I'm thinking the specific search may have been for Eurasia or something similar. Note this image, which I believe is in the results in the lower left quadrant.
Kind of thinking out loud here, but based on all the clues, I tried turning off the music, selecting the Cat Enhusiast, switching language to Eurasian, and sliding off the right side of the island into the void. All i got was the expected plummet to my death.
Stumbled across this forum when searching for clues to the mystery keypad - what a shame I didn't before (would have loved to contribute sooner!) I've been a little bit addicted to Land Sliders for a few weeks now, and even more so now there's this puzzle to solve!! I've read through the whole thread and google doc so hopefully I don't repeat anything, but please excuse me if I do! I think you're right on the Eurasia tip. This also looks to be one of the included images (2nd row down, 2nd column from left) -
My first thought, when I read about the music and repetitions, was about the yelling crowd. You know what I'm talking about? After so many cycles the music gets a little dull and there is a crowd of people yelling something. I can't really make it out. Perhaps it's another clue?
With this image, most of the pictures seemed centered around China, which is usually the case when looking at maps of Asia. Also. If you do google image search Asia, you can see some corresponding pictures. http://www.projectvisa.com/images/maps/asia.gif this for example, looks like the middle image on the very left side, and also the second one on the bottom. If you look at the image from the twitter it looks like they blacked out "Asia" so that may be a key word. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Map_of_Asia_(ru).png this looks like the last image on the third row and the legend was also blacked out. Either they just want us to guess where it is without looking at the words, or it could be what they want us to look for? And regarding the code on this website https://gist.github.com/Varedis/7ba193abd887a9939583 Fifth line, it looks like "if(Game.Instance.Player !=null)" in the image. If that is going to help...
I really know nothing about Java. Something about the player not being null? And that is the music is playing the script ends before the special url launch (I think someone else already said that). I have no idea what the other if statement is about. Edit: Or Unity. Or how to tell the difference. Or if Java is used in Unity. Yeah, I'm lost here.
OK, so that picture doesn't give us any more info than we had already. 2 more days to see the rest of the cat lady, another day to fill out the coastline map, and 2 more days for the multi-map image. That's a minimum of 5 days unless there are more source images to disseminate. Yawn. I'll check back Sunday.
Can someone translate ? Does it have something to do with all that we imagined ? I wish i could be more helpful but i can't read this
What I've interpreted: 568-574 is a to play music when the game starts 577-580 is some sort of counter? so m_leftappcount increases by one each time the game pauses i think 583-586 is to save the game when the app is closed 588-595 is kind of confusing. Line 590 is stating to equate oldLeftAppCount to m_leftAppCount, then later on on line 595 it says if m_leftAppCount is less than oldLeftAppCount something else that isn't shown in frame. Doesn't make since since... if it was equated how would it be less then? Anyways. Not sure what "specialURL" it is referring to.. perhaps thats the important point. Besides the actual code. Could other aspects of the picture be important? MissionManager.cs, UIStateTransistion.cs? Who knows..
So wait, is this saying that if the amount of times you've paused (m_leftAppCount) is equivalent to how many times you've left the app (oldLeftAppCount) then it launches the specialURL?
No, I think its just saying let oldLeftAppCount equal to m_leftAppCount. If anything. it could be possible that if m_leftAppCount < oldLeftAppCount then open specialURL. Not sure.
Has anyone checked the meta data of any of the original images posted to Twitter? I'm wondering if there is anything hidden there...