I'm ashamed of myself notnot being able to beat this level. It stopped me from playing this game. The ball won't fit (as you can see in the picture), i tried leaving it there for a minute (tilting my ipod downwards), i tried tilting it up then down to push the ball. hays.. :/
What level pack is the level from? I'm fairly sure it's a matter of tilting your device fully vertical to get the ball to slide through.
It's really not supposed to be hard so I'm not sure what's going wrong. If you give me the name of the pack I'll even make a video of it.
Just give it a push! In other words, give your phone a push, sort of shake it a little. It shouldn't be hard at all.
Pronto. There should be a new rating: "Insanely hard" but fun. And pretty. Thank you very much! BTW: I gave you ***** but it says "unrated"... Added to faves.
I tried not to set impossible times, but they were pretty good runs. I know I could beat them all if I tried so hopefully other people can too
Oh, and I wasn't sure if it deserved the hard rating... I played it a lot so it started to feel easier and it was difficult to tell if that was just cause I had practise or not.
I hate "Hooked on a Classic" so much... I'm the second to last level and I want to put my iTouch into a wall.
I'm having trouble near the beginning, right after the first two holes. If I happen to get past it, I'll knock into the wooden knob. If I don't, well I don't and fall in.