The one thing I don't like about this game is that you can't skip a level. So if you get stuck, that's it for that pack. On that subject, could someone give me a hint as to how to get by this level? Thanks, Michael
One of the red on the last row is safe to cross. Spoiler (Highlight): 2nd one from the top Btw that whole pack is just a guessing game of which dots are safe
I kinda screwed up my calibration so the ball moves very awkwardly now. How did everyone calibrate their ball (I know how to calibrate it but I'm curious specifically the calibration you guys set it on and what works best for you).
Bought (finally)!!! I was wrong. So very wrong. THIS GAME RULZ!!! Love the classic packs too!!! Love how packs are rated on difficulty and overall quality by the player community. Just fab!!! Can't wait to see the level packs creative players come up with!!!
LOVE THIS GAME! but i wish there were a way to see which level packs you have already downloaded and deleted... often, downloaded level packs are too hard or stupid for me to spend my time on (especially on the hard difficulty-there are a lot of stupid levels that people make) but anyway,,, i dont want to keep the levels in my game under "ongoing" so i delete them only to see that i dont know which ones i deleted and end up downloading them again this is my only issue with the game... other than that is fantabulous
Well, we have lots and lots of stuff on our todo-list, so I don't know when or if it will be added, but nevertheless, it's on the list and will not be forgotten. I think it is a good idea, I guess the main problem is the UI. Right now we have a very elegant solution: If not downloaded, you get a download button. If downloaded, you get a play button. This would mess all of that up.