Legalization of Marijuana?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Giggity, Jul 21, 2009.

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Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

  1. Yes

    198 vote(s)
  2. No

    134 vote(s)
  1. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    #61 Booch138, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009
    I was actually going to post more about this debate, untill I saw this post. At that point in time, I gave up all hope for the possibility of intelligent conversation with the opposing side of the argument of this thread. (HardcoreEricXXX is just opinionated, not nessisarily ignorant)

    The only thing Obama has quoted saying is that the war against dugs needs a serious reform. The fight against marajuana is (sorry to all you f*cking naysayers) not working at all. That's it, never said he was going to legalize it or anything. He is for medical marijuana though, and even that I am fine with.

    Le'Deuche and Crzychkn are about the only ones who really have a fundamental idea of the point of this argument. It's our choice if we want to do it. The drug itself, is more harmless than alcohol or tabacco. Put in the wrong hands (as with ANYTHING) and it could be detrimental to one's life (whether that be socially, physically, etc.).


    I voted "Legalize it".
  2. Giggity

    Giggity Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Looking For Job
  3. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    #63 Electric_Shaman, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
    I seriously hope HardcoreEric is some kind of mastermind troll. Everything he posts makes me cringe.

    Obama's promises on MJ: first, go google it yourself instead of asking, it saves time. He never promised anything directly, granted, but he has been more open on the issue, he has admitted that "The war on drugs has been an utter failure" and that the decriminalization of marijuana could be part of a complete overhaul in the 'war on drugs'.

    And yes well done, the cost of living in New York is more expensive than Amsterdam. Oh yes that's right, it's higher than most other places too. What was your point are you trying to prove? Especially seeing as you then claim the price of a quarter of an illegal substance is apparently standardized in 2 different states and a different country (where it is a legal substance).

    Pot, the plant itself, does not have naturally occurring fertilizers and pesticides. So yes it is safe. When I say safe, I mean relative to other drugs, legal or otherwise.

    And no, that was not my point at all. It's not that the prisoners will fear further retribution because of their contribution to the study (otherwise there would be 0% involvement, who would risk more jail time for no reward?), it's that from a theoretical standpoint, you are asking a group of individuals who the law has classified as immoral to pretty please be moral and answer these questions truthfully.

    Also can you please stick some evidence in your next reply. It's no fun debunking your half arsed generalizations.
  4. HardcoreEricXXX

    HardcoreEricXXX Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    #64 HardcoreEricXXX, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
    I mean, for real, did you just get done taking bong hits? You just contradicted everything from your first post. Let me refresh some of the quotes from your previous post.
    "It depends on if our good friend Barrack is going to live up to ALL of his campaign promises." You told me he made promises, I looked, found nothing. Now you agree that he never made promises. He's a flake and will never do a thing to decriminalize ( let alone legalize) marijuana.

    "You're talking about a different continent genius, the cost of living is completely different." Between three different places, with three different costs of living, two different continents, and three different types of enforcement (rural, urban, and decriminalized), and pot is still the same price everywhere you go (except in third world countries, got offered an ounce in Bangladesh for $13)

    "Pot, the plant itself, does not have naturally occurring fertilizers and pesticides." Unless you're growning your own stuff, or all you smoke is primo grade organic headies, you are smoking fertilizers and pesticides. There's no doubt about it. And even if it doesnt, unless all your planning on doing is baking brownies or extracting the THC in a way that you are able to just injest THC, smoking anything is dangerous to your health and to the people around you.

    "When I say safe, I mean relative to other drugs, legal or otherwise."
    Need it for stress releif, how about marinol? it still retains any medical benifits of marijuana but doesnt provide the smoke. Need it for insomnia? eat a Zanex. You think smoking marijuana is safer than marinol or zanex?

