I understand this but I disagree. I think right now the fact that there's people who are happy simply getting gold trophies, and then those who must have the fruit cup trophies, means that adding in some sort of checkmark or something on levels you've completed with no checkpoints wouldn't disrupt anything. I mean if that was the case then shouldn't the gold trophy people be mad that a fruit cup trophy exists? As a pretty hardcore completionist I'm just throwing my vote in for having some sort of indicator for no checkpoint runs. It'll give me a nice additional goal to shoot for after getting all fruit cups
Oh wow, wish I had noticed this post. I would totally be the first to delete the game if some sort of indicator was implemented into the game. Getting a fruit cup is totally attainable. Going for no checkpoints EVERY DAY is completely different and will break me and I'd rather not bother anymore.
I still think using a no checkpoint run (or runs) as a character unlocking achievement is the way to go. Maybe if that required, say, 10 no checkpoint runs, the space where the character is unlocked could show which days you used rather than on the main calendar. Personally, without an unlockable (and maybe even with one), I'm not going to try to go for a no checkpoint run. I don't have AppleCare.
Hmmmm, this is a divisive issue! What about a completely separate "Checkpoint Challenge" mode that had its own calendar and the one and only goal was to beat the entire level from start to finish. Don't even have any fruit or checkpoints in the level at all. That way crazy hardcore people could take a stab at tackling those additional goals, but they wouldn't be staring in the face of those who want to just get the different trophies in the regular mode.
How about an extra button on the calendar screen that overlays the current display with a new icon for days where you've completed it with no deaths? That way anyone who only goes for 100% completion doesn't have to ever see it, and those who do also have an option.
All good ideas but we're concerned of the amount of work involved to make something that works for all when it will be used by the few. We might be better putting time into features everyone will enjoy. I'm sure we will tackle it somehow. In the meantime I wanted to show you how we fixed the premium issue of missing some features from the auto checkpoints. So in the new build you can still go in the side room and use a fancy new 'free chest' to unlock the checkpoints. This brings it in line with the none premium experience but without ads. We also have a toggle in the options screen to swap between this new unlock system and the current auto unlock system if you prefer. It's a small update but it has a few other neat things too. There are also a few other things coming in the new update like bug fixes for the achievements. There is a nice new sharing feature that shows at the cup sections of the game. This sharing feature is actually the start of a more interesting implementation that should be added in the unlockable characters update that is well underway.
Update looks good. Any plans for iCloud? Also I hope the characters will be reasonably obtainable buy purchasing with fruit or cups?
I really like this game and have been having fun with it daily. That said, aside from new characters and chunks, one thing that I'd really like to be able to do is replay entire levels from earlier days after I've gold starred them once, not just go back to my last checkpoint. Unless there's already a way to do this that I'm missing entirely?
Yeah, on the date card, hit the middle button (the circle one). It'll restart you from the beginning.
Yes you can restart levels with the middle button as Jerutix just said. Extreme472000. Not in the next update. It's a good suggestion so we may add it in one of them....there are just so many things we could add though that we have to choose where to spend our time. We would love to add such practical things but we have to prioritise feeding a hungry audience that want less practical content to keep them playing so we have to find a ballence for both in what we choose to add in updates. Someone asked about the unlock system for Characters....sorry on my phone and get lost scrolling for names. The plan that we are going for currently is to unlock based on cups.
One thing about the review...it says the ads after multiple deaths can be cancelled immediately. This is only true on some of them, and the ones that can't are when I know it's time for me to stop playing. I do like this game! I hope the ad views I've generated have helped the devs. But I'm not sure I play it enough.
The gauntlet kind of theme is cool as mentioned in the review but my favorite part? I love how the loading graphic is the little dude running on a treadmill so he's ready for the level. You gotta stay in shape so you don't get cramps? As for my fat ass? I'll just stay on the couch drinking beer and playing Leap Day!
Game lags and sometimes becomes unresponsive when video ad ( not the checkpoint one, I meant forced video ad when you die) is buffering at background.
Because it's a badass game, that's why.. At any checkpoint, go further into the far right-side room and you will see a 3.99 premium unlock..