Universal Last Day on Earth: Survival (by Andrey Pryakhin)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Techzamazing, Jun 18, 2017.

  1. Leegames

    Leegames Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2010
    Ex. game journalist and EiC now PR
    Keeping your energy below 70/100 should help getting more. Unless something was changed.
  2. cindywong

    cindywong Member

    Jul 18, 2017

    Totally getting this! :) im hoping this one is awesome!
  3. bazrah99

    bazrah99 New Member

    Jul 13, 2017
    I have but only getting crate drops, 5 real days and no planes, I was getting a couple a day before update.
  4. Thepru

    Thepru New Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    Plane crash

    I play on IOS and when you first play you got an airplane crash. After that one is gone there is only one way to get another appear AND make it to it in time. That's buying coins to speed up timer. To get plane crashes all you have to do is be at like 20-30 energy left and once you exit out of a Forrest or stone place, it will auto pop far away. The only way to get to the plane is buying more coins to get full energy bar. It's how they are making money, right now you don't pay then you don't get to make it to another plane crash.
  5. Neegan

    Neegan Member

    Jul 22, 2017
    So now there is the big one one yellow area...
    And why is it that the zombie horde can destroy last level walls?? They actually just walk thru...
  6. Taro Tanaka

    Taro Tanaka New Member

    Jul 24, 2017
    You can use the wood from trees or planks from a woodcutters table.
  7. Recca910

    Recca910 New Member

    Jul 11, 2017
    Hello to all join us on "LINE App" Chatroom Group "Last Day On Earth community" add me reccaz_10 my Line ID. members now is 400* and still growing is free for all suggestion/comments/idea's/tips/sharing photo's/video's about the gameplay/build or join a clan making friends etc..thanks
  8. Herryadi

    Herryadi New Member

    Jul 27, 2017
    Just want asking can you rid/destroy dead body?:confused:
    I feel ashame because much my dead body in home :(
  9. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Another update regarding bunkers. Alfa now, update stating access to lower levels being dependent on device specs and something about auto turrets defending the bunker.

    Anyone know anything about this?

    Regarding device specs I'm on a 6S+. Not quite on the cutting edge but not by much.

    These updates that don't appear to update despite what they say are getting old.
  10. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    How is new content and bug fixes not an update?
    Alfa bunker is repopulated, you can now access lower levels (I found the access code already) and the chopper is in game. Also a crazy new gun that's perfect for mowing down the hordes. Rebalancing and bug fixes.

    Remember this is early access and the team is hard at work.
  11. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Im glad to hear it's meaningful stuff; my previous requests for someone to even confirm that entering bunkers was an option fell on deaf ears.

    Didn't doubt it for a second; just wanted some clarity. Remember that recently the chopper seemed to be available but wasn't.

    Edit: can I ask how you found the access code?
  12. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    i got the access code from listening to the radio actually
  13. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Ah ha. Thank you, I'll give it a shot.
  14. Chadk

    Chadk New Member

    Jul 30, 2017
    Moving built objects

    Hello, I'm wondering if anyone knows how to move objects around ie the rain barrel, garden, etc. I want to make my house bigger but of course in the beginning stages of the game I only built a small square structure. I can't seem to find anything that when you click on it allows you to reposition an item? What am I not seeing?
  15. Recca910

    Recca910 New Member

    Jul 11, 2017
    Hello to all join us on "LINE App" Chatroom Group "Last Day On Earth community" add me reccaz_10 my Line ID. members now is 431 and still growing is free for all suggestion/comments/idea's/tips/sharing photo's/video's about the gameplay/build or join a clan making friends etc..thanks
  16. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Go into build mode, furniture section and tap the item. Move, rotate or delete. Done.
  17. wzbossgaming

    wzbossgaming Member

    Aug 5, 2017
    General Tips

    Well, most of the resources like steel, titan, oak wood and other stuff are not in the game right now. Those experiencing issues loading the game, just deal with it. The game is in beta. The pocket is for food, you can heal when fighting. Alternatively, you can put a gun or other weapon there for quick switching. Also, the chopper and ATV don't have all the resources ingame, and there is a second page on the ATV manual requiring 240 of each thing. Don't put anything into chopper or atv blueprints until you can build it, which for now, is never, as some of the things are not there. The trader event only appears when you have built the radio, and the code for the Alfa bunker is found there and resets daily. As none of the vehicles are available, nothing outside your little area is accessible. The hordes only destroy 1 or 2 walls when you are not in your base, so beware. Also, to check your stats, open inventory and look on the right-hand side above your portrait. The B bunker is not available, only the top floor. The Alfa base is insanely hard, so only go there when you are level 30 or higher. You can always leave an area, so do that when there is a horde chasing you. Damage to zombies sustain through leaves, and you can loot your body when the zombies have gone back to where they are. If you ever find a zombie in your home base, capture it by building windows around it. Once you have 3, this prevents all zombies from spawning in your base, and you have a kill booth. You can use this kill booth to reset all of your stats, like health, hunger, and thirst, and you can just loot your dead body for your stuff. You don't need to worry about the horde as long as you are not in your base. Once the chopper unlocks, you can use your gasoline tanks, and it is as fast as running (does that even make sense), and each gasoline tank is like 200 energy. As for events, most of them spawn when you have 50 energy or lower, but you will get 1 or 2 every day otherwise. Get meat driers, as jerky heals 20 health every time. Remember to bring a backup weapon everywhere, and always get weapons and armor for anything. Wood is one of the most important resources, so get as much as you can. The cleaver, shovel, and machete do the most dps of the craftable weapons, and a machete out dpses every meelee in the game. You can outrun most zombies, and fast biters with any shoes on. EVERYONE ELSE IS AI!!!!! You won't be able to outrun wolves. Don't revisit top A or B bunkers, as they don't reset. YOu will only need one keycard for a bunker, and they stay open. The Alfa keycard is given to you in Alfa. When attacking bunker B, be prepared for the zombie horde. Good luck to all, and to all a good fight. Peace!
  18. Zombie2643

    Zombie2643 New Member

    Aug 10, 2017
    Retrieving items

    When you die I know you can go back to the site and get all your tools back...but I recently went to one of the orange zones, died, went back to get the things and I can't find my body anywhere to get my stuff back. I wouldn't mind so much if I hadn't just lost weapons that I brought (with proper money!) This has happened twice...meaning 2 very good weapons lost :( can you only recover items when you die in your base or on the green areas?
  19. wzbossgaming

    wzbossgaming Member

    Aug 5, 2017
    #279 wzbossgaming, Aug 10, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2017
    Yes, that is correct, but you can get stuff from events like trader or drops, and bunkers as long as it is not longer than a day because then the bunker resets.
    Hope that helps.
    Edit: Making machetes/skull crushers is a lot better as they are cheaper and stronger than all melee weapons and cost effective. Try shift/crouching too.
  20. Mamoon

    Mamoon New Member

    Aug 10, 2017
    I had to reinstall the app, I had it connected to my google play account, but when I did reinstall it, it took me back to level 4 while I was level 34 when I reconnected it to my google play account, nothing happened, anyway to fix it?

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