Universal LAYTON BROTHERS MYSTERY ROOM - (by Level-5 Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. killercow

    killercow Well-Known Member

    Love? Jealousy? But you're right, it's not really explained! He could also be a serial killer without a reason to kill or a specific modus operandi
  2. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    Quoting Aventador referencing me on this one. Individual characters speak in a variety of very specific (primarily UK-based) accents/dialects/slang; it's not even remotely a matter of translation or grammar errors in this case. In fact, this is one of the few translated adventures that not only doesn't have telltale spelling/grammar/awkward construction errors all over the place, but reads like it was originally written in English by native English-speakers.

    I knew this particular ambitious tack had a good chance of coming back to bite the developers, however. When trying to "write accents" in general, or otherwise employ specific regional dialects, you need to be aware that there will always be members of your audience who are unfamiliar (or, if you're unlucky, more familiar than you) with the language you're trying to represent and will potentially leap to erroneous conclusions, as Toxiccheese so aptly demonstrated. It's part of why we generally advise authors of plain-text works (as opposed to comics, graphic novels or games, where it is less obtrusive) not to do it unless it's absolutely necessary (which it rarely is).

    For the American audience, it'd be like taking a conversation with an old Cajun that has been phonetically transcribed directly into text and complaining about "bad translation", where a more suitable description would be "accurate but terrifying". Doesn't mean you can't write characters this way, of course, and it can certainly help bring them to life, but you also need to be prepared to deal with frustratingly unwarranted criticism at times.

    Possibly the most adorable examination of the Yorkshire accent:

  3. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    This is the only case that doesn't bother examining the motive in detail; the comment made at the end of the case is all we know for sure, which is to say that
    Zach was being blackmailed by Sandy (for reasons unknown).

    If you pay attention to the conversations during the case and read over the suspect statements, though, the bigger picture is that Zach was a big fan of crime fiction and murder mysteries, and his plan to get rid of Sandy involved setting up and carrying out an Agatha Christie-style murder complete with a fall guy and obvious, outlandish clues (e.g. the sandwich spelling the name of the killer, and the poorly-hidden tie). His enthusiastic "assistance" was provided so that Layton and Baker wouldn't overlook any aspect of his misdirection and planted clues while he also helped them "solve" the case, but his overconfidence and oversight with regard to the "Phelps/Felps" issue ended up being his undoing.

    I finished the last case a while ago (the three cases that make up the second case pack all form one long case that ties into multiple earlier storylines, and take place in real locations instead of the Mystery Room's virtual recreations), and am definitely looking forward to Level 5 and Plus Alpha Translations bringing us the next game in the series at some point.

    No spoilers. ^_^
  4. mixicat

    mixicat New Member

    Jun 28, 2013
    Thanks Appletini & killercow, glad everyone else was as confused as I was ;) Glad to hear it's not that way for the other cases.
    I was really dying for a motive in this one because the killer's identity seemed so out of left field to me...I had guessed that the maid did it because they talked about how she had a husband who might be cheating on her...I thought maybe her husband had the same tie as the victim's boyfriend and when she saw it in there she went crazy with jealousy and strangled that gal with it. The blackmail comment left me hanging!
  5. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    Sandy is described as
    "A well-off and well-to-do young woman whose immaculate appearance belied a chequered history with the opposite sex." Based on that, I imagine that her wealth and her "chequered history" are linked, given Zach's statement about having to give her money.

    It really is unfortunate that there wasn't a final exchange between the characters that actually explained what was going on, but on the plus side this particular case is more of a tutorial and isn't ultimately important at all to the overarching story.
  6. theblackw0lf

    theblackw0lf Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    I need help again. This time for the final case. (Took me about 8 hours to get there for anyone wondering).

    Should I post the question here or somewhere else? I'm basically at the final conclusion section and am stumped.

