Lackadaisium Ultimate Walrus LLC "lackadaisium is everything i want to see in games: it's personal, has a concise vocabulary of rules that it stretches i… $3.99 Buy Now Watch Media Details"lackadaisium is everything i want to see in games: it's personal, has a concise vocabulary of rules that it stretches in many clever directions, and tells its story entirely through play. " - Anna Anthropy, Auntie Pixelante "Lackadaisium is absolutely perplexing, but also pretty excellent." - Indie Review Lackadaisium is a surrealist adventure game with puzzle and action elements. It is autobiographical. Made stream-of-consciousness style during a six year-long depressive episode, it aims not just to be a fun adventure, but also to make you feel and confront all sorts of emotions (and lack thereof) that the author experienced during that time. The primary game mechanic is smashing your head against walls (if you are feeling depressed, my hope is that this mechanic will feel cathartic/relatable, rather than discouraging!). Originally released on PC in 2010, it was featured on NPR,, Indie Review, and more. Praised for its "unnerving ambiance" and compared to Yume Nikki, it is a very personal work. Now, it's been ported to iOS and updated to be truer to the developer's original vision, with almost twice as much content (mostly hidden "easter egg" content). NOTE: this game explores mature themes of depression/anxiety, and has cartoon depictions of blood. It forces the player to smash their head against the wall over and over. It is probably not suitable for children. Please consider donating to the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, to help find cures for depression and other mental health problems. About the author: Sebastian Janisz was a coder/designer on Disney's "Where's My Water?" and invented the tracking algorithms for "Jedi Challenges AR." He has been making indie games for 20 years, and lives a semi-nomadic life with his artist wife, Liana Sposto, who sometimes helps him make indie games. Check out for more! Information Seller:Ultimate Walrus LLC Genre:Adventure, Puzzle Release:Jun 26, 2018 Updated:Aug 30, 2018 Version:1.141 Size:96.2 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal sebgo Well-Known Member Dec 26, 2010 835 399 63 Male 95% leisure. Somewhere in a town amidst the Amazon jungle. #2 sebgo, Jun 27, 2018 Added to wishlist, sounds very interesting. PS: I just visited Ultimate Walrus' site and the first thing that came to my mouth was "F*CK!" when I clicked... Cool website. ♥ (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Added to wishlist, sounds very interesting. PS: I just visited Ultimate Walrus' site and the first thing that came to my mouth was "F*CK!" when I clicked... Cool website. ♥