Legalization of Marijuana?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Giggity, Jul 21, 2009.

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Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

  1. Yes

    198 vote(s)
  2. No

    134 vote(s)
  1. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Oh my god I heard the pot smoking dope fiends are up in arms. They're lazily stumbling through the mall eating popcorn, and food court sesame chicken. Don't let their lacksidasical demeanor fool you, they'll lunge at your jugular the moment you step to close. These once human, "zombies" are societies greatest peril. It's proven pot kills 900% of a victims braincells after only one or two puffs. Look it up at
  2. dogmeat

    dogmeat Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Information Security Engineer
    San Francisco, CA
    Oh really?

    I beg to differ.

    Come to San Francisco, it will change your opinion. The entire town is practically smokin' up.

    Yet we seem to have a pretty awesome, clean city, with lots of jobs requiring high intelligence.
  3. yourofl10

    yourofl10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    Well on the first quote containging the presidents names, they didn;t have the knowledge back then that we did now. now if you use pot or something else for a medical reason I;m ok with that but if you just go ahead and smoke it for no good reason that is what I have a problem with.

    Well it's your IGNORANT opinion that pot should be legalized.

    Ok, then,

    Give me a verse in the Bible that talks about how pot using is good. If you do, I'll reconsider my thoughts.

    If drugs (like pot etc..) are used for a medical reason I'm ok with that (some illagal drugs can be used as pain killers). If using pot is not for medical reasons that I have a problem with using pot.
  4. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Hahahahahahahahahaha.......take a deep breath....hahahahahahahahaha!

    Seriously there's just so many things wrong with your post, especially this line, that I had to convey my inner laughter:)
  5. Nausicaa

    Nausicaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
    Sorry, I don't derive my moral code from a band of nomadic goat herders who lived over 2000 years ago. I prefer to consider reality as it is, not through the lens of myth.
  6. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    This can't be real.
  7. yourofl10

    yourofl10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    OK ok ok then.

    Give me 3 reasons using pot is good (besides for medical uses)
  8. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Fact is usually dumber than fiction:)
  9. dogmeat

    dogmeat Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Information Security Engineer
    San Francisco, CA
    See the family guy episode where they sing a whole song about "everythings better with a bag of weed"

    actually, here, this is the best one I could find on youtube:

  10. Myrobotwillneverdie

    Myrobotwillneverdie Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2009
    what do you even need reasons for?? holy crap

    wow, there sure is a lot of MIS-information going around. you do realize that the national drug council, among many others, spends millions upon millions on advertising, that is aimed (much like your cereal, toy, videogame, ads etc., etc.) towards kids like you, making all "drugs" sound like the end of days. when in reality weed is just a stupid plant, that consenting adults can choose to use. just like everything else. dont like it? dont smoke it. who cares
  11. Danzach

    Danzach Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2009
    North Carolina

    I was a police officer for 10 years. I cant even begin to tell you how amazing it would be for our country to no longer have cops wasting time chasing people with a plant.

    And now im in the health profession, and dam! The great things it does for HIV and cancer patients is priceless, not to mention countless other uses in the medical field.

    Good lord, lets not forget HEMP! You can grow it every year, it wont deplete the soil like cotton, but it lasts 10 years longer, you can eat the seeds, fuel cars with it, and,,, there was a car from Ford that was built and run entirely by hemp.

    So many people have been programed by government propaganda. Makes me sad... The good old days with Lincoln, when the government used logic and realized it lasted longer and printed the constitution on it, he has written poetry on how the best days of his life were spent on his back veranda smokin gods gift:)

    Read up people, its your right.
  12. yourofl10

    yourofl10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    Well, so what if they spend millions on do advertsing agaisnt pot it's their choice. Personally I don't pay attention to those ads. (don't assume I use pot now because I dont).
  13. Myrobotwillneverdie

    Myrobotwillneverdie Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2009
    #193 Myrobotwillneverdie, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2009
    the point i was trying to get across, ya know that box of cereal with the tiger on it? the one you love so much? thats because some company spent millions and millions telling you that its the best cereal. same concept. they spend crazy money making cool comercials telling you weed is bad. you listen because they have bought your attention.
  14. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    #194 le'deuche123, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2009
    Wow, never before have I seen someone so severely miss a point. You just don't get it.....I'll spell it out.....The "facts" you've been taught about weed specifically is WRONG. That's right I said wrong. You whether you believe it or not, are not speaking from any experience other than the vicarious ones you've been taught. Honestly it's not your fault, and chances are your too young to get the picture, so if that's the case, Stay out of any serious ADULT debates, until you can actually establish a rational argument to the contrary.
  15. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    I fear your rhetoric is wasted on him, as he is clearly too young, stupid, or ignorrant to see the big picture. Only what mommy, daddy, and "jesus" tell him.
  16. yourofl10

    yourofl10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    #196 yourofl10, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2009

    I get the point.
    i also want to add that pot has a good and bad side (good being for medical reasons) (bad to get people high which is isn't good for the community).

