I know they have never had sales. Purchased Touchgrind on day 1 of it's release. I'll still wait until X-Mas just to see... LOL
Didn't you know? He communicates via toast, weird shapes in trees and patterns in marble flooring... it's kinda primitive 'cause you can't get a decent signal in heaven so SMS never quite took off.
There appeared to have been some weird stuff happening on the server. Whatever it was it seems that it is fixed now. Anyone still experiencing crashes?
It's a pretty good idea, but we have an idea for something similar that require multiple balls. Hopefully you'll get to see what it is in the update!
I was able to get into the editor a few hours after posting that last post. The only weird thing I encountered was when I was trying to re-arrange the order of the boards in the pack I was working on. At first I notice that it wasn't saving the pack after the arrangements. Then it deleted one of my levels and duplicated the level I was moving. I remade that level I lost. Everything seems to be fine now. But I'm not doing any more arrangements at the moment.
Nice to know that you are not gonna reduce the price anytime soon!! Sure if this game was out for say 4 motnhs or so then a price red. would be welcome but not so soon after release
Figured I might as well write in this thread as well for those that do not subscribe to the other thread. I have implemented labyrinth:// links now. Clicking on a link like this one here labyrinth2://AEW62U78.01 now starts the game and opens up the "Search by ID" screen: I chose not to load the first level automatically to give the player a chance to look at it before downloading/playing (it's just two taps anyway; tap download arrow, tap play arrow).
alrite at least under certain conditions the small size ball definitely trips lasers when on the screen it hasn't touched them yet, I'm playing one level where it's happened over and over and it's annoying me
I've read a lot of reviews and people say that you cannot skip a level and is very annoying if you cannot beat a certain board. Will this be addressed?
Better not be. There are loads and loads and loads... and loads of packs. If you get stuck on one, tough ****ing luck, download another one till you get better. Skipping levels counts as direct cheating if you ask me, I don't want someone who can't finish the first level of my pack playing the rest, he hasn't earned that right.
awesome one. Used to play a similar one in WindowMobile but this one seem to me head and shoulder above that.