Universal Land Sliders (by Prettygreat) [TouchArcade Game of the Year 2015]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Jabbawingo

    Jabbawingo Active Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    #1401 Jabbawingo, Jan 18, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
    Have the 2 co-ords near Ballarat/ Melbourne Australia been retrieved? I live close and can go get them.
  2. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    It's so crazy that there's a real global hunt on with this game.

    I still play this game multiple times everyday. I have 6k coins piled up while I keep leveling up my characters. I've finally gotten a few gold characters. My first one was of course a damn ballerina. Lol

  3. waystar

    waystar Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2014
    List of found co-ordinates here Jabba: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FfUGUnsYSXvWxyCEnBc0q4Q1Df2cwRadpF4pY14ujoA/mobilebasic?pli=1

    Ballerina eh Billy? I bet you've played with her ever since haha :)
  4. Muscat

    Muscat Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    Brisbane, Australia
    Hey everyone,

    Apologies for my absence, I have been hard at work on the NEXT update which once again is massive (14 new characters and a new special event!), and at the same time working on game #2! A couple of days ago, I sat down with all of the clues as gathered by you all, and ensured that everything was still solvable. The thing is IT TOTALLY IS, BUT something has accidentally happened which unexpectedly makes it more difficult for you on your end.

    So basically, although it is solvable in its current state, its way harder than it is supposed to be, due to some pretty surprising tech issues.

    So sometime in the next day or two, I am actually going to rebuild the clues and I will upload the entire thing, including all of the original images from step 1 and all the pieces needed to a new location on the server. I will post it here, and make some changes to other steps of the process so that someone following the whole thing external to the forums would still be able to find and complete all steps.

  5. Jabbawingo

    Jabbawingo Active Member

    Mar 1, 2013
  6. waystar

    waystar Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2014
    Sounds like we'll be getting everything we need on here - thanks Muscat!
  7. Muscat

    Muscat Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    Brisbane, Australia
    #1407 Muscat, Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
    OK here it is.

    I also want to add that this is NOT because you guys didn't have enough images or whatever. waystar did an AWESOME job of rounding everything up.

    Basically, when the images were being emailed to people to be hidden, they were processed through other computers and then finally added to the USB's, and some images became malformed. So now here is the pure, all from one computer set of files, the originals.

    Good luck :)

  8. Vacthok

    Vacthok Active Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    #1408 Vacthok, Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
    Woo hoo! There is something there! I lined up all the small images, overlaid the ajec image, and applied the Difference filter. There were some faint images, that after some brightness, contrast, and level adjustments, produced the image below! I've split it up into the full image (scaled down so I could upload it to the forums), and each of the 4 panels individually, at full size. (waystar... I can send you the files after I sleep then find your email again! heh...)

    Attached Files:

  9. matteopico

    matteopico Active Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    This is the message on the wood piece:

    Jmyp hwtl! Rhb yezj zzepprh xpk lgw vw TvrqAymhmxz Kxhc Pmkm Kymhyi. Jwx uhp, aymw na rlrzr xlm zytbs vrhx. Jpx jpb orwcz pale xlj iyzrvgyvm shr kljyqj. Qo gbcyh wbgym tupaljzz. Ms gby tixabvpgexjl dr sqahmvm aax zfpyyqir nb nrc azli, zv ks twmoxloeieb jvm vvd jswevvq ayewp gyz. Pl yezi ajqr vrex lonbmhc vibimhf nbv cwa!

    I haven't been able to decrypt it... :(
  10. Vacthok

    Vacthok Active Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    "Jmyp hwtl!" might be "Good work!" or "Nice work!". "TvrqAymhmxz" might be "LandSliders" (with the next three words being some kind of subtitle). It certainly looks like another Vignere cypher!

