Hey guys! Dont know if youve heard, but with LEVEL-5s newest Layton title LAYTON'S MYSTERY JOURNEY: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy coming out very soon, the one and only Layton Café will be open for all at E3 in Los Angeles! The catch? You have to find it of course! The Layton Series Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts are providing a daily hint or puzzle that if solved will lead Professor Layton fans to the only Layton Café in existence. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaytonSeries/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/laytonseries?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Laytonseries/ For those who have the wit to discover the Layton Café, youll meet LEVEL-5 abby representatives and learn exciting new details about Katrielle Kat Layton and her adventures to find her missing father. Ive already started my own research. Have you guys figured out any of the hints so far?