Would it be possible to have a few different themes? Still cosmic ones but more black or green? Nothing serious. Highscore competitions sound great
Really like this game, took a try or two to really get used to the controls. Haven't completed all quests, only a bunch, but so far they are challenging. The game is original and different from other games on the app store. Really liking it so far, what I'd like to see is some more gamecneter achievements. What Enco said about having different themes would be really nice as well
Just a tip (although I don't have this game...) From the screenshots, it's hard to see how you actually play this game!
hi guys!!! just picked this up on an impulse... and i must say this game is AMAZING!!!! (yes it must be caps to show how amazing this game is). but i'm stuck on the quest that you have to collect 1000 points . i hope this will become a classic like Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, Hook Champ, Ninjatown, Pathpix, etc. Kudos to Ninjagorilla/Simogo for making such fun and beautiful game!!. i have a couple suggestions though..make everything customizable!!! so here is what i have in mind....everytime you play you will gain some currency/money and you can use the money to modify the planet, Nod, or even the evil alien!!! and please make different background themes! some power-ups wouldn't hurt however don't make the game too complex.
Yeah. Something we have discussed. The thing is we were not sure if we had the size to do it (want to keep it under 20mb), and they are pretty hi-res. Now we might be able to fit it in, so we are considering it. Not for this update though. But there are other things you'll like in there! Got your PM. Kosmo Spin fans are the most awesome fans = confirmed! Thanks! There are more achievements coming in the first update! Hm. You're right. Suggestions? Thanks for buying our game! Really glad that you like it! Noted. But again, we want to keep Kosmo Spin simple, so everyone can play it. Not make to many things that might confuse some people. We don't want to modify the endless mode too much, too keep the leaderboards in tact. The quests, on the other hand, is more open to have these kind of modifications. That said, I've just modified the endless mode (just veeeeeery slightly), in the beginning to have it a little more gentle. This is something most of you won't notice, since it's just the at the beginning of a endless session,, but some players have been finding it a tad unfair (in theory the ufo could bombard you with basketballs then beam you). That won't happen now! So this should not alter the leaderboard scores at all, it will just make sure that you don't get play sessions with 0 points Pretty cool, we are climbing up on the all paid charts in Germany now! We're on 111 right now. Danke Schön to all you Germans that are picking up our game! Another cool thing was seeing us pass Doodle Jump in the All Paid the first couple of days in Sweden. Seems that Apple changed every app in New & Noteworthy this thursday So we're now in What's Hot instead. Which of course is pretty cool too Buuuuuuuuuuuuut this is probably why you're reading this: Dun dun dun dun, SIMOGO SANTA STRIKES AGAIN! Here's your Promo Code to download KOSMO SPIN FOR FREE! REWTL4ML4JXM and it seems Simogo Santa can't stress this enough: If you take it, please say so. Again people: Thanks for all your support and great feedback. We love you!
I took the code, Ninjagorilla. Many thanks from europe/germany - finally they allow codes to get used worldwide. Many thanks.... i will post impressions once i get my new iphone on tuesday
You're welcome! Yes, it's so nice they finally got that sorted out. Makes it much easier for us developers as well.
Hey there. Well... You'll have to wait for Simogo Santa to come back. He already gave away a code today. Try your luck in the next week. We're running out so you better be keep your eyes peeled!
Yes, but you may as well just buy it. It's only $.99 and SOOOOOO fun! Well worth the (very little) money
I think quest 20 and 24 are both difficult before, but now I have completed the Quest Mode. Now I can easily get over 1000 scores in Endless Mode.
The game is awesome! But I would like to see with option other controls, for example, touching the right side of the screen to turn right and touch to the left to turn left
Glad you liked it. Talked about the Control options a few posts before! A lot of the concept is built around the touch controls so... I don't know if it would be enjoyable to play any other way? Oh hey. Super Simogo Santa with free Kosmo Spins, where are you? HOHOHOHO RIGHT HERE YO: EMX3PE7EPE6E IF YOU TAKE MY PROMO CODE PLZ DO TELL! ... Ok, thanks Simogo Santa. And by the way, I collected all the new good reviews, mentions and stuff (Eurogamer, Player One Podcast): http://simogo.com/blog/2010/12/13/more-stuff-on-web/