This is a fun and easy game to play. My two concerns are, that it would be fun to have AI so you can play one player games when you're not near friends or wifi. Also it is more intuitive to drag the pencil in the direction you want to move instead of the opposite direction, I accidently destroyed my own units the first couple times they were placed near the border of the playfield.
Thanks for the feedback - remember though it is simulating a real life pencil and paper game where you do move the pencil top away (which you're touching) to make the tip skid the opposite way. The pencil is straight down with the tip touching the paper and you're only touching the top. Get a real pencil and have a try playing it for real. Once it slips (ie the helper arrow goes past the circle) you can quickly push forward to get more distance or control the curve (which is *really* difficult in real life!) AI is in the works for the first major update, as is a map editor. Just 6 US Promo Codes left!
I must have missed this one. Love the art style and enjoy turn-based gameplay. If you have an extra promo I'd love to try it out and leave a review, especially when I get my iPad. If not is there a lite to try?
There's no Lite version yet - I'm busy working on the next update (map editor + AI), but I do plan on releasing a Lite version at some point to help get people to discover its totally unique and tricky play mechanic and not think it's just another path-drawing game. That is impossible to convey in words never mind screenshots but hopefully the video of it in action will help people see (vid has been added to the first post). Code PM'd. Just 4 *US-only* Promo Codes left!
Righto freebie fans - I've got 4 of those US-only promo codes left. PLUS I have 4 promo codes which work in the rest of the world! So reply saying "US code please!" or "Non-US code please!"
Thanks for the promo I played through the tutorial last night, though was unable to find anyone to play online with through Gamecenter, hopefully that will maybe change. Some impressions and suggestions: -Graphical style is strictly "doodle" very well done and does remind me of the little battles I'd spend my time drawing in math class instead of paying attention. -Sound effects/audio is great with all the movement,firing etc. made by the dev I assume. -Gameplay is turn-based as stated previously and this works really well. I will have to say though that there is a really steep learning curve with the controls. More often than not I was cursing as my tank would go into a river and explode or I would totally miss a shot. I didn't have a chance to play against anyone other than myself when I started a pass and play game to try it out, it would be fun to try it with someone else. Suggestions -Instead of limiting shots and moves in the tutorial these should be unlimited. It was very frustrating trying to learn the mechanics of the game only to have to restart multiple times when I missed a shot or did not complete the tutorial level as requested. -There needs to be more forgiveness with regards to movement IMO. Collision detection is great, but honestly as imprecise as movement can be there needs to be a little more forgiveness there I think. I was stuck on so many corners it wasn't even funny. Also, instead of being killed by driving through rivers/water elements, how about having that unit lose the ability to move or shoot for 1 or 2 turns? -The units need more distinction between each. I'd like to see artillery units have different shells or multiple shells each time they fire to simulate a bombardment. Aircraft could have limited bombs that they could drop that cover a larger area than the missiles. -How about a rule for "mulligans/do overs" where I screw up a shot or a move I can have a limited number of "do overs" that you can set at the beginning of a match or earn over turns? Overall this game is fun and shows much promise. The online multiplayer looks like fun, just need more players. Honestly, I'm sure you worked incredibly hard on this game, but I think you're a priced a little high. $1.99 should be it's limit compared to the amount of other games out right now at the $.99 price point. You just probably need to be a little more competitive with the price point. Also maybe look into getting it featured with a free app site or something, getting more players is key IMO. It should also be noted that I played on my iPod touch 4th gen and intend on trying it on my iPad after Xmas. I'm very curious if it's easier or not on a larger screen.
