Definetly! This is one of my favourite games now, I love the level editor, tons of fun. I've only tried labryinth lite and got turned of by the difficulty, they've added checkpoints to make it much more enjoyable. The new features are really cool, pick it up once you have some cash.
Could i create levels in the editor on my iPhone directly? or is it only possible to make them on a computer?
JUst finished all official levlels and also "Three tricky moves" - Christoffer Lindvall (dl). What a sicko pack that was, anyone else finished it? Really good game! I'm not sure if I like that you'll need to play multiplayer to get all awards though, not all of us got ppl to play it with.
Yay Sure is way better that the first. Took me a while to finish the official levels. I did also finish the "Three Tricky Moves" and it is a royal pain. Probably one of the hardest. There is another one "Missao Impossivel" that I have been having a tough time on. I've finished all the easy packs and all the hard packs but the above mentioned. Haven't done all the medium ones probably half. I'm including all up to the time 9:30 CST more keep coming. All I can say is its a blast.
it seems i don't understand the award "beat the maker". i beated him in almost every easy level, the progress went up to 13%, now i finished all easy levels and i was faster in every single easy level, and now it says 0%?????
I just purchased this, but I can't seem to figure out how to do (what I think) is a basic function. If I select a level-pack, how do I select a specific level within the pack? Thanks, Michael
That's our 3D artist His packs are insanely hard! Try his other packs as well, they are very good. Hint: click ID when in the level info menu, and then find packs from this author. We wanted encourage people to play multiplayer, and adding multiplayer awards was one way to do it. Go tell your friends to get L2, problem solved!
It's a bug with that award, it doesn't get saved to the database. BUT, it has already been fixed and we'll upload the update tomorrow (with some other small fixes)! The best thing is that we will scan all your best times and fix the problem and give you the awards you should have, so your hard work is not lost. Still, sorry about the bug :/
If you are playing in single player, just tap the little 'i' button where you select a level packs. There you can select the level you want to play, given you have completed the previous one. In the game, just pause it and skip levels with the arrow buttons.
Is it possible to download all levels at the same time and then update once in a while to get any new ones that come out ? Also are they be grouped into easy / meduim /hard when downloaded automatically ?
You will have to tap each pack you want to download. But you can tap download on several packs very quickly and they'll all download in the background. Ten taps = ten level packs = 50 to 100 levels. So you can stock up with lots of levels before going on a trip or when you get internet access if you don't have it all the time. We don't have have a download all feature, since soon you would be downloading thousands of packs with just one click.. which I doubt you really want. What you probably want is very good level packs, not all level packs.