    "These are all societal problems that arise and which can be controlled with the correct measures." Can they control second hand smoke? Can they control increased health insurance rates because of the influx of respiratory problems of pot + cigarette smokers, or increased car insurance for the increased DUI's and resulting wrecks, Me being subject to your smoke, or hard workers having to deal with burnt out pot heads who can't seem to follow ( or remember) directions. (If you've ever had a job with someone who doesnt get high very often, and they come into work stoned, its like baby sitting). What measures will stop these things from happening?

    All the people in this thread keep on claiming they have a right to smoke, well unfortunatly you only have a choice to smoke. You have no right to do something that has a negative impact on me or my community. If you have a right to smoke pot, why not fight for the right to shoot up heroin, or the snort a line of coke? Cause no one has the right to do drugs, they just have a choice.
    As for the criminal statistics, sure you can argue thats its an imcomplete sample, but finding a single webpage that contradicts that criminal offenders are exponentially more likely to be habitual drug users proves to be a daunting task:

    Maybe you (generalized, includes all the supporters in this thread) should list sources for your information, you (and all of the other supporters) haven't even touched on why it should be legal. You have provided no evidence that legalizing marijuana will be helpful in the long run for everyone. I've done my research, I can sit here and tell you why pot should be decriminalized all day, but arguing for it to be legalized is an uphill battle. If all you can say is that you have a right to burn, it only makes you look like an uneducated user with no interest in truely fighting for your rights. I'm truely insulted if you are a fellow pot smoker and can't come up with some simple reasons as to why it should be legal. All you do is wave the Bill of Rights in the air like they mean something.
    And for the people that think I'm ignorant, look up the word: To have no knowledge of the subject. Everyone wants to say I'm just voicing opinions and my sources are incomplete, well you all are just being speculative and have no opposing evidence that suggests otherwise, you have no clue of the results cause you've never experianced the legalization of marijuana. You cant just advocate for a law on a bunch of presumptions. I'm defending the law based on fact and my first hand experiance, which I would say is the farthest thing from ignorant.
    I feel like you had a hershey squirt all over my screen, if you're the future for the advocation for reform of marijuana law, I'm sorry to say, the legalization or decriminalization of marijuana will never see the light of day.
  5. Sierra275

    Sierra275 Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2008
    I don't see why the hell drugs are banned anyway. People should be allowed to do whatever they want to themselves; to prevent a person from doing something, which has no negative effect on other people, is a breach of human rights. You aren't hurting anyone by smoking marijuana, so you should damn well be allowed to use it.
  6. teagan1000000

    teagan1000000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    everyone who says no is misinformed, marijuana has no reason to be illegal, its good for you, even you rednecks you have a deep hate for marijuana for no reason if its legalized the drug wars in mexico qould stop and the underground criminal world thrives off selling weed so once everyone can go to a nice headshop and buy some weed you know the moneys not going to guns , if you dont agree do yourself a favor and read the facts, thats all that matters getting people to know the truth
  7. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    You ask what measures will stop people going to work high and driving high, why the very same measures that "attempt" to prevent alcohol consumption duh! How can you sit there and pick and choose what you will "allow" people to indulge in. I don't like alcohol, so why shouldn't I have an alternative. An alternative that's statiscally safer. I'm not here to do a dissertation on the subject, as I'm sure a simple google search will support my claims.

    And out of your whole post, what really made me LAUGH was when you asked if pot was safer then xanax, OF Course it is. Have you had ANY experience with Xanax. Unfortunately your right in that I can offer only subjective experience on this particular segment, but I have seen the effects of xanax on friends and family. And furthermore What if I don't like xanax??? Who are you to decide what I'M allowed to take to "relax". I'm a far right winger, so believe that freedom, is a mans right, and personal responsibility his duty. Should the government be allowed to tell you what to eat??? When to exercise??? What time you need to be home at night?? If you answered no, then why should they be able to prohibit my choice and ability to engage in an activity that is harmful to no one but my self. This boils down to whether you believe in Freedom and responsibility or control and dependency.
  8. teagan1000000