Game Impressions [Impressions from the iPad version, many of which hold true for the iPhone version, as well.] I just completed an online match of Lead Wars with the game's creator, DemonJim, from Demon Studios. I came away from the experience with some distinct impressions that I want to share with my fellow gamers. First and foremost, I've never played anything even remotely like this game on the app store...and I own plenty. It's a brilliant simulation, both in concept and execution, that was quite obviously a labor of love by its creator. It was conceptualized and implemented by someone who had played the pen and paper version of the game exhaustively in his youth and wanted to recreate that experience for a whole new generation of kids. For those that haven't played the "analog" original, I'll summarize. Players draw a top-view battlefield on a piece of paper, up to and including, the tanks and planes. Players then balance a pencil over a unit and flick it forwards, which draws a short line that represents either the unit's new position or its shot path. If the shot path interpenetrates an opposing unit, the unit is destroyed. Last man "standing" wins. It's really that simple and the amazing part is that this is also an apt description of the iPad version. It really feels like that is exactly what you are doing and I firmly believe that this game has the potential not only to equal the original, but to surpass it. In Lead Wars, you have several types of paper as your backdrop, up to and including the age-old favorite, graph paper. You also have a number of different lovingly-crafted battlefields to serve as your theater of war. Each rendered down to the finest detail, including rivers, trees, shrubs, and the all-important sand bag bunker. You can even choose from a number of different pencils, each with their own type of lead. You then choose your troop load-outs and it's off to battle! If you can manage to physically detach one of your family members from the television for 10 minutes, you can play a bang-up local match together on the iPad, which most closely resembles the classic mode of play. The primary benefit of this, of course, is the opportunity to smack-talk your weak and ineffectual opponent (i.e. - your family). If you can't manage to coerce one of your family or friends to play, luckily there is a thoroughly enjoyable online component. The primary reason online play works so well is that it so competently mirrors the face-to-face play experience. Having the unique opportunity to play online against the game designer allowed me to learn every nuance of the game from an expert. By that I mean, I got spanked quite thoroughly. The fact that he so readily handed me my assets is a really good sign, because this means the game allows for a demonstrable level of skill. Seeing someone execute such devastating moves quite handily, and with such finesse, makes you want to play the game again immediately. You want to learn. You want be that guy. What's really stellar about the online component is how involving it is. I actually assumed it would be asynchronous play, in which you simply view the end-state of your opponent's move and then place your units and send them back. Wrong! Get this, even though the game is turn-based (as was the original), you battle your enemy in real-time. You see your opponent zooming out from the map to gain a better view, panning around to strategize, and then zooming in to execute tactics on a per-unit basis. The depth and variety of unit tactics is superb. Ground units play differently than air units, contrary to popular belief, size does matter, and precise placement of your ordnance is key. If you are desperate, you can even attempt a suicide mission, by landing your aircraft directly atop an unsuspecting tank. The controls to execute any and all of these maneuvers are excellent, once you've overcome the textbook mistakes. I had plenty more to say about the incredible curve shots, explosion effects, map variety, and potential features, but when I went back to the game to fact-check, I ended up just playing forever, instead. If that's not the sign of a good game, I don't know what is. For that reason, I'd rather just let you explore the game for yourself and become a child again.
In US and would love a code to try it out. I was just showing my kids how the paper and pencil version works.
Thanks for all the feedback guys, and djflippy thanks for the online battle and the excellent very professionally-written review. Really appreciate you guys taking time to play it and leave opinions here and rating/reviewing it in iTunes. Every comment made is taken on-board and will go towards improving the game for future updates. Map Editor and vs-CPU are the priority for the next update but all suggestions are considered. There are just two (Worldwide) Promo Codes left!
Coolio Englasias -- all codes now gone! For those who missed out who are still intrigued please take a look at the first post app info and the video, and read the reviews and maybe take a punt and buy it. The YouTube video and djflippy's review above should help you understand the totally unique play mechanism if you're still unsure as to what it's all about. I appreciate it may be seem a bit confusing at first but I wanted to make something completely unique in the App Store but I assure you when you 'get' it it will become a really rewarding original game for your collection.
Thanks for the code! I think the game is really cool, was playing it for a bit today. One thing, can anyone give me a tip on how to get the bullet bending down? I am horrible at that.