It is out, just under a different app or "ID" weirdly enough. Use this link:
I'm really impressed. A mainline Layton that feels absolutely at home on my iPhone and iPad. To the point I can't believe someone with also a 3DS would wait to get the same game at lower the commercial strategy is a bit weird to me.....but I'm not complaining getting the game on iOS first. It's SUPER CRISP and the 3D effect in the various scenes is really damn cool. Puzzles difficulty is ramping up too (3 hours in), characters are adorable and the dubbing/translation is glorious. Easy on battery, even syncs between devices at will. I really really hope people always screaming for premium games will put their money on the table, no questions asked. This is a real Layton. If you like the serie, just get it. You never know...we may get the same treatment with a future NINOKUNI or INAZUMA ELEVEN, or all the past never know.
Be aware that, from what I played at least, this seems a perfect entry point for people who didn't play the previous ones. It has the same feel of the first ones, with a new set of (adorable) characters.
Hey, Been waiting for a proper premium game on mobile for a while now. Really wanna get this one but had a few doubts:- - Is it playable on an iPhone 6? I mean with the small screen size, is the UI accessible enough? - Not a Layton fan. Haven't played any of the previous games. Have no clue about them honestly. Should that stop me from getting this? - Love story-telling but not a fan of puzzles. Are the puzzles too hardcore? Or is it manageable for a newbie like me. Thanks for bearing with the questions. I'd be more inclined to buy this if these doubts could be cleared.
- It's definitely playable on a 6. I have absolutely no issues playing on SE and the UI is perfectly customized for my tiny screen. - Nope. You don't need any prior experience with the series. - See, this is the caveat of all caveats. The puzzles in this game aren't Monunment Valley-like in nature, nor are they puzzles like those in The Room series. They're flat out independent puzzles that are intended to be pure puzzles that will test your logic and reasoning skills, mathematics, etc. and I'm honestly struggling a TON to get past even the earliest ones without clues. It's the reason I haven't forked over the rest of my cash on the IAPs, because if I continue the way I'm currently playing, I don't think I'll be able to see this one through without using a walkthrough.
Okay. So the first two doubts are cleared. Thanks for that. Now the puzzle part has got me thinking. I mean if I can't solve the puzzles, will that put me off from trying to progress in the game? Because there's one kind of difficulty that makes you wanna improve and come back for more. And once you get through, you have a sense of achievement. And there's another kind of difficulty, which frustrates you, and you start feeling that even trying is a waste of time.
Agreed! Inazuma Eleven would be sweeeet! I never brought my 3ds with me and only played one of these games but enjoyed it. So cool to have it on the iPhone/iPad!
I've been doing a bunch of the real world puzzles on the website. Boy are they great! They're still making more and I think it's cool that you can see the Twitter feed of people all over the world (shows their country) helping each other find the puzzles. Apparently they give you a hint for the location of the puzzle and people have to find the puzzle then share the puzzle on Twitter with other detectives
"Unfortunately this app isn't free and is quite expensive..." sigh that's why TA is the only website I look at for mobile games
Awesome! Thanks for the heads-up, Killercow! Edit: At the current exchange rate, this should cost £12.31, but Apple are using $1 = £1, so I get to pay nearly 30% more for this! FU Apple! (I bought it anyways...)
I don't have wifi for now but will DL this when I do later I'm today. In the mean time twitter? Any page I can follow or is it in game / in app only?
Adorable game - just started. WOW, I am terrible at puzzles. Sadly I needed 2 hints for the first one, haha.
The second daily puzzle seems unsolvable with the scarecrow with an 8 on it. No idea how to make it cover eight. Never mind. You don't have to start tapping on their square. FYI. Haha.
Oh it's online so you need a browser to do it regardless. You just use the app to put in your ID/link your account to get any free goods you win. The puzzles in there are most likely harder than the game's puzzles but they vary in difficulty and people give you hints in the Twitter feed that's shown on the puzzle page if you are stuck. And anyone else who wants to do the fun and interactive Real World Puzzles can use this link!