    I just realized that two of the pictures show what was obviously a very beautifully hand-placed scene at the Enigma Room, presumably for the persons that would have shown up there back in November... Now I feel really bad for the people that set that up! (stupid ocean being between me and the Enigma Room...)
  11. SolarDrip

    SolarDrip Member

    Jan 20, 2016
    Dallas, Tx
    #1411 SolarDrip, Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
    Created account because I have something to add!
    Going off of the assumption of LandSliders = "TvrqAymhmxz" I came up with IVENINEEIGH as part of the key for the standard Vignere cypher's tabula recta. However this didnt solve the first 2 as being words. I came out with the first two words as "Well Done!" this created "NINEEIGH" which will line up with the previous key solved with LandSliders. edited: more data parts of the key I have are "NINEEIGHTTHREE" = "Well Done! You have" Now the LandSliders is IVENINEEIGH so I think FIVE is the number preceeding this. 983...5 (ends in 5 before the reset) mean anything and is that only part of the number to something?

    Key so far = nineeightthreefivenineeightthrivenineeightthreefivenineeightthreefive....
    solved to = well done! You have reached the end of LandSliders Real Life Puzzle. For now, this is where the trail ends."

    "thrive" is throwing me off but that might be recursive also.

    Someone may be faster than me, but here is what I have and where I am going. Goodluck
  12. Brad5868

    Brad5868 Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2015
    #1412 Brad5868, Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
    solved the puzzle!
    well done! you have reached the end of landsliders real life puzzle. for now, this is where the trail ends. but who knows when the adventure may resume. it could start anywhere. if you participated in finding the solution at any step, go to prettygreat dot com forward slash arg. we have some neat digital rewards for you!

    solar drip was on the right track with his key:

    key:nineeightthreefivenineeightthrivenineeightthreefive the bold part just keeps repeating until the clue is completed

    Also want to thank solar drip for making an account and getting me started on the key
  13. chrisoshea

    chrisoshea Active Member

    Sorry waystar, I looked everywhere but couldn't find the usb stick. Muscat thanks for positing the originals, glad this is near the end now ;)
  14. Brad5868

    Brad5868 Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2015
    I'm curious if there was an exact way to solve the key or if we were just supposed to brute force it lol

    Big thanks to Muscat for making this adventure and can't wait to see whats next!
  15. SolarDrip

    SolarDrip Member

    Jan 20, 2016
    Dallas, Tx
    #1415 SolarDrip, Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
    I think guessing LandSliders was the key. I don't know what the final key represents though. I did find some typos in the solution, however I still found the end.

    Edit: I did resolve my typos. It was a misread from the picture, but I found it.
  16. SolarDrip

    SolarDrip Member

    Jan 20, 2016
    Dallas, Tx
    I knew someone would be faster. :) you beat me by 10 minutes it appears.
  17. Vacthok

    Vacthok Active Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    #1417 Vacthok, Jan 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
    Agreed! Many, many thanks to Muscat, the dev team, and everyone else that worked at putting the ARG together. Hopefully something else happens in the future!

    (as for the key... I'm guessing something with those discs would have led to it? They are almost mirror images of each other, and the center blocks certainly look like a keypad that could lead to certain numbers. Maybe some combination of rotating them in a certain fashion would have given the 9, 8, 3, 5?

    On a related note, I'd be fascinated to hear a post-mortem of how the ARG was set up and run, especially given that we kind of brute-forced our way through several of the steps...)
  18. matteopico

    matteopico Active Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    So... We're at the end! Thank you Prettygreat for all the fun you gave us, thank you people of Toucharcade for resolving all the cypher I wasn't able to solve XD and... See you soon!
  19. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    I'm thinking that the two discs in the images are a puzzle that grants the key. That's just a guess, though, as I've only just glanced at them and haven't actually worked anything out.
  20. Muscat

    Muscat Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    Brisbane, Australia
    Well done! Wow!

    Seeing as it's over, I can post. The discs represent the keypad that you would enter the original codes into, found in the images on the USBs. Some of the buttons are missing, meaning, "skip these numbers". Also some of the dots are missing around the outside, meaning "skip these parts of the sequence". So the original code of 9984757342 should be entered, but changed to words, and skipping over the missing numbers.

    That being said, I'm totally fine that you guys brute forced it. It was a clever way taht you ended up divining the solution but looking for key blocks. Smart!

    Thank YOU guys for taking part. We had a heap of fun, and would love to do a post mortem. This is the first time we have ever done something like this, so I have learned a LOT. Next time it will be even better... :)

    And don't forget, make sure you fill out the form on http://prettygreat.com/arg so we can hook you up with some neat stuff :)

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