Legalization of Marijuana?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Giggity, Jul 21, 2009.

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Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

  1. Yes

    198 vote(s)
  2. No

    134 vote(s)
  1. Giggity

    Giggity Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Looking For Job
    I basically smoke 3-4 times a week. Used to be everyday. I have smoked this way for about 2 years. I am a 3.8 GPA student, ranked second in my class, in NHS (even though I don't do shit), and I am in good physical condition. I work out 3 times week. No health problems. I'm pretty sure weeds not bad for you. Oh the only bad thing I can think of... is job drug tests. But then again thats where the detox comes in... ha.
  2. Giggity

    Giggity Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Looking For Job
    I <3 California.
  3. InvincibleBears

    InvincibleBears Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    School ~ Senior
    The legalization of marijuana eh?
    Though I don't smoke I do think it'd b a fine idea...
  4. Giggity

    Giggity Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Looking For Job
    Lol yeaaa. Its comming. Havn't heard any recent news on what Californias doing since that bill passed to legalize weed...
  5. misfitskater6

    misfitskater6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2009
    Seattle, WA
    Potential is growing in Washington state as well, stoked about it.
  6. Maeks

    Maeks Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    I still think it's funny that people get all excited when a state talks about legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes.

    Because odds are you STILL won't be able to smoke it, unless you can find a cool (but very irresponsible) doctor.

    Though admittedly, it is just one step closer to legalizing it for everyone, which I just don't think will happen.
  7. I don't smoke (weed), don't like (tried it several times when I was younger though), don't approve of it and don't like being around people who are high. It also does have more long-term effects on overall health for regular (once daily or greater) users (higher incidence of cancer, heart problems, problems with memory, awareness of surroundings and attentiveness ("burnout") and so on). (I do smoke tobacco so I'm not immune to persecution for having a habit that has negative effects on my health; my main beef with weed really is the needless altering of mental states and how it effects the brain long-term.)

    That said, I think it should be legalized, regulated, and and heavily taxed. Weed is a soft drug, and while it has more long-term health effects than tobacco, it's not really much worse than alcohol (booze, not beer) which has its own lovely spate of health effects, and should be treated as such. It isn't so much marijuana's rather moderate deleterious effects that I'm concerned about though as it is the sheer waste of law enforcement resources being expended on enforcing existing marijuana laws. Those resources could be put to far better and more effective use cracking down on real crimes instead of wasting their time busting the chops of every pothead they come across. Let 'em smoke up.

    But I'd like it if smoking weed wasn't allowed out of doors. Do it in private and I'm cool with it.
  8. Lombardo

    Lombardo Well-Known Member

    Tobacco smells awful, do that inside.
  9. RttaM

    RttaM Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2010

    Tobacco doesn't smell awful. At least Cigarette Smoke doesn't.
  10. Lombardo

    Lombardo Well-Known Member

    Cigarette smoke most certainly does smell awful. Cigars aren't that bad.
  11. Maeks

    Maeks Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    On cigarette smoke:

    For me, it depends. When someone first lights a cigarette, I actually kind of like the smell. Like when you first light a match.

    But when they cigarette is actually lit, I think it depends on the person and which brand they're smoking. Obviously if the person is a huge smoker, it will stink bad. But I've had friends who smoke and they'll go outside or something, and I actually don't mind the smell.

    It doesnt' help, though, that cigarette smell is largely associated with white trash, at least for me.

    Can't stand marijuana smoke though. Nasty stuff.

    Cigars just smells classy.
  12. When I was a kid I actually kinda liked the smell of cigarette smoke. I used to get dragged to auctions and, being that this was the 70s at the time, fully half the room would light up. I didn't mind it. My maternal grandfather smoked a pipe, and I loved the smell of those. Cigars smell good too.

    Cigarette smoke isn't for everyone, but I think as an odour, it's much less offensive on first whiff than marijuana. And of course, cigarette smoke doesn't have any deleterious effects, so other than its bothersome nature to some, it isn't going to effect you in any significant way if you're stuck in the path of someone's weed exhaust.
  13. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Cigarette smoke itself isn't too bad, but the smell it creates on your clothes and in your house is downright f***ing sick.
  14. That's why I keep body spray on me on the go (Axe bullets, nice and portable), and have air freshener around the house. :)

    Of course, we have cats, so air freshener is a must around here.
  15. dumbname

    dumbname Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2009
    i'm not trying to be that immature teenager, but pots the shit. however, i like it the way it is and would rather it not be legal. i'm in NJ, and it just became medically legal, so thats cool but anything past that i think is dumb (like my name BAHAHAHA). Unfortunately, I smoke like everyday, and probably a handful of you guys do too, but I know it prevented me from doing a lot more than i am currently doing (academically speaking). I am in all honors and AP, except for spanish, but my work effort is pathetic.

    ahh, all this talk , i'm actually gonna go rip a bowl right now and watch Avatar the last airbender. shut up it's a damn good show. (also Tim and Eric's Awesome Show)
  16. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    I just judged you.
  17. dumbname

    dumbname Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2009
    haha what you don't like that show?
  18. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    God no..Lol. There's way better high shows to watch than that.
  19. dumbname

    dumbname Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2009
    hmm, sportscenter LOL

    anything on cartoon network,
    law and order,
    grandma's boy (movie, but always on)

    thats what recently has been on when i'm high trying to be entertained.
  20. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    Lol ok I'll admit Spongebob is a pretty good one :p

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