Sweet! So the level editor is coming then? And yeah, if I want large levels I can always play other platformers. League of Evil is great as is it. (I want more levels, though )
Hey I have an idea for a pricing model. How about you pay for the number of levels you can download at a time. Like a 99c iap will allow you to keep maybe 10-20 levels, a 1.99 iap will allow 20-40, and so on. That way they are non consumable IAP's, but you guys still have a tiered IAP option.
I don't think I could ever see myself paying a subscription for for levels as much as I love LOE, although I can't say that for sure until the actual pricing structure is worked out. If credits are reasonably priced that could work. This might have already been answered but is the level editor going to be its own new app? I cant see people who havnt even bought the game making much worth playing for LoE and it would be much more convenient for users to have it in the actual game. Also, because this is user created content I think you should make a system where people who make popular/exceptional quality maps that receive a lot of downloads credits for their work. That would be a great reward for people who actually put time into their maps and will motivate people to create maps people want to play - and the maps they make will be making you money so I think its fair. Also, its great to hear about the planned oriental levels, LoE just keeps on giving and giving, definitely my favorite game for the iOS.
I have some major lag issues. It does get very choppy. I have a 32 gb, 3rd gen iTouch with latest iOS. The game used to work fine earlier and this problem has come about recently... I think from somewhere in the middle of the Jungle chapter. Impossible levels are well impossibly laggy. And I really want to get all perfect on impossible. Dont see that happening unless the game gets smooth again. I hope this gets corrected in an update or something. Hope the devs read this since they are active here.
I'm probably alone in this, but I actually don't like the Jungle levels much. They're too frustrating. I play for 5 minutes and then I want to stop. I'm sure I'll be shouted down, but I hope the next level set will bring the difficulty down, at least at the beginning.
I agree... I do LOVE the jungle levels, and have beaten them all... but the difficulty did jump right into kind of hard pretty quickly... though again, I do see why... we have gotten PLENTY of easier levels... and by now should be able to get through the Jungle stages... But I do hope that they don't keep increasing the difficulty with each new level pack... maybe give us another pack with the same sort of difficulty as the Blocks stages... I dunno... Just sayin I get where yer commin from. =oP
We've heard some complaints about the Jungle levels and will scale it back a bit for the oriental levels. I like the idea of going with more or a credit system and allow the original creators to earn download credits for creating maps that downloaded a lot!
Na.. No scaling back please. But don't give anything as hard as Impossible Levels. Seriously... you guys mean Impossible when you say impossible. I can't believe how much I have died in the 3rd impossible level trying to get a perfect level. Though all the deaths might just be because of the frustrating choppy performance... I hope you do fix that problem. This is coming from a guy who's died 3351 times playing this game. Should tell you how much I love this game...
hehe... my death count is at 2987 =oP a LOT of deaths on the 3rd level of the impossible stages too... hehehe...