    teagan1000000 Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    a few things, first, you seem pretty sure your right, but you are wayy the **** off, second, we have all the right to smoke it, im sure u smoke ciggarettes and tobbaco is smoked the same way as weed, its just a plant, a ciggarette is bad because it has chemicals and tobbaco, weed has no chemicals and is proven safe and good for you, im sure you are a republican too, drill baby drill, giter dunn palin!, and why do retards always say its a gateway drug u have to be ****ing kidding yea i smoked aome weed the other day now i feel like taking crack or glue, alchohol will kill you much faster than weed, i read a can of beer is worse for you than a 2 gram joint
  9. 1337brian

    1337brian Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    In My Head
    We will never see a legalization effort in full swing until there is a reliable way to test people driving under the influence... When drinking there is a way to tell how much a person has had through their B.A.C. (Blood alchohol content).
    There is no way to test on the fly how much THC is in somones system and if they are currently high. Somone who smokes everyday will have a much higher THC level in their blood then somone who just burned a joint for the first time. But that first time smoker could be "Much higher" then your everyday smoker for a number of reasons...
  10. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Absolutely agree! I haven't been arguing the difficulties of making it legal, it would take major reforms. I'm mearly commenting on hypocrisy of allowing similar impairing substances and denying others:) Good to see you jump in Brian, hope this doesn't scare you away from the nursery:)
  11. HardcoreEricXXX

    HardcoreEricXXX Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    I'm sure that the government would have made alcohol illegal if it was something new (20th century). Every single thing that pop's up as a recreational drug in my state quickly becomes illegal or put behind the counter (ID required), I'm sure it's the same across the country. There are dry towns across the country. Pot was never a problem before it became a recreational drug. It's a dangerous drug that when consumed makes you an instant danger to other people, you're high as soon as you breath out. Every person has a right to live, and when you alter your minds state, you become a danger to everyones Rights including your own. We live in a time where guns aren't the primary death machine of humans, it's 1,2,3 ton cars and trucks and 30 ton eighteen wheelers. Making drugs easily excessible is not the correct way to solve any solution.
    The way I eat, exercise, and spend my nights is not an immediate threat to another human being. I can eat food, go biking, and go play pool all in one day, and every time I get behind the wheel I'm a control variable where drunk and drugged drivers are the independent variable and the dependent variable is the driver performance. I know plenty of people that drug drink and drive, and it makes me pretty upset that there isnt a better way of enforcing it (I do smoke then drive, I'd quit if they could catch me).
    Xanax is safe as long as you are using it as prescribed, don't buy it off the internet, and you are the person it is prescribed for:
    Do not drink alcohol while taking Xanax. This medication can increase the effects of alcohol. Xanax may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Xanax should never be shared with another person, especially someone who has a history of drug abuse or addiction. Keep the medication in a secure place where others cannot get to it.
  12. 1337brian

    1337brian Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    In My Head
    LoL, No sir, I am probably the first guy you'll meet who is for reform...
    I'm more against alcohol, then pot... I have had 3 friends die from drinking and driving, nobody i have ever met has died from a result of pot... Plus it's the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning ;)
  13. HardcoreEricXXX

