Legalization of Marijuana?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Giggity, Jul 21, 2009.

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Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

  1. Yes

    198 vote(s)
  2. No

    134 vote(s)
  1. HardcoreEricXXX

    HardcoreEricXXX Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    I had a drug test this morning for a new job. I was interested in hearing other peoples experiences with drug tests, in an attempt to calm my nerves.
    I had only been clean since Monday. I drank 48-72oz of beer and at least 60oz of water each day. I also ate alot of red meat. I didn't want to give them my first void this morning, so I set my alarm to go off every two hours last night. I'd wake up to take a pee and drink a bottle of water. My DT was at 8am, so I woke up at 6am and took a couple of aspirin, took a pee, and drank another bottle of water. I was pretty empty when I got to LabCorp, but managed to squeeze out just enough for the test. It wasn't watered down, nor extremely dark yellow. I'm about 150, very low fat percentage, athletic, and a moderate-fast metabolism. I'm pretty nervous, and was wondering if anyone has passed a test with less time and without the use of detox (which I think are a crock anyways).
    And if it didn't look watered down, should I go chief a bowl?
  2. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    Sounds like you might've gotten it taken care of, but you did mess up by not drinking loads of cranberry juice, probably the best system detox.

    You already took the test though, go chief a bowl lol.
  3. HardcoreEricXXX

    HardcoreEricXXX Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    #703 HardcoreEricXXX, Jun 14, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2010
    Daaaaaammnnn! That bowl got me ripped. I hope they don't give me a call, and tell me to come take another one because the first one was invalid (too watery or some unforeseen reason).
    I also read that any dark liquid will do. I only drink strong lagers, like Steele Reserve and Earthquake. I'm sure it doesn't work as well, but I'm hoping it's better than nothing.
  4. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    I really don't think they'll call you back for it being too watery lol :p Pretty sure you're good dude..Even so there's no reason to worry over it; what's done is done and besides, you already smoked a bowl lol :D
  5. Duke Floss

    Duke Floss Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Writer - Producer - Engineer
    English Roundabout
    It only takes 1 beer for impaired judgement and it is legal. Right now the money is ending up in the exact same place it would end up if it were legalized - only right now the money has far less restrictions on it.
  6. HardcoreEricXXX

    HardcoreEricXXX Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    It doesn't take a single beer for somebody to have poor judgement, I have several friends that are living truth to that statement. But an average, head-on-their-shoulders human being can drink a couple beers and use rational thinking while driving. I can take a single hit of marijuana and be f-ed up and drowsy (which is a whole lot worse than either) for many hours.
    I get taxed the same for alcohol as I do any other grocery I buy at the store. Marijuana would likely have sky-high (no pun intended) taxes, 100-300% or even higher.
  7. Alcohol is taxed to the nines. You just don't see most of it because it's built-in to the price, like cigarettes.
  8. Duke Floss

    Duke Floss Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Writer - Producer - Engineer
    English Roundabout

    you can develop a tolerance to alcohol just like you can to THC or anything else you might take into your system.
  9. Giggity

    Giggity Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Looking For Job
    It's not a very noticeable tolerence.. if there is one... but I can see it affecting me a lil less since the last year. heh. BUMP XD
  10. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Have to disagree with that, whilst it isn't as noticeable as marijuana tolerance, it is noticeable.

    Of course for alcohol, a lot of it depends how fast you drink, what you're drinking, and what's in your stomach.
  11. Giggity

    Giggity Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Looking For Job
    Well I was just refering to marijuana. It seems for me that when I get high I don't get the same feeling I used to as when I had just started. For alcohol I've definitly noticed a tolerance, but marijuana wise.. I don't know if I can call it a tolerance.
  12. TheGreemSim

    TheGreemSim Well-Known Member

  13. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Oh right, misinterpreted your post a little there, in that case I definitely disagree. If I smoke heavily for a period (like a week or two), by the end of it I'll definitely be getting less high than at the beginning of it, on the same amount of course.
  14. Giggity

    Giggity Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Looking For Job
    Huh.. really? When I first started smoking it took more to get me high and I didn't really feel it, but my friends were already on cloud 9. Now when I take a hit off a bowl im blazed in a shorter period of time, I just feel alot different then the times when I first started smoking.
  15. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Oh I agree that I feel it faster than when I first started smoking, but it definitely takes me more to get to the same level.
    Like you can kind of emulate your first time if you smoke a decent amount of some good bud. Most recently I shared 3 spliffs between myself and 2 friends, got through all of them in about 20 minutes, damnnnn I have not been that baked in a long time.

    But anyway, tolerance affects different people in different ways. It's also very very dependent on how much and how often you're smoking. I guess you'd have to smoke at least twice a day for about a week to see your tolerance rising in a significant way.
  16. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2010
    college student, ENG/WGS major
    Lexington, KY
    o_O @ resurrecting a year-old thread.

    I support the legalization of Marijuana...not because I like it (i absolutely despise it and i don't like being around people who smoke it), but because I think having it illegal prevents a lot of regulation. It gets contaminated with impurities which could be dangerous, and the drug trade itself is a danger too. It's a pretty benign and relatively un-addictive drug. I also think that the penalties (10-20 years in prison...even worse than rape for some cases) are ridiculous and definitely fall under "cruel and unusual".

    As a citizen of the state of Kentucky, I also support it for the economic benefits it would provide farmers.
  17. Psykikgmr

    Psykikgmr Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    illegalize alcohol
    Legalize marijuana

    Alcohol is for junkies :D
  18. Giggity

    Giggity Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Looking For Job
    Ya over summer on average i smoked 2 blunts a day.. everday. School weeks I smoke on the weekends and sometimes on week days. I may stop smoking for 2 weeks and smoke and see how that goes, then smoke consecutively for a while and smoke and see how that goes, then compare the two results lol. Of course I'll have to smoke the same quantities and smoke the same bud... but it may show some insight.
  19. doodlejumper

    doodlejumper Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    Stuck in traffic
    I support the legalization, but if it happens, all the tobacco companies would be all over it trying to market it to kids. They would be making different varieties and who knows what else. It would turn into a mess and then there would be quit weed commercials all over the tube. Of course I'm speaking from a the point of view of someone who has never been moved enough to actually try the stuff.
  20. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    What makes you think weed would be marketed to kids any more than tobacco or alcohol is?

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