Legalization of Marijuana?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Giggity, Jul 21, 2009.

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Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

  1. Yes

    198 vote(s)
  2. No

    134 vote(s)
  1. EssentialParadox

    EssentialParadox Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
    UK / Toronto
    Marijuana is just as bad for the lungs as cigarettes are when it's smoked regularly, some research suggests it may be worse. I don't see the sense in phasing out cigarettes for being bad for health but at the same time legalizing another drug with similar health issues - What's the point? Studies even show ecstasy to be a safer illegal drug than cannabis.
  2. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Oddly enough, inhaling the by product of almost any combustable material including plant vegetation will yield similar results. THC when vaporised or taken in pill form obviously lack the side effects your describing. This is technically not a SMOKE marijuana thread so much as it is a legalize it thread.
  3. Foozelz

    Foozelz Well-Known Member

    #243 Foozelz, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2009
  4. intake66

    intake66 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    Napa, California
    My main point on this topic is simply, I never open the paper and read that soe dude who was high got in a car accident and killed a family of four as we do daily with drunk driving. If you are smoking weed you are probably eatting doritos in your under-roos watching sponge bob or listening to pink floyd in your basement. lol I say legalize it, tax it and the world would be a much more relaxed place.
  5. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    the only reason bud isnt legalized is cause im sure the tobacco and alcohol companies are doing w/e they can to prevent it. i mean, think of how much business the weed industry would make [already does, just illegally ;)]
  6. loves2spoon

    loves2spoon Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    2 words

    Vapour Genie
  7. monk666

    monk666 Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    Why don't you pot-heads roll up your blankets and move to Canada or the Netherlands? Over-My-Dead-Body is this thing gonna be legalized. You guys don't know WTF it can do to you and no, don't shove your hippy-anti-government-crap at me. If people smoke this before/while they drive or do anything else with a hint of danger, they are gonna get themselves and countless other INNOCENT people killed. Chew on that.
  8. i'm only down for legalization if it'll reduce prices ;D

    PS... narc !
  9. X k kush chronic acid mushrooms yayo 2c-b pcp nitrous !
  10. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Hippy?? Wow! Over your dead body it is then, cause we're winning so you'll just have to STFU and deal with it. The feds have already agreed to let states govern themselves in regards to marijuana legislation, so chew on that **** tard!
  11. Maeks

    Maeks Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008

    I doubt it's some big conspiracy by the alcohol and tobacco companies. I'd even guess that the tobacco companies would try to get in On Legalized marijuana if they had the oppurtunity.

    No, I think it's the same people who want the selling of m rated games to children to be a felony, and rap music to be banned. In other words, mothers with too much free time and politicians trying to appeal to said mothers sotheyll vote for them.
  12. oldskooler81

    oldskooler81 Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Im not sure what your talking about becuase the last thing i wanna do when i smoke pot is drive or do any thing dangerous
    maybe someone one will do that when there drunk or on other drugs like meth cocaine crack
    im not a hippy i were normal cloths and take showers and eat meat
    anti-government yes the government does suck but we need one

    the illegal selling of marijuana in 2008 was greater then corn
    also i dont think its that harmful i know people that have been smoking for 30 years and are extremely healthy and very smart
  13. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    #253 le'deuche123, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2009
    No point trying to reason with him, . Typical moron...
  14. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    I don't know "WTF" it can do to me? Really? Other stoners dont know "WTF" it can do to them? You must've not ever expanded your world by smokin a few blunts. That, or your one of those, and it just isn't your thing. But, instead of accepting that its not bad at all, you instead choose to completely close off all valid arguments. Tell me many reported deaths are there from bud alone? Let me help you out: zero. Most people who are high won't drive unless they know they can handle it, and in all honesty it isn't even hard, whatsoever. Alcohol related car accidents overwhelm those caused by people who were high. Its a fact. So tell me how you rationalize this in your head: alcohol is legal and has killed thousands and thousands ofINNOCENT people, while weed is illegal and has caused more than likely way less than that. Chew on that, before you go making belligerent statements like that, check your facts. You're sadly mistaken.
  15. super6ft7

    super6ft7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2008
    mmmmmm.... drugs
  16. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    "weed's not a drug!! It's a grows right out of the ground...I know..I've seen it..."- KW
  17. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    good quote :) and so true.
  18. jway

    jway New Member

    Nov 3, 2009

    Nonsense you're thirty years out of date! lol Marijuana has been repeatedly proven in peer-reviewed research to NOT cause cancer of any type, heart disease, brain damage, emphysema or death.

    And that's when it's smoked! Vape it or eat it and it has absolutely NO risk at all!

    Marijuana has been widely used for the entire SEVENTY YEARS of the prohibition. We ALREADY live with whatever harm it causes! Look around you, read the papers, how much damage do you see from marijuana use, any?

    Now take a look at the damage caused by the prohibition - 6,000 brutal cartel murders last year alone, many of them children, police officers and politicians. This year they're on track to kill at least 7,000 people.

    The ONDCP has repeatedly told us that if we undercut the cartel's marijuana prices we'll eliminate two-thirds of their incomes and end their ability to continue committing these savage murders. So what are we waiting for?
  19. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    considering i smoke cigs [newports, particularly bad], smoke bud, and have used ecstasy multiple times [although in the bay area its thizz, fun fact rofl] i can say that whatever EssentialParadox said is the stupidest thing ive heard all day. idk how these dumbass ppl come up with these ludicrous "theories" :rolleyes:
  20. intake66

    intake66 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    Napa, California
    I can oonly speak for myself but having been a constant smoker for the past 6 years, i maintain a nice job and a great family with no issues. I have never had any health issues. I know in my area it's been reduced to the lowest punishable crime. To put this in perspective years back I received a DUI for being an idiot and getting into my car after leaving a bar. When the cops searched my car they found weed and a grinder. I was arrested for the DUI and rightfully so, the weed and the grinder was left for me to claim once I was released. Apparently anything under an ounce is not punishable in my area anymore. I have since quit drink and enjoy the benifits of smoking nightly. Also just to throw this out there, the memory loss claim is entirly false. I have no issues with memory. People are still freaked out by refer maddness I guess. :)

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