The symbol you found in the corner has been spotted in 11 other games so far. We've been calling it the "eye sigil" as it seems to resemble a hand with an eye on it. In each of the other games we've found, the symbol is accompanied by a puzzle that ultimately gives us a circular puzzle piece. The puzzle pieces fit together to give us a larger image. You can see some of our progress so far on this Youtube channel, or read about it here, although the reddit thread is somewhat outdated. The symbol in this game should also lead us to a piece. But if it means anything (it might not), the sigil in level 88 is backwards from all of its previous appearances.
OK, so we are looking for a puzzle piece there somewhere. one of Muscat's twitter clues was "This 2nd tweet also contains a clue, but reversed..."
I believe that clue was also referring to level 88 like the others. The first tweet was 88 characters long, the second tweet was 52 characters long, or 88 characters away from the 140 limit. We are quite stuck figuring out what our clue ARCHUSB could mean. One of the Land Sliders usb's in California did appear to be near an arch (behind this sign on the arch to be exact). However, I personally think it would be weird for them to re-use a location, and I don't want to send someone there just because there *might* be something there. We're hoping the clue will be something distinct. I've also considered that ARCHUSB is an anagram for something else, but I can't think of anything meaningful.
Ah, i understood the connection for the 3 other clues... But never understood the "reversed" one. Thanks!
Yeah, it has to be a geocache with all those hints, so that's helpful. And since all we have to locate it is 'arch' it has to be a location we've already seen. We should probably have someone re-check the LA cache for something new. I think it's the most likely candidate since we already know where it is and was on an arch itself, but here's the other coordinates if someone else wants to look for connections. I'm a little sad this doesn't have nearly as much activity as Land Sliders, but we can always recruit someone from elsewhere if we have to, right? The only other potential arch I could see is the unfound one on a bridge in Istanbul, but I think we'd have a serious heck of a time getting someone to go out there so I hope it doesn't come to that. edit: Someone from Game Detectives is also checking up on the one in Tokyo, just in case.
New update is out. 2 free caracters and 2 packs of caracters you have to buy. Does this mean these can not be obtained by coins and luck? Did anyone receive one of these caracters with coins? I tried but no luck so far
It seems obvious the Shrek characters can only be unlocked with money, but which ones of the original roster are pay-only? I'd rather not continue wasting coins on random attempts if I've already unlocked all that I can.
What do you mean by "original roster?" The two Shrek packs (aside from the free Shrek and BBWolf) are the only ones you've ever HAD to pay for. I guess you had the option to buy all the Zodiac gold ones. But other than that, everything else can be drawn with coins.
I was unaware that all of the original roster are obtainable. I was never able to get the Chinese Zodiac ones, so I began to wonder if they were pay-only once they were all I had left. I suppose I'm just supremely unlucky.
I'm not sure if they are unlockable or not. I got them on their days of release (near Chinese New Year), but I don't know if they are in the gotcha now or not. But they were free during the event.
I'm really convinced the Chinese zodiac are pay only. Over 100 characters unlocked, and the only ones left are all zodiac. And now every 100 coins gets nothing but duplicates. I wish someone could say for sure, but at this point it seems likely that the Shrek characters aren't the only ones that can't be unlocked.