The restore purchases button is broken and we will fix it soon. I'm pretty sure however that if you buy it again you get a message from Apple saying you already already have the item and that you can get it again for free. That may be the solution in the meantime if you don't wish to wait. Can anyone confirm this? I don't want to give bad advice and spark complains!
That's how it works in Rust Bucket and all other games I've ever had with a full unlock IAP, so I am 99.9999% sure you can tell people to do that until the restore purchase button gets fixed.
Thanks for the support. If I uninstall and install the app again, am I going to lose all the records? I would like to avoid this since I have every day completed.
So what's the latest on the missing auto checkpoint toggle (premium)? Is it just me or is it a bug? I didn't mind having it on like before the update.
The missing toggle is the biggest mystery. It shows for me so it's only missing for some people. We will have to figure out what the deal is there. We have another update coming this week which has new content and we would like the get the fixes in this build.
I like having to hit the chest to checkpoint, personally. Nothing crappier than missing one fruit and getting popped up by enemy kill (or sporadic involuntarily tap jumping) to the next checkpoint and having to start over because MUST HAS ALL FR00T
I haven't quite made it yet, but it seems like June 9 is a great day to use if you want to make it all the way with no checkpoints. I've made it past 6 now, which is 5 further than I'd attempted before.
After the checkpoint number 4 for June 10, that was total BS. Anyway one more golden fruit cup, I'll have my ach. then I'm done with this.
The chunk in today's level we agree is too hard. It must have slipped through the cracks when we were reviewing them. Were going to tune that chunk to make it a bit more forgiving. Getting past it three times is insane! It should hopefully be squeezed in the next update so if you can't pass it then do try again once the update goes live. Sorry to the people annoyed by this. It is an ambisious project and it's hard not to miss the odd thing here and there when it's something on this scale. New update has been getting a lot of testing but seems all but done. Should be submitted very very soon
Awesome, thanks. Yeah, it was just ridiculous and I know I'm gonna regret deleting the app, but heh...sometimes things happen.
June 10 section 4... (ಠ_ಠ) wth *edit: just got the fruit trophy. If I didn't pay for this, I'd rage delete this haha! Good luck guys.
Well this is strange, a fresh install (told you I'd regret it...but not really, I have 30 levels to catch up on now! ) reveals the auto-checkpoint option in the settings menu. I also restored my IAP by "buying" it again...but of course it doesn't charge you.
The Toggle thing should be fixed in the next build. It is related to having already having the premium vs getting it fresh that it didn't show up. I wouldn't recommend people delete their apps and reinstall to get it though as like you they would then lose their levels progress. There will be an update in the next few days with the fix for this, the scrolling after level complete bug, and crash on iAP restore button fixed. It will be the update that the first of our planned new content.
Nitrome, I hope you guys are considering implementing iCloud into Leap Day. Not for my idiotic rage-quitting, but rather...since this is a long term "project", it would make sense that people could take Leap Day along with them when transferring to new devices. Honestly, I have no idea how my progress was maintained when I switched to an SE, but...ehhhh, got lucky. Too bad I went and ruined all that.
Some people have apples on their calendars. What does that mean? Collect all the fruit? Also, where do I buy the premium version? Cant seem to find it in amy of the menus.
Yes the apple trophy means you collected all fruit and beat the level. You buy the IAP by bopping one of the treasure chests in the little side room at a checkpoint.