would know (I have not read all the thread so maybe the following is already pointed): in The blocks cometh episode, level 26 I can't find the briefcase...is it missed?
Agreed on the not playing as much lately. After jungle update, I played till I beat jungle levels then went back and got all briefcases and 3 stars. I thought that I had to get the briefcase and 3 stars in one run in order to get a perfect level. Thus, my times are not as quick as they could be. Looks like I will have to replay the first two chapters and just speed run it. I'll wait fOr update to attempt on jungle levels. Ravenouse. Throw us adventure guys a bone with some longer bigger levels that have a bit more exploration to exit than death dodging. love the game. I am going to have to set aside some serious time when that editor hit the market.
Hi, My son will be happy the update is out, has not been able to play it since the last update. Thanks. David
Hi foxmulderino, I sincerely don't know what you're talking about. I've gotten that briefcase before the Jungle update, and I just went there now - with the last update - to test it, and it is there. When you're climbing the first wall - the one where there's a cannon shooting, and the electrified things at the bottom - if climb it through the right-side wall, you'll see the briefcase, guarded by one of those swirling ninjas. Don't you?
On another note, to ravenousgames, some feedback on the update: - It's a cool thing to have the player's best time in the pause menu. It took me a while to understand what it was, especially because when I finished the level and beat my previous time, the time that showed up was still the previous, and not the new one. Do update it immediately, when you beat a level and beat your previous time - it becomes clearer - I still think that there's a delay - now a consistent 1-second delay - between killing the scientist and the end of the level. I don't recall this happening in the version before the jungle update. Can anyone else check if this happens with you as well, or if it's just my mind playing tricks? I believe that the time that was showing when I killed the scientist used to be the time that showed up when I finished the level, but that's no longer the case. I think that's it for now. Regards, and good job. Paulo Tavares
Yeah, I'm gettin a 1 second delay as well... But its better than the 2-3 second time issue... =o/ Anyone else?
hey, after the last update (made some minutes ago) I could finally see the briefcase in level 26! Before the update, I was turning around the level multiple times without finding the briefcase. You can believe me or not, but that is! Anyway, with the last update all is ok. Thank you man!
The price is great and all; I just wish I could play it on my iPad without having to bear with 2x mode :/
What is the possibility of updating the game to run at a higher framerate? 60 fps would really enhance the already great controls and visuals. Surely this would be possible on more powerful devices.
Love this game. The pace, controls and level design are awesome. I need to meditate (or SOMETHING) before & during play though so I am not squeezing the liquid crystal lifeblood out of my retina display!
It is something we can look into. We are hard at work on another project at the moment so we can't devote any new development time to LoE for about another 2-4 weeks. It sure is! Go get it now! Like the first response, when we address the 60FPS we can also take a look at iPad controls. Epic zen master.
YES YES YES!!! Love the new levels! They're challenging, fresh, new I love it! It's awesome! So glad to be playing this again!