I'm on 18. I think they should lower the gold ball requirement to 28 though. I understand they want people to play multiplayer, but I don't know one single person with an iPhone or an iPod Touch, so now I'm basically getting awards for nothing.
I dunno, but you can only get 28 without playing multiplayer and the gold ball is awarded for 29. I think it was intentional, but it just kinda bugs me, it's obvious I'm a big fan of this game but I'm not sure I'll ever get the gold ball
if you restart a level, does the time you spent on it before restarting count towards total time? I don't think it does..when I finished the 200 official levels I thought 2.5 hours was kinda short..wonderful, more time wasted
Dang, did u like leave it on overnight? I'm at like 5. Btw does the font thing from cydia give u that font?
Yeah well this has been pretty much the only game I've played the past few days and yeap I changed my font with fontswap..think it looks nice in Labyrinth menus
Yeah it looks awesome. I wouldn't complain seeing it as part of an update BTW check out starmonkey101's pack, he posted near the bottom of page 26 on the level editor topic. I was really impressed with the ideas.
It would be awesome if you guys added a multiplayer or even single player with bots where you could actually bump into the other player's ball. Then you could try to knock them into a hole so you could go win or even it could have no finish and it could be like a last man standing type of thing
iono how to find any of the levels you guys made cuz the only way to search is by IDs whatever they are
hey you can search for my levels under the id name "ohboi" my pack is called "think and preform-ALOE" oh im sorry! my id name is "AGE5L4YB.01"