    HardcoreEricXXX Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    I usually try to skim over all the stupid posts, but this one has bit the bullet. I don't smoke cigarettes, commercial/consumer weed does have chemicals and its been proven + exponential amounts of tar and has never been proven good for you. I'm unbiased, I like what the Libertarians have to say though. I think a better future for America is knowledgable energy conservation and 'green' energy sources. Palin was the worst choice the Republican party could have ever made to be a Vice-President. If I didn't smoke pot, I probably would have never hung out with the people that snort coke or met people that have harder drugs. Yay for glue! A drink a day keeps the doctor away! ( And wikipedia is not a credible source. Put down your J and go to college!
  14. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Well I guess it boils down to, you think "high" people are dangerous, and I don't. Not EVERYONE does stupid things while intoxicated. What if I don't drive, and only use in my home??? Why don't I have the right to experience altered states of consciousnous?? I'm sorry to say, but I've yet to experience a situation where "I" was not in control of my actions on cannabis. NEVER!! There has NEVER been an OD and that alone seperates this from other schedule one drugs, and what's funny is that it's schedule one in the first place. This means it has a high potential for abuse and no known medical uses. Now doesn't that sound like a load of shit. Cocaine is schedule 2 last I checked. What???? Xanax is schedule 4. Again what??? Comparing the right to smoke to the right to "inject heroin" is asinine as some drugs have a know lethality and others don't.
  15. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Your a fellow libertarian??? YOU of all people should respect one's right to freedom. Come on Eric:)
  16. HardcoreEricXXX

    HardcoreEricXXX Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    #76 HardcoreEricXXX, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
    I'm unbiased, there are things about each party I admire, but it really boils down to the canidate. I believe in the freedom of individuals to pursue their lives as they see fit, as long as they cause no harm to others, with minimal governmental interference. I see drugs as a threat to public safety, therefore should be enforced.
  17. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Drugs are not for everyone, and some are extremely dangerous, mostly to the user, however some altered states of consciousness are very spiritual and offer insight that may otherwise be impossible to acheive. Just because some people fail in their personal responsibility, why should those who don't be punished? Is everyone that drinks a public safety hazard?? Again, if I'm sitting at home watching a movie blazing a doob, who am I hurting????
  18. 1337brian

    1337brian Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    In My Head
    Correct some drugs would be liability to society, Like LSD... If everyone was "awakened" this society in it's current form couldn't work. Also addicting drugs like Crack cocaine and herion are highly addicting and dangerous. Speed can make people violent, as can achohol. The point is there is somone in a congressional chair who has smoked pot most likely sometime in their life, telling me that I can't do it in my home, Which I pay for, away from any children... I have never seen somone on pot "Act" out, or get "crazy"... I have seen a drunk get so messed up he crapped his pants. So if anything lets get achohol banned, I see it as a bigger threat to public safety then MJ...

    But what can we say Eric? Go watch reefer madness again....
  19. HardcoreEricXXX

    HardcoreEricXXX Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    No one. That's why if you're a responsible user and know your rights, it shouldn't really be a problem that it's illegal. If you're worried about getting pulled over on your way home from your dealer's place, don't give him any reason to think you're under the influence or that you are concealing something, and politely ask to see a warrant if he wants to search your vehicle.
  20. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    I think you really should check this out man just before you embed these thoughts further. I mean believe what you want to believe, I am only h ere to attempt to change your mind, but I don't expect it.

    The show was called "Should I smoke dope?" And it was about a reporter smoking (I believe for the first time) and getting introduced to the world of pot. In it she did certain studies involving Driving while on like 6 classes of wine or something, and a joint. Now I understand that it is only one person, but you should really see the outcome. It's hilarious how much worse she drives when drunk, and how surprisingly well she drives high. I am in no way an advocate of driving under the influence, personally I think it's ****ing stupid.

    And you are going to compare man-made chemicals to the natural Cannibus plant...? I don't see your logic. I hate pills, all kinds. If I have to avoid taking them alltogether I will. I do take some, but I hate them.

    And last off, I know very few people who smoke and drive. Most people want to hang out indoors and watch something/play something. Hang out, socialize. No one ever says "Lets go out and drive around!" and if someone does, usually someone has the smarts to say "I'm too high for that". Thus ending the potential "danger". Alcohol however.... ho ho ho... If someone says "Lets go out driving!" that usually results in drunken idiots agreeing and going to the local 24 hour wal-mart to try and pick up random shit, get kicked out and causing all kinds of potential "Danger". Of course this is really an exaggeration, but my point remains the same. Neither are safe to drive with at all, but that's with any substance.

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