pot is banned for being 'unsafe' when alcohol and cigarettes are even more 'unsafe' depending on how you want to interpret 'unsafe'.
    I'm not overly familiar with the American Bill of Rights, as I'm not American. I just feel strongly about you guys legalizing because I believe it will be more than enough to prompt other countries to do the same.
  2. Giggity

    Giggity Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Looking For Job
    Anyone see what they just did in California?
  3. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    Coolidge, AZ
    #123 Booch138, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
    Nah what happened?

    LAPD...? Really? How? And when? Not saying I don't believe you, I didn't hear about it but why would the LAPD arrest him... was he in our country?

    If so he is a moron for coming here. Then again, judging from the movie, he looked/sounded like a moron anyways.
  4. Giggity

    Giggity Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Looking For Job
    Anyone here any big changes in the Legalization of Marijuana. Lol.
  5. saintsalive

    saintsalive Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Playing pocket god! Oh, and other games.
    Pygmy Island
    Gah, I guess people can smoke if they want... I mean, it's not as bad as cigarettes, and those are legal... I'll never smoke anything myself, but I voted yes for all ya hippie pot-smokers ;) lol
  6. oldskooler81

    oldskooler81 Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    thanx saints lol
    I think it should be legal y

    Its not a bad "drug"
    its healthier then alcohol and cigarettes
    it makes you day a lot better when you down and out
  7. saintsalive

    saintsalive Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Playing pocket god! Oh, and other games.
    Pygmy Island
    While I don't agree with using drugs like that, and I have to admit I'm against legalization of the drug, but so many people do it, if it was illegal much longer a ton of people would be living in jail. Where I live, a kid in Middle School is a HUGE pothead. TONS of people know. It's kinda weird.
  8. superbad

    superbad Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2008
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    You need to stalk me?
    Damn it! I really thought Obama would do it! Akkk. I wish Jermain Jackson takes over the governator.

  9. oldskooler81

    oldskooler81 Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    It's not a hard drug
    You don't get hooked, but you do start developing a dependency that you can break
    There is no scientific fact of brain damage or other lasting damage
    Pot usage is also becoming a lot more accepted to say and there are a lot more user
    I know most of my school has tried it
    Yes there should be rules on usage but it should be 100% legal
  10. saintsalive

    saintsalive Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Playing pocket god! Oh, and other games.
    Pygmy Island
    Well, just wondering, if it's so good, then how come DARE and other programs like Above the Influence advertise against it so much? I mean, they wouldn't lie about it.
  11. The Bat Outta Hell

    The Bat Outta Hell Moderator
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    Mar 10, 2009
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    Lmao DARE.

    The people who thought kids would listen to a talking lion were on drugs.
  12. IKnowHow2Fly

    IKnowHow2Fly Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2009
    I remember that crap!
    Wasted time being in class so I was ok with it :)
  13. saintsalive

    saintsalive Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Playing pocket god! Oh, and other games.
    Pygmy Island

    DARE is kinda weird. I mean, the Lion. But at least they're educating kids against drugs that could really hurt them(Which according to you guys Pot is not one of those drugs).
  14. oldskooler81

    oldskooler81 Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    DARE is a program that teaches kids to say No it never really teaches them about drugs any more
    and ATI is a program that just fails i mean half of those ads you have to be smoking pot to get
  15. The Bat Outta Hell

    The Bat Outta Hell Moderator
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    Mar 10, 2009
    Hat Salesman
    The best thing those programs can do is encourage drug use, and show a bunch of pricks (Saved by the bell type actors with big stupid grins) smoking and snorting.

    People will say, "I don't want to end up like those pricks!" and will refuse to use drugs :D

    I totally agree, ATI's commercials are made by people tripping on acid :p
  16. dmbfan1192

    dmbfan1192 Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2009
    My IB buddies and I love to do our Theory of Knowledge homework high lmao. For those who don't know "TOK" is a class about the different ways of "knowing" and how things can not be completely true. It is discussion based class that commonly turns into deep conversations that resemble those of a group of students getting high. We'd go to Border's, smoke in the parking lot, and discuss our homework in the non-fiction section (the section where nobody goes). Also, two out of three of the biggest dealers in my school are in IB (probably cause they are smart enough to rip the idiots off).

    However, I'm going to have to agree that this is not the majority of pot smokers. The majority of the regular smokers in my school are close to or below failing and although many are IB students going on to ivies, most end up in community colleges or no college at all. Smoking can be social and fun when used responsibly. For example, I wouldn't say that doing TOK hw high is a bad thing, but people that come in first period every day high out of their minds and are too high to have friends are being completely irresponsible.

    As for my opinion, I think that marijuana should stay illegal. People who want it badly enough can get it and the law definitely deters a lot of people who would smoke if legal. Also, charging people for possession of marijuana rakes in a lot of money.
  17. Tman456

    Tman456 Member

    May 4, 2009
    I strongly believe that it should be legal. I'm a medical marijuana patient and I smoke weed very often. I also make video games, get straight A's in college, and work out at the gym every day.

    It's because I know how to use marijuana properly. Addiction and abuse comes from irresponsibility.

    Eating, smoking cigarettes, watching TV, drinking alcohol, having sex, and smoking weed can all be abused and lead you to develop harmful effects on your body and mind. But notice out of that list, weed is the only one that is illegal. But why? Because of tradition.

    Ferrets are still illegal in three states even though its been found that they'd create absolutely no environmental damage. But they are illegal in those states just because the politicians don't want to take the time to overturn the law.

    So many benefits would come from legalizing it. But more benefits would come from a population that was mentally strong and responsible.
  18. Fletch

    Fletch Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2009
    The Internet
    No time to read this whole thread, but gee, I didn't realize we had so many stoners on these forums...obviously anyone who smokes weed is gonna say it should be legalized - your guys opinions have little to no value here imo...
  19. AaronAMV

    AaronAMV Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2009
    ^i don't smoke weed, but ****ing lol

    DARE was about stopping the use of drugs in school, but I think it was more against cigarettes, not pot.
  20. Tman456

    Tman456 Member

    May 4, 2009

    Same thing goes for people who don't smoke weed. If a stoner's opinion has no value then your opinions also have little to no value here imo.

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