Waystar is one of the people that helped solving the ARG. I think "Hall of fame" is the way Prettygreat says "Thanks for playing"
Time I think it has something to do with time and/or dates that the Twitter messages were sent. The posts were created at 5 april 7.32PM and 11 april 12.08AM West-European time. I assume that the PrettyGreat office is in the same time zone as Sydney. Which means there is a time difference of 8 hours. This will make the following: Post 1: 6 April 3.32AM Post 2 ("Reversed"? Post): 11 April 8.08PM I couldn't figure out what the numbers means. But hopefully it could help some of you guys. Good luck!
Luke is in Brisbane which is the same Timezone as Sydney and Melbourne. +10. Here are the tweets with the correct times as posted.
I think this is kind of "reversed"... Maybe a sequence of Shakes levels? http://i.imgur.com/DgrZFy3.jpg
Another hint Here is another hint from Luke on his twitter page: "This is yet another clue, but half the size." https://mobile.twitter.com/pgmuscat/status/721921630499254272
There's obviously some number we are supposed to get out of all of this. The first tweet will give some number with two or more digits. The second tweet will yield the same sequence of digits, only in reverse. The third tweet will be half of the numeric value of the number from the first tweet. I just haven't figured out what method we need to extract the numbers. I've tried counting words, letters, etc. to see if that adds up, but that's not it. Knowing Muscat, it wouldn't be that simple anyways. If I get a chance later today, I'll try the numerology method and see if that adds up.
Whatsapp I found that there were two whatsapp buttons when you want to share a shake. One with normal colors, and one black with orange colors. Normally I would just assume it's a bug. But you can never be to sure with PrettyGreat games It could be a clue, or it could be a bug. Maybe the "reversed" tweet talks about reverting the colors of your screen. We could try something with that, but I don't see a connection with the other two tweets.
Solution Twitter clue The answer for the twitter clue was 88 characters. In level 88 of slide the shakes, the green area's show morse code. It spells out the word "archusb". I don't know what it means, but we've got one clue further!
This slide the shakes hunt can't be referencing the land sliders hunt could it? Was one of the USB keys hidden under or sround an arch?
Arch USB could refer to a bootable USB version of Arch Linux. Is his being investigated at any other forums or just here?
Sigil I recreated the image, in Photoshop, to make an b/w version. By using google image search, I found out something epic. Apparently this puzzle is part of a much bigger puzzle, involving multiple games. All of these have a symbol like this in it. There is a Reddit forum which discuss this arg. https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedetectives/
Arg I was wondering, are the "Arch USB" clue and the "eye sigil" clue connected with each other, or are there two separate ARGs? Especially because the LandSliders ARG was a big adventure, I do think (and hope) that you guys at PrettyGreat have something amazing to show us.