    I want to go to Danzach's post:

    See, I agree with him in the sense for the medical things (and for the car thing). But there's also a bad side to pot too.

    I havent been taught wrong, there are 2 sideas to pot (good and bad). So, I've got "The facts" to both sides. Thank you very much.
  17. Myrobotwillneverdie

    Myrobotwillneverdie Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2009
    im 26, have been a medical card-holder here in oregon for 4 years now. ive managed to start my own business, i just graduated college with an enviro-sci major and 3.7 GPA, and am gettin married in the spring. all while smoking weed, daily. so i really cant see the harm in it, while im living the "american dream"
  18. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Whooosh!!!.....A swing and a miss!
  19. Nausicaa

    Nausicaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
    #199 Nausicaa, Sep 24, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2009
    I'm afraid that's the wrong question to be asking. It doesn't really matter whether or not 'pot is good'. It isn't objectively good, that would be an entirely subjective call. I know plenty of people who have tried and not liked it. Others find it fun, or spiritually satisfying, or relaxing. As far as I'm concerned, those are reason enough.

    Why is going out to see a movie good? Why is sitting around playing iPhone games good? Or watching TV? Eating food with little nutritional value? After all, people could be engaged in far more productive activities during that time. Any number of things people do at their leisure could be perceived as wasteful, harmful, or as producing little benefit. Yet, they aren't prohibited from doing them. That's the essence of a modern and free civilized nation.

    Of course then the question becomes, does an activity like smoking marijuana result in enough net harm to warrant a prohibition. As it has been addressed in this thread many times, I think it's enough to say that no, cannabis isn't dangerous enough to warrant prohibition. Even several government funded commissions and studies have come to this conclusion.

    Even if it was, the question would then be, "is the prohibition effective at preventing this negative behavior?" Again, the answer is no. More people smoke now than at any time in our history. As I mentioned earlier, it's also exceedingly easy to come by. High school students report that it is easier to buy illegal marijuana than legal alcohol. All this, even though marijuana arrests and taxpayer dollars spend on the Drug War are also higher than they've ever been at any point in our past.

    Then, you also need to consider the externalities of prohibition. Namely, the nature of simple supply/demand economics. Restricted supply, plus large demand, equals higher prices and profit margins for those willing to take the risk and enter into a black market. Every criminal organization in the world derives a large portion of their income from the sale of illegal narcotics. We have enough examples in our own country, how these gangs destroy the communities they take over, but look how it affects Mexico, and other developing nations where drug production is common. Thousands of innocent people are dying every year as a result of the violence perpetrated by these warring factions and their struggles with law enforcement.

    Beyond that, our own government is also proactively involved in squelching the supply of drugs from abroad. Columbian farms and forests destroyed with pesticides and chemicals to curb the production of coca and cannabis. Poppy farmers arrested and stripped of their livelihood in Afghanistan. The beat goes on and on and on.

    So, I don't need 3 reasons why cannabis is 'good'. It's a relatively simple cost/benefit analysis at this point. Prohibition is incredibly destructive and costly, while also largely ineffective. These costs significantly outweigh those of legal marijuana - which in all likelihood would provide a net benefit given the current sorry state of affairs. And we know this because there are plenty of successful examples of various degrees of decriminalization and legalization that haven't resulted in social catastrophe. We have California. There's Amsterdam, where cannabis use among the native Dutch is much lower than the in the United States. Portugal has also found success in this area.

    And there goes some more of my work day. I think I've said my piece.
  20. yourofl10

    yourofl10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    Your not worth it to argue over.

    Good for you, if you wish too thats your own choice.

    I don't really care.


    Anyways, everyone has their own opinions on things. I can't make you change your mind and you can't make me change my mind. Sorta point less.

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