I'm not sure about block comedy cause I haven't played it yet, but I've heard it has clumsy small buttons. In any case, this is one of the best 0.99 cents games out there. I recommend it.
I'll see if i can get a few more recommends . Thing about this is that I have this weird desire to always get 3 stars in these kinds of games . sometimes it can get frustrating in those games i've tried e.g. angry birds .
Read all the great comments & reviews in this thread... You need more convincing to spend a whole dollar? The game is great...Get it!
No they dont, you dont see angry birds deleting people's save data after an update. So frustrating considering this game showed alot of promise. On a side note , impossible missions are kinda fun, got thru 3 of em. toke awhile, but im still pissed about losing my saved data.
How are people not more angry about the deleted saves thing? Seriously, every level three-starred and briefcased, and it's all gone. Insanely annoying.
All of my data was deleted. ALL OF IT. Pleas, Ravenous, fix it this deleting data problem. I love the new update, but this is starting to get on my nerves.
I lost my save data too. I'm glad I don't have to play through the original set before playing the new ones, but it's still a bummer. Oh well. I'm sure I'll enjoy playing through them again after I complete the new ones. I didn't check - did it wipe out our GC achievements too? I need to check that....
That's what I get for not checking this thread before updating. My saved game is gone, too. All of my three stars + briefcases... vanished. There's really no excuse for this. They should have had a warning in the update info about the saved games, because I can't believe they wouldn't have known about this. Dunno if I feel like replaying everything from the beginning again. Maybe it's a good excuse to take a break for a while.
I won't overdramatize my loss -- there were very 3 star levels in my set -- but obviously erasing your progress without warning is a pretty rude thing to do. Doubt that it can be fixed, though, at least for folks who have already updated.
Devil's Advocate: If you think this is a game that will be painful to replay I'm not sure what you're doing here... sure advance notice of save obliteration is better but come one... this is a fast paced platformer and if your ego can't survive being challenged to replay then maybe your impression of LoE is off. What point is there to keep LoE on your device in 100% completion unless you're going to randomly replay it anyway? The levels all last less than a minute to replay so not that huge of a time investment but are a blast. Best value for $0.99 yet! It's practically free and you're all obviously gotten a lot of enjoyment out of it already. Whine whine whine... Ok, I'm off to play LoE.
Gosh, the update wipes out your progress?! Dang... very hestitate about updating now. I don't exactly have a lot of time to replay the levels.
I can't believe how many people are blowing this whole "losing progress" thing out of proportion. Yes, it does suck...but really, if you've gone through the game and gotten all the briefcases already, it's easy enough to play through it in half an hour, max. Now, what if this happens every single time the game is updated? Sure, that's gonna be a problem. But this is a great update and for now; all is forgiven. Ravenous Games, just a tiny request: Is there any way you could rename the game LoE on the actual iDevice menu? It's a shame that awesome little icon has "League Evil" under it. :/
Given the choice (keep your progress or get an awesome content update) I am certain that I would have picked the content. But that's the rub: I wasn't given a choice. Obviously you are right in saying that this isn't a big deal, but it is rude. Having a choice is almost always better than no choice.
It seems the fanboys are saying stop whining and repeat the levels.... On another note, does anyone know where the briefcase in level 26 of the block cometh levels r. Cant seem to find it, hope its not a glitch....
Don't get me wrong squarezero, I agree with you. That being said, we're not supposed to have a choice in the first place. We were supposed to get the content AND keep our progress. Just saying it isn't that big of a deal. I guess we should just wait to see what Ravenous Games has to say about the situation...I'm guessing this wasn't intended.
Absolutely loving the impossible levels Everyone who is enjoying this level set should consider buying Maddening and The Impossible Game, they share a similar level of masochism.
Hey Everyone! Thanks for all the guys sticking up for us. We feel horrible that the update deleted everyone's saved game and wish we could undo it but we can't. We will look into why this happened and how we can fix it in the future! Everyone enjoying the new content? Oh no! Good find! There is a briefcase missing in level 26. We will fix that for the next update. Thank you.