    Assuming anyone has finished the game that is :)
  7. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    I've finished the game; post your question here, but use the spoiler tags to cover anything revealing or spoileresque. ^_-
  8. theblackw0lf

    theblackw0lf Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    Ok. I'm at the part in the final case where
    you have to find how Justin got from the east tower to west tower. And am completely stumped how he did it. Also I'm at the part in the interrogation where I'm supposed to show evidence that proves Justin guilty. And don't know what evidence I should be providing
  9. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    For the first part,
    consider all the ways you could realistically get to the roof of the west tower without adding or removing anything to/from the scene. Don't forget that in this section you can tap on and examine certain things that aren't highlighted with a circle.

    For the second part,
    depending on which bit of the interrogation you mean, I think you're looking for something that was brought with you, not something you found on location.
  10. theblackw0lf

    theblackw0lf Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    #70 theblackw0lf, Jun 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2013
    ive clicked on everything I can think of and nothing seems relevant to west tower roof access. . As for route the quickest I see is roof-east, 3rd east; 2nd east 1st central, 2nd west. Third west, roof west. As for the second part are you talking about the reports? Cause I used those and that wasn't it. I think ive tried everything. Maybe it's evidence I haven't found yet. It's after Lucy says she's going to prove Justin did it "hook, line, sinker"
  11. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    What's the most direct route between the two rooftops, though? Don't think about how you'd make it there, just picture what would literally be the straightest line between the two rooftops. After that, took a closer look at what lies on that particular path, and you should be able to figure out how it was done.

    Yeah, I think you may want to discover the secret rooftop access before you go into the final questioning if you're not able to progress with the evidence and statements you currently possess.
  12. theblackw0lf

    theblackw0lf Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    so I'm looking for something on the Roof then?
  13. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    between the two.
  14. ChocoVanilla

    ChocoVanilla Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    SweetsTown, DessertVille, CandyLand
    Hey Appletini, can you tell me the approximate length of the IAP missions combined according to your play through? I'm still not sure about this game because it deviates so much from traditional Layton mechanics.
  15. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    There will be quite a bit of variation based on individual reading speed and observation/logic skills, but I would think most people are likely to spend a minimum of 25-30 minutes on each case.
  16. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012

    Download size: 146MB
    Installed size: 361MB
  17. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    Hi Appletini does it introduce any new game mechanics in the new episodes a la Phoenix Wright? So far I love the plot elements but I'm finding it just slightly too simplistic compared to PW. Still fairly sure ill buy them mind just holding off cos I've other stuff to play.....
  18. ChocoVanilla

    ChocoVanilla Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    SweetsTown, DessertVille, CandyLand
    +1. I have a similar issue with the game. I am a huge fan of both the PW and Layton series and I own all of the DS games for both. While Layton brothers deviates from the series standard to something akin to the PW games, it doesn't include either the challenge or the solid mechanics and deep storytelling of PW. If you incorrectly guess what the murder weapon is in Layton brothers or who the murderer is, you're given unlimited chances to basically do a process to elimination to try out all the possibilities, whereas in PW you have a set number of guesses before you lose the case. I'm really hoping that this game steps it up in the latter cases.
  19. Lyra

    Lyra Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    No courtroom, but there is a element of the game which is like the courtroom of Phoenix Wright.
  20. Lyra

    Lyra Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    Game Impressions

    I really liked this game, people are comparing it to phoenix wright which, is and isn't something I agree with. If anyone every played the spin off starring Edgeworth, it's a lot like that. There is no court room, however there is some action akin to the action of the courtroom of Phoenix Wright throughout the game. One thing that is very different from the Ace Attorney franchise is that there are no lives. Confused about something? In Professor Layton theoretically if you were so inclined to not use your brain at all you could just go through every available answer till you go the right one. This is a pretty small gripe because even if I could near the final missions you have a lot of evidence. And don't nobody got time for that. It still lowers the stakes of the game slightly.

    A note: THE GRAMMAR IS CORRECT. This is Level-5 people. They are not new to Western Shores obviously. It is a specific accent that only some of the characters use. Jeeze.

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