@RavenousGames Just finished the chapter, and i says that a new update with more levels is on the way, is that correct with LoE 2 on the horizon?
You just finished the new chapter? LoE2 is just starting it's development. Not sure what that means for LoE at this time.
We're sticking with the same formula, but there is an engine overhaul planned. Everyone can expect some new tricks instead of a simple rehashed sequel.
Anyone else having a problem downloading the new 1.30 update via iTunes? I've been trying for the past 3 hours and it only downloads the previous version (1.21). EDIT - After 5 hours, it finally downloads.
no for the new artstyle :/ loved the 8 bit style... to bad. will still get LoE2 when it gets out. but will miss the 8 bit style :/ xP
Yeah, I'll miss the 8-bit too, but I'm confident that whatever RavenousGames gives us will be awesome, anyways
awesome, thank you for the update!!! The new levels look awesome... and the artwork for LoE2 looks AMAZING!! I can't wait til it's released! =oD
Well my dollar was very well spent Im eagerly awaiting LoE 2, the first one is awesome, specially the last chapter, really fun to play, not like the jungle (was good but with tiny jumps)
Those new levels were so much fun, finished em up in a non-stop play session that afternoon . After that, I only had rage face left to do. I got my kills up to around 890, then the game crashed and when I re-opened it, my kills were down to 622 and my player deaths had dropped as well The same thing happened when I was in the early 700's. What's up with that?
Hmm, thanks for the report. It has to do with way that we commit the stats to your device. We will introduce a fix to write them to the device more often! Thanks again!
Are many of you iDevice gamer's using the Joypad app? http://getjoypad.com/ Wondering if it's worth putting into LoE.