I just wish there was a way to zoom out, at least a little bit. I get maybe they're trying to give the whole fish experience where you can't see much beyond, but it kind of kills the zen experience for me when I can't really tell where I'm going.
I agree in a way, there were a few times I actually tried to zoom out with both fingers as I thought it was obvious, anyway right now your best way is to use headphones, you'll get used to it
I've been thinking about getting this but it seems to not have attracted much attention and the comments have been in my opinion mixed. Thoughts? Wort my the buy at .99?
I gave up on level 3 because it just became too tedious. If you want more details, I wrote a short review/impressions (more of a warning): http://www.appunwrapper.com/2015/08/12/koi-journey-of-purity-impressions-and-gameplay-video/
I think this is a well done game. I disagree with control issues. It is different that what we are used to, but to me it makes sense in what we with the fish. If it was just a a directional pad that swung around like a shooter, or dual stick style, it would lose a lot of its feel. It makes sense that a fish would move quickly in a direction & not just immediately change that direction. Production values are very high! I hope thy stick to premium style game with optional iAP & keep adding levels. Really is a cool game.
With respect, that makes no sense at all. Anyone who has ever seen fish move in the water, from big ones to tiny ones, knows that they move like darts and can change direction in a blink of an eye.
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