how do i transfer items from layton world to my game? also anyone else been reading site reviews for this game? one site gave this 2.5 stars because "too much dialogue.."
You have to use a user ID code on the website and input it in your app (Or was it the other way around?). You have to go to the bonus screen then to special offers. And that review sounds stupid. Probably would complain that a clicker game requires too much tapping. But in any case if people want mindless random puzzles there's thousands of those on the app store. I love the puzzles but I'm actually enjoying the story / dialogue even more.
I somehow managed to create an account, but can't link the account/ID. It links to a page with a error message. Very annoying.
for the record, the reviewer did say it was the first layton game they played. i think the review was from gamezebo?
Ooh, this is fantastic. I've only played the first couple of Layton games on DS, but I really enjoyed them. The English translation is a little funky in places, like when Katrielle orders a "fetid herb salad". (I assume she means feta!) Not a huge deal but there was one puzzle that confused me because I couldn't work out what they were asking for. Otherwise, totally top notch so far. Highly recommended for puzzle fans!
Any Americans wondering what this real world puzzle fuss is all about might want to check out today's copy of the NY Times. Have fun!
Agree. I found myself getting annoyed by the length of the casual conversations you'd have among characters. Often thought to myself, "Ugh, let's get on with it, shall we?" Too many dialogues just drag on needlessly. I think the many BigFish hidden object/puzzlers give you better pacing. I like the charm, the art, but it needs much work to be a more enjoyable experience. Would probably be more well received by the much younger crowd, 12 and under. And the price tag is way too high, IMO.
This isn't a mobile game it's a full console DS experience that arrived on mobile first so I don't see how the price is too high.
I completely disagree. A huge part of Layton games is the setting and the story. If you want no dialogue there are plenty of other puzzle games out there where you can just do puzzles in numerical order until you're bored (and that probably means this isn't the game for you). I've played BigFish games and they're okay at best for me personally. This game however is one of the best games I've played on iOS precisely because the story is so fun. If it was just the puzzles it wouldn't be nearly as good. It's also the original console version without some outfits and a handful of puzzles so it's way cheaper than it should be.
So I was in a bus going to the beach yesterday and the man sitting in front of me was playing this game. Lol
I'm also in the same boat as other posters: I really love most of the puzzles but the rest is not all too impressive and I'm really baffled how TA gave this game 5 stars - As I said, I think the puzzles are great but I'm finding myself skipping over the rest more and more often: - The cases (= story) are so silly and far-fetched. About the same level as in a cartoon for toddlers. - The gameplay besides the puzzles consists of very boring, drawn-out dialogue which - again - seems to have been written for a toddler audience. Same with the humor. - Even though the puzzles are the main attraction of the game, the rest didn't have to be so bland. Besides searching the screen for hint coins, collectibles and bonus puzzles there is not much else to be done (letting out some main game-unrelated extras like mini-games or decorating your office). Basically the whole game consists of puzzles and tapping through dialogue: You tap through the different scenes and get a clue after certain dialogues. When you've "collected" enough clues, Miss Layton just solves the (usually totally ridiculous) case by herself and on to the next case you go. It's basically the opposite of interactive, very streamlined and if it weren't for the puzzles there wouldn't be much here. I'm just skipping over all the (drawn out) dialogue lately as Miss Layton is solving the cases by herself anyway (plus what is talked about has nothing to do with the puzzles) so it's not important to pay attention at all. Maybe my interest in the cases/stories would be a bit higher if they weren't on the same level as a Manga cartoon made for 6 year olds. Also, not all of the puzzles are on the same high level and taking everything said above into account, more than 4 stars for this game aren't merited imho. Still, if you like brainteasers and don't mind sitting (or tapping in this case) through its "story", at it's core this game still is a very nice puzzler.
I think we can agree to disagree but I didn't realize silly stories are automatically toddler audience. Especially considering this is a long running, extremely popular series that is not specifically made for toddlers. It's an adventure and mystery story, it's not supposed be a deep game. Basically a puzzle / adventure genre. I think your post is pretty extreme considering that you're so baffled this game deserves 5 stars. A game can be 5 stars and have a writing style that isn't to your liking. And I think the puzzles are great. They all definitely aren't on the same level like you said but I'm confused why you you think the puzzles all have to be on a high level or else it's not worth 5 stars. Almost every puzzle game has varying levels of difficulty. Same with this game, some are great, some terrible. Honestly if people are saying the game is boring besides the puzzles, maybe you should've found many of the other puzzle games on the app store that are just puzzles lined up in a row and nothing else. There are so many of those I'm not sure why people are agitated by there being lots of dialogue here. I prefer this game because there's lots of dialogue. I'd rather not play something with just puzzles, that's been done to death. really don't understand why so many people dislike this game. Is it because the main character isn't the professor? Is it because it came to mobile first? We will never know
1. I don't dislike the game. As I said about three times, most of the puzzles are great. 2. I'm baffled about the five stars because the cases are completely bonkers and the dialogue in between the puzzles bores the world out of me. If it just were the puzzles, I'd agree with the 5. But all the stuff in between just lowers the game's fun for me. Yes, we can agree to disagree, meaning no offense, that's just my opinion of the game - That's also the reason why I ended the second to last paragraph with i(n) m(y) h(umble) o(pinion).
Lowers the game's fun FOR YOU. If you were to review it you would be free to not give it 5 stars for that. It's been really interesting following this thread and some of the comments across the internet. It's like all the things I see people complaining about are the exact things that make the Layton games Layton games. Totally fair if you don't like that sort of thing and different strokes and all that, but I just thought it was interesting people are actually docking the game for excelling at what it's been all about for the past decade ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Imagine you find the story charming instead of annoying, Gambler. Does that close the gap for you? Unfortunately, accepting that means that you must now consider me on the level of a 6-year old child who loves the manga cartoons or whatever. We all have our crosses to bear, I suppose.
almost done with the game. currently on case 11 with 15+ hours clocked. i do have a question for anyone who has beaten it. does she ever find her father cause it seems like it was forgotten or rarely mentioned again since the opening cut scene.. or am i just reading to fast and missing everything