It remembers how many fruit you had at the last checkpoint so don't worry about going back to a level to get a fruit cup. We just don't flag every fruit and turn them off as it would mean a lot more save data
Still not seeing this achievement after completing a full calendar week (Mon-Sun) as well, and haven't seen a reply. Has anyone else had this? Are you supoosed to go a week with Gold trophies and NOT getting 100% fruit?
I completed a week with 100% fruit too. I unlocked that achievement but the week gold didn't unlock for me either. I'm sure Nitrome is seeing this and will fix. This is an AWESOME game by the way; can't wait for the character unlocks ##
Congrats! And some weird thing First of all, Nitrome team: congrats on the amazing game. Excelent music, graphics, gameplay, replayability... A very, very nice product indeed. Now just to report something weird to help you guys: i was on Checkpoint 2 on today's lvl (may 22nd). When i resumed the game, the camera started up there and then scrolled all way down, spawning me on the start of the level again. Checked on the menu and there was still a silver trophy there. I had to start/kill the app several times and then it started at the Checkpoint again. iOS 9.3.2, by the way. Congrats again!
I meant may 21 but I dont want it to change its just a little too luck based with the smashing blocks because there is no way to stop yourself.
Never have I wanted to rage delete something as much as I have Leap Day, thanks to the May 23 level. Those last 4 checkpoints were hell on ****ing earth.
Lol, i had to come to write the same. Though it's raining hard here with thick fat drops, i'm still not sure if i saw the one or another iphone falling with them. Especially the last checkpoint #1 was...absurdly frustrating difficult, or, definitely a few tads over the top*. But everyone who beats it will confirm how satisfying it was to get a 100%. Still, this section needs a tweak, urgently imho. Maybe cut down the length by one on one of the flames to start with, then we see how this turns out. *i fear a cut down in the rating due to this section, out of frustration. Btw, i finally rated myself...5/5 stars.
The flames are rather easy to get past once you know the strategy, but it's just that section, combined with the next (bomb dude and that spiked right wall), that just make it so bloody annoying to die and have to do it ALL again.
I only had enough time to upload the last checkpoint of level May 23, enjoy. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Really? I found the last one tough, but not more than other days, and I didn't die more than once or twice on each of the other few checkpoints after silver. I thought it was an easier day until I read this thread!
May 23: checkpoint 1. Today I was tested. A fire spinner, thin platforms for the jump. A bomb who moves too quick and has a blast radius that should be illegal. He's surrounded by tight small spaces and an entire wall made of spikes. Up top a walking cactus. I loved this. More please devs. Lots more.
Nitrome, what have I done to you? Supported all your games and now you just serve up some straight demonic shit in your new game. I love it and hate it. Some level sections are just so difficult it borders on imbalance and design flaw. I'm not really complaining but breezing through almost all of a level and just getting borked at the end just kinda bums me out.
If I had one request for the update it would be to mark levels completed without using checkpoints. I love to go back and play previous levels and I've done a few without using checkpoints but now I don't remember which I've done and which I haven't so I worry that I'm wasting time if I do a level where I've done everything. I really love this game. The only reason I haven't paid out is because of being unable to skip checkpoints for paid members. Also I don't know how the paid stuff works but it would be nice if paying also made the ad that runs on the splash screen (usually one of your own games) also go away. I follow your games closely already and sometimes my fat thumb presses on it and takes me away from the game.
Paying for ad removal in Nitrome's latest few games (maybe just this and Rust Bucket?) does actually get rid of ALL ads now.
Confirmed all our latest games remove the cross promotion for other Nitrome games if you pay the premium option or remove ads option.
Regarding marking days that you get no checkpoints on. We thought about it but had a few issues about it. We considered its own cup but your highly unlikely to get all fruit at the same time. While skipping all checkpoints is undoubtably harder than all fruit it feels wrong to ignore the fruit cup. We also felt that when people get into the game they start to like having a Calender full of either gold cups or full of fruit cups depending on what they want to aim for. People seem to take pride (us included ) in having all the days lit with the top achievement and don't want to leave a day to not have it. We felt showing the days you did with no checkpoints would unballence this. It would be unpractical for people to keep up getting that every day and we worried it would make people walk from the game when they failed to maintain it....thoughts?
I completely agree with everything you just said. Glad it's not in the game. Any idea when the next update might be coming?
We have just finished testing the fixes update. It's not super exciting but there are a few things in there. Fixes for achievements, a better solution for premium users who wanted to be able to self trigger checkpoints, a clearer anim to help illustrate that the checkpoints unlocked the checkpoint when hit and some cool social sharing snapshot feature. That update should be submitted today and go live asap....probably about 48 hours. Everything else is up in the air. Characters are mid way...animating all the different states at the moment and building the interface for them. We will submit as soon as it's done. There is one new background drawn....we're thinking of adding maybe 4 so it makes it two weeks worth of backgrounds before looping. Not sure which update this will hit in. We're also building more level chunks so maybe in a small update linked to that. Once we have some of these out of the way we also want to start adding new traps and enemies and have some other pretty cool ideas too like more purposeful end chunks to levels....I leave it to your imagination there for now. Updates really fall into two categories. Some are more functional and we will get them out as soon as we can. Others are a little more exciting and we want to try and get Apple featuring for them if we can so they take a little longer to get out.