Universal Knights of Pen & Paper - (by Behold Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by TouchArcade Bot, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. DarkNecros

    DarkNecros Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2013
    wait untill you unlock the other 5 then make a whole new party using new classes
  2. slammajamma28

    slammajamma28 Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    Software Developer
    Looks like I have to start over. Somehow, my game got wiped. I don't know what I did, to cause it, but my game 1 slot shows Day 1. Meaning level 18 party of five is gone.


    My big clumsy fingers must have pressed "New Game" instead of "Load Game." then just ignored the dialog box.
  3. blebhertz

    blebhertz Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    when is this new big patching coming? i've passed the game on the IOS, and will pick it up on the android just to see the new content
  4. Fleabag323

    Fleabag323 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    There is no more content on Android than iOS... The +1 edition update is coming in the summer.
  5. slammajamma28

    slammajamma28 Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    Software Developer
    What is the "Weird Combination?"

    And Secret Achievements???
  6. sabin1981

    sabin1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2012
    €10 for the PC version and €15 for the "Special" Edition upgrade to that... I have no words for how infuriatingly unfair that is. I'm not one of those "everything must be $1!" gamers, but god damn it - how about a little fairness? €1.50/$2 on the iPad but €10/$10 for the PC version is just wrong, guys, it's wrong.

    I was all set to buy the PC version on Steam but not now, absolutely not now. I wish you the best of luck - you're going to need it once the Steam trolls find out you're selling the handheld version 500% cheaper.
  7. Pixel_Gamer

    Pixel_Gamer Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2013
    Will the +1 version be PC & Mac exclusive only?
  8. undeadcow

    undeadcow Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    Houston, TX
    The +1 edition was initially reported for iOS too. Fingers crossed that did not change. The developer has been active in this thread so hopefully he will clarify.
  9. sabin1981

    sabin1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2012
    #949 sabin1981, Jun 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2013
  10. Fleabag323

    Fleabag323 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    You have to consider the fact that they had to make a lot of new art for the PC version because it's landscape, plus the market is smaller than iOS + Android.
  11. sabin1981

    sabin1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2012
    #951 sabin1981, Jun 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2013
    Rotating the display and having a smaller market does not mean a 500% (minimum, the "Special" edition is 900% higher) price hike. There are no "Steam rules" that state the game should be sold for a 500% increase, there's proof enough just by looking at the "Under €5" category on the store. Other mobile developers brought their titles to Steam and had much fairer pricing -- €5 would have still been a 233% increase but at least it would have been far better, especially factoring in iOS/Android owners are receiving the update on their existing copy.

    I already own the iPad version, I'm just fuming at the poor treatment of the PC platform - once again. It's not right, god damn it! It's not fair on PC gamers (of which I count myself amongst) and it's setting a bad precedent for other publishers and developers that port. I love this game and would have loved to pick up a PC version, but I simply refuse to support this kind of practice and can't, in good conscience, recommend anyone buy the PC copy. If I recommend it to anyone at all (and that's a big IF lately) it will be for the iOS version; all the content, 6 to 10x lower price.

    Anyway, I do wish the developers luck - they picked a dastardly publisher though I hope it works out for them.
  12. Fleabag323

    Fleabag323 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    There are lots of rules for devs on Steam going on behind the scenes. Other games being at a certain price doesn't mean anything for this game.

    The iPhone version was free at one point; how dare they mark the price up an infinite percent!!!! As I said before, pricing differs on each platform, as the number of users and cost to develop is different. If $9.99 is truly a ludicrous price for the game, people will not buy it and the price will be lowered. For the amount of content they're adding, it would probably make sense to charge more for the mobile version via an IAP expansion, but then the original fans would go and whine about how they're marking up the price X%. As they also stated in the posts you linked to, the price was the publisher's decision, not theirs. The game on iOS is probably also underpriced currently.

    PS: You only need one space after each sentence, not two or three; that applies to semicolons too.
  13. sabin1981

    sabin1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2012
    #953 sabin1981, Jun 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2013
    Show me the rule that states what a game is to be sold at and I'll shut up. Until then you have no more information than I do, so no matter what we say it's still just conjecture.

    As for the sentence construction jab; what the hell are you talking about? I haven't used "two or three" spaces after each sentence, the splits are called paragraphs; something you are also using. Don't sit there and try to play the grammar nazi, it's petty and pointless since my grammar is quite fine.
  14. Fleabag323

    Fleabag323 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    #954 Fleabag323, Jun 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2013
    The rules are private because they are confidential developer agreements, just like how Steam doesn't disclose or allow its developers to disclose revshare. Plus, the developer's statement saying that is pretty convincing evidence that it exists. They are very open with the community and wouldn't try to rip people off if they had a choice. Also, regarding something you said a few posts back, the new art isn't a matter of "rotating the display." It's not like they made an entire landscape image of every location and just decided to cut out 75% of it for fun.

    Hmmm... When I'm quoting your sentences, there are lots of extra spaces for some reason. They don't appear to be there in your actual comment. My bad.

    There are other errors I could nitpick, but I chose to only go after the spacing (which seems to have been an issue with quoting) because it hurt readability.

    EDIT: I think I figured it out. The forum automatically cuts down any group of two or more spaces down to one, but it remains when you quote or edit. That makes it seem like you typed extra spaces, but I'm not entirely sure. You can try editing one of your posts and see if there are extras.
  15. sabin1981

    sabin1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2012
    #955 sabin1981, Jun 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2013
    I'm not sure what you're reading but there are no double spaces on my end. Do you want a screenshot to prove it? I'd say your client is screwing up the way text is rendered, see for yourself;


    ~edit~ Fixed oversized image.

    No double-spacing. Don't let my "Location" fool you as I'm not Norwegian, I am English and in my humble opinion my English is excellent. Since you've resorted to snide comments and digs at my typography, then I'm done with this discussion.

    That might make sense for it to be an error, because there really are no double spaces in my posts :\ I did used to have that habit but have long since kicked it....................... most of the time XD

    ~edit again~


    That would be why, I'm 32 and left school 16 years ago. I was taught double spacing after full stop all throughout my childhood and after leaving school it was a hard habit to break.
  16. Fleabag323

    Fleabag323 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    Try editing or quoting your post (especially the first one on this page); that seems to be the only time you can see them (whether it is because of automatic correction on the forum's part or a display error I do not know).
  17. DaviddesJ

    DaviddesJ Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    May 19, 2010
    Burlingame CA
    Double spacing is good because it distinguishes the end of a sentence from other uses of periods, such as in abbreviations.
  18. sabin1981

    sabin1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2012
    #958 sabin1981, Jun 7, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2013
    I do see some double spaces in my posts when editing, which is strange because I don't do double spaces any longer. It was a tough habit to break from typewriting but either way; it's certainly not deliberate if/when I do slip back into old ways. Nevertheless, this discussion is off-topic and pointless nonetheless since - as you discovered - the forum corrects the issue automatically. I still stand by my point about the pricing for the game; it's unfair and it's shameful.

    Let us just agree to disagree and leave it at that.


    God damn it, I'm seeing a lot of double spaces when editing my posts. Ok, this sucks :(




    ... but no, I really shouldn't be slipping back and if I am then grumble grumble grumble.
  19. Fleabag323

    Fleabag323 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    That's why we have capital letters and common sense. ;)

    Also, this whole thread really doesn't need to turn into some grammar discussion.
  20. sabin1981

    sabin1981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2012
    Pshaw! You started it! :D

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