Glad to hear you like it! We'll add your lil' request in an update, just because we love robots (Bender, R2D2, Johnny 5, even human ones).
You mean the 952000? You've seen me on here a time or two, that's how many hours i've logged here at TA!
Hehe yeah you've been with us for a long time. Hmm a puzzle.. I like it (I'm an classic adventure game addict. now, where's me thinking hat... and me pipe)
Damn it Anders, I forgot just how much I like you guys at IL. Now I'm gonna have to get some postage and wire my $5 across the Atlantic...
Weren't you just complaining about the game being too hard, and here you are playing the hard levels? Hehe, ok, here's what to do. Press all the buttons. The only laser that does something useful is the one to the left. After you break the laser beam, you just need to get to the goal fast before the door closes. The fastest way to accomplish that is to roll into the hole, and then quickly when you re-spawn roll into the goal! Edit: Oops, sorry, that was level five. I'll do level six right away.
1. Break the laser beam at the bottom to open the first door 2. Roll up and duplicate the ball 3. Place one ball in the top cavity 4. Place other ball in the other cavity 5. Roll the top ball down and break the bottom laser 6. Quickly roll the ball in the left cavity into the goal when the door opens for a short while 7. Hey Presto, we're done!
I'm still wading trough the 100+ emails about promo codes! Okay okay, I'll have a look for an eli-mail
Heh actually neither of those seem to be the level I was looking for.. but I beat it now anyway yep hard levels I have 3 hard level packs left
It's honestly amazing how the ball never rolls into a hole when I want to get rid of a duplicate ball, seriously..