Universal Knights of Pen & Paper - (by Behold Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by TouchArcade Bot, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. applecat

    applecat Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    I know, I'm saying the enemy was renamed and that's why the quest doesn't work anymore. Iron Maiden does look like a Trap Gate of sorts after all :p
  2. Rusothil

    Rusothil Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2011
    Haha yes it does. By chance, how do you level up the enchanter? I'm pretty certain it is the couldron icon but it doesn't have a level up option. I don't even know what the enchanter does when you level it up
  3. applecat

    applecat Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    The blacksmith? On the right there's a green arrow level up icon, if you collect grindstones (from caves or by buying them from the shop) the success rate gets higher and the wait time goes down. You can check the wiki for each level up!
  4. Rusothil

    Rusothil Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2011
    Thanks for that! In the game's achievements it mentions an enchanter. Any idea what that's for?
  5. applecat

    applecat Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    The latest update changed the game around a lot, the enchanter was the item shop iirc and you had to unlock items tiers but that was removed since.
  6. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    I love this game seriously....
  7. applecat

    applecat Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    Just checked the leaderboards in GC and somehow, someone managed to get all the way up to level 99 before the recent updates :eek:

    I'm only getting 11k exp from the hardest group of enemies with a party between level 40 and 61, the exp decrease really discourages levelling further even though it's still fun to tweak your party. If I can get the Hunter's Volley damage up to 800+ it'll open up options to optimize party composition away from mage/shaman I think because they both have glaring weaknesses :cool:
  8. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Does the hunter do the most dmg or something? I hear about him all the time but I love the mage and shaman for aoe dmg.
  9. applecat

    applecat Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    #749 applecat, Dec 29, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2012
    Yea, here's some numbers:

    Meteor (lvl 40 mage, lvl 36 meteor, 442 magic): 135 damage
    Hurricane (lvl 41 shaman, lvl 40 Hurricane, 398 magic): 136 damage + 83 damage for the next turn (+1-2 turns depending on character/table item)

    Shaman is more powerful than the Wizard, but one cast of Hurricane costs me 166 mp, almost half the bar, so I need a Druid with high level Gaia's Blessing so I don't have to sleep after every battle.

    Big weaknesses are that the spells increase by 2 flat damage points per level and not by a percentage like physical damage skills and that magic cannot crit. A positive is that one/two/three/four ring increase both magic and hp, so you don't have to sacrifice defense for offense like you do when equipping beaks.

    Since my Hunter is way higher level I'll have to guess, but I think around lvl 40 it did 200 damage and 400 on crit to 5 enemies without attack song buff by the Bard. Now (lvl 61 hunter, lvl 38 volley, 153 attack) it does 357 and 715 damage on crit with the buff. Mage/Shaman will never even come close to that.

    If there was a way to manipulate turn order so a Necromancer and Bard would always come before Hunter, you could probably get it up to 100% crit without wasting the Hunter's skillpoints on crit and dish out even more damage but a setup that requires a precise turn order to work seems frustrating.
  10. wonderbear

    wonderbear Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    How do I get the holy grail? Is it something you gain access to from a quest? I have 3 characters at level 21 and I go to the shop but there is no holy grail to purchase. Am I just being impatient to grow my party?
  11. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    May be Better to grind for gold with gold+ equipment, then buy a bunch of exp+ potions and appropriate equipment and—bottoms up!
  12. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Wow so should i replace my mage and shaman with some different classes? Right now I roll a shaman, bard, cleric, mage, and the knight. Should I run necro, bard, cleric, hunter, and knight instead? If I need a druid who should he replace?
  13. gty

    gty Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    hit the "shop" button on top. you'll be amazed haha
  14. applecat

    applecat Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    #754 applecat, Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2012
    +Gold equipment doesn't work, I tried 10 of those +3% gold things and got exactly the same amount as without any of them :(

    You can beat the game with your party easily since you have 2 healers & 1 tank, but it'll take you a while to level up a bit with just 2 mediocre damage dealers. Necro and Bard have support spells for physical attack classes like Barbarian, Hunter and Rogue, they're not very useful on a magic damage team like yours.

    With a Cleric and his great debuff, you can use very offensive equipment on everyone since you won't be taking much damage after the first round. Try switching the Mage for a Hunter or Rogue (no AoE, but highest single-target damage) so your Bard has someone to buff. Not sure what the Bard can do after the first round since the Cleric can heal an entire party fine by himself :p

    If you've never felt the need to recharge MP during a fight, you don't need a Druid. My teams always used physical attackers a lot so I think Druid is the most useful class because it has 3 really useful spells.
  15. Skobel24

    Skobel24 Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    #755 Skobel24, Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2012
    Awesome game, but I'm a bit disappointed I paid for a game that can't be beaten right now. That Trap Gate quest is preventing me from advancing.

    Also, as it stands, I have;

    Paladin, Barbarian, Cleric, Mage, Rogue.

    I've been hearing great things about the hunter and bard though. Should I switch it up?
  16. Rusothil

    Rusothil Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2011
    As applecat said earlier, go to the other places and do their quests. This quest doesn't need to be done to beat the game even though it seems like it.
  17. applecat

    applecat Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    Abandon quest, move on :p With a tank in there, you can switch the Cleric for a Bard that can buff the Barbarian and Rogue. You've got a lot of single target damage between those two classes, but no AoE damage except for Mage. You can switch the Mage for a Hunter so all 3 of your attackers can benefit from the attack song, without a Druid for MP you'll have to get more points in the Hunter's passive abilities so Volley doesn't eat too much MP.
  18. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Hmmm I do really well and kind of do the heal over time on Bard then use his aoe spell for some extra dmg. It doest do alot of dmg but its decent.
  19. Skobel24

    Skobel24 Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    #759 Skobel24, Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2012
    I was going to start a 2nd game soon, using;

    Paladin, Hugo (5 Threat, 10% Crit) - Tank (Not a fan of the Warrior or Knight)
    Bard, Hynx (+1 Skill Duration) - Healer (Used Cleric in my first file)
    and either;
    Rogue, Hunter, Barbarian
    Rogue, Hunter, Druid
    I'll likely use Saulo for the hunter(+5 Initiative and 30% extra XP), Gui for the druid (-5 threat, 5% mana steal), and Betu as my rogue (+3 atk, 50% less res cost).

    Would I be better off giving the hunter Hugo, and the Paladin Saulo? With that plus to initiative, it would likely mean me getting an earlier chance at getting the paladins threat up, and the hunter would really benefit from the 10% crit.

    It's basically between the barb and druid. I like the druids enrage, and the backup healing could be useful. Considering I also used the barb in my first file, I'm likely going to give the druid a chance.
  20. applecat

    applecat Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    #760 applecat, Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2012
    With my current knowledge:

    - You want +crit on the Hunter, even if that means more threat on him. Crit is his most important stat, Mana steal would be good, too. +3 attack isn't much in the long run.
    - You want +initiative on the Bard so he can cast before the attackers in the first round or you lose out on a bunch of damage starting out
    - You want Mana Steal on the Rogue because he uses lots of MP too, though not as much as the Hunter but he can get >80% crit easily on his own.

    I've not used a Barbarian but if I did, it would be in Combination with a Necromancer's buff. My Druid casts Gaia's Blessing each round because Hunter and Shaman eat up so much MP. Saves sleeping for MP between battles :)

    My Hunter just hit level 74 (second highest on GC after that level 99 guy) thanks to about 220 exp potions (does ~950 Volley damage on crit now I believe) and I really wish I had used the +10 crit character for him... might put a Necromancer on my team solely to get his crit up.

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