I'm asking because I don't have convenient wifi access. I prefer if it came all in an update. I guess I can go to a MacD's.
+1 Like you I also want to have the free decision if I make social connections and with whom or not. Should not be part of a award, sounds a bit like too aggressive marketing to me. I am not a salesman for IL or any insurance company. It L2 really selling so bad that you need this? Sorry no creations by me. I've tried the editor for half an hour or so but then saw Midian's perfect screenshots—and it's really discouraging because mine will be never as good as those. Maybe later sometimes... Can't you go out for collecting used cans or snow shoveling in the commune for some fast bucks? (Sorry forgot it's spring in AU.) The game would be worth it. So be more than fair to existing customers and increase it. <Ha. Escaped.> I just wanted to say something similar like your's. Creating really good levels is something like hard work for most of us. Make the most and absolutely highest rated level packs available for US$.10 each in-game-purchase or something like this. Feature them on your website with an extensive description (made by creator), screenshots, user comments and spoilers. Early adopters/downloaders get them free and when they are rated really high make them chargeable with a small amount. A dynamic created list of the most wanted twenty level packs of each genre (puzzle, classic...) or so, all together in a special offer for 1.50 (it's not too much for 100 tables, is it?). Not only for motivating level creators who will be rewarded with some iTunes or Apple Store gift cards but for accessing more perfect levels. Old question discussed here earlier: Should I have to play the level-tables sequently (like now) or should I be able to choose each table freely (unlocked)? Maybe a solution, make it optional: When you play sequently like now you can Rate the pack Write comments Make achievements Get into global highscores When you choose the "free mode" you can play and try but don't have the benefits listed above. Maybe too complicated for some people, I know. I always loved to keep things simple. Pleeeaaazzzeee! One single simple hint! TIA. And: What's next in L2?
It's not that I don't have enough money, I have $55 in my account but my parents say that I can only buy a few games a month. I need time to play through the other games anyway. Three reasons: 1.It doesn't snow where i live. 2.People don't pay for collected cans here in NSW, only in South Australia. 3.And i'm not really that type of guy, I don't do that kind of stuff
The first update has been submitted. It contains some bug fixes regarding awards, and some final polish and nice-to-have features we didn't have time to do before submitting (Apple said approval times should be around 4-5 weeks, turned out to be "just" 2). We are planning on submitting the next update as soon as 1.0.1 is out. So we'll submit the features we have ready by then. We are working on making it easier to share your created levels (i.e. to tell the world about your new pack). We will begin working on a new theme next week too, so I'll probably start to record new sounds on Monday or Tuesday and Mirabelle will start on the graphics. We also have numerous very good suggestions for new obstacles, but we haven't started on those yet. The editor is updated every now and then. One of the huge advantages of not having an in-game editor is that we can change it whenever we want and upload a new version a minute after we have added a new feature. It's evolving every day. We also have tons of input from you guys to discuss, so depending on the outcome of that our plans may change a little.
Hey labrinth lovers! Check out my level pack it's called "think and preform-ALOE" it should be pretty easy to find because it's high up there in top rated level packs
One achievement requires making a level pack bad a result, there are now many essentially blank level packs made quickly just to get the achievement. Sometimes they are named in acway that you know but other tines not ("My First Level Pack" could be a serious attempt or not). The ones I've seen all have Easy as the difficulty. I like easy packs and it gets annoying to download new packs and then see most are blank levels. Any way to control this?
I think it would be hard, but if anyone has an idea, I'm all ear. We wanted encourage people to test the level editor, give them an incentive. If you rated it a one star, soon it will disappear from the lists. The more popular the game gets, the faster these levels will disappear as well because someone will download it and rate it low (so some people will have to play it, yes, but hopefully not the same one all the time).
if 50,000 buy the game, half try the editor, and half of them upload blank level packs, that's 12,500 packs to sift through and rate. HELP!!! May not be nearly that bad. And I figured out how to preview a pack before downloading. Getting back to the list of packs to download can be done by tapping in the upper left corner, tho a Back button there would be nice.
Woah, don't give up because of me. My levels are tidy but they're still not as fun as some other peoples.
Pleasedont give up! There was a wide range in the challenge and style of levels with Lab 1 and the possibilities with Lab 2 are so much more. Would like to play your creations along with all the others
Hey Anders, can you clarify how you get credit for a level without touching anything? Some levels will register while others will not