Universal King's League: Odyssey (Universal app by Gamenauts)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. pausiopao

    pausiopao Member

    Oct 27, 2010
    I wish there were more things to do in endless mode. Should rename it to battleathon mode
  2. undeadcow

    undeadcow Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    Houston, TX
    King's League Odyssey was successfully nominated for Touch Arcade forums' Game of the Week poll. Voting will occur over the next three days at the link below. Developers may not vote for their own games, new user votes subject to review.

  3. Ruzu

    Ruzu Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2012
    I play past the 'completed' part of the game to unlock and see everything the game has to offer. In King's League case, there is no extra content for the player to engage in. By no extra content, I don't mean everything's too boring, but that the developers literally didn't give out any extra content.
  4. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    Well, there is a dungeon that only unlocks after you win the league progression, but, yeah, that's not much. That said, I could not care any less. Your score isn't going to improve, unlocking any other characters won't carry over (odd choice on having the "deck" mechanism for showing character unlocks, but not having it persistent), so just start another game.
  5. Hi all, the team discussed the post-launch plans, and here's what our priorities are in order:


    1. Fix the crashes as much as possible.
    - We're trying to optimize the game to avoid crashes on specific devices. Most of the crashes are due to memory issues on these devices.

    2. Battlethon UI/flow changes.
    - Revamping the flow to allow players to keep on fighting instead of going back to the UI lobby.

    3. Game save system.
    - Ideally we'd like to change this to something much quicker. However we need to thread this very carefully because (as we mentioned earlier in the thread) the issue for this is a technical one and not from a game design point of view. Having the game auto-save more often could lead to issues with the memory which goes back to #1 in the above (hence we kept it the same as the original Flash version).

    4. Fix minor misc. bugs.
    - Some text errors, etc.

    5. Pvp Mode
    - This is something the team has long dreamt about ever since the original Flash version came out. However, realistically speaking it's something farther down the road because there's a ton of game design/technical considerations to made. But suffice to say, we do want PvP as well as and hope to make it a reality.


    Some folks have asked us about iCloud and we're a little hesitant as we've heard from other devs that not only is it quite tricky to implement, it has created huge/critical game save bugs. So unfortunately, we decide to not put iCloud on our list for now until we get the other stuff done.

    Please let us know if you have any other feedback or requests. :)
  6. Ruzu

    Ruzu Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2012
    #206 Ruzu, Nov 18, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2013
    That doesn't work for me because I'm not that type of gamer I guess. If I'm just told to start a new game that easily, then what's the point of all the progress in the first place, you get my drift? What's the point of playing a game if none of that time you invested has any value to it because it can be wiped so easily?

    Edit: Would it not be possible to allow the user to choose when they want the game to be saved, i.e. tapping the save button, or exiting to the main menu, telling the system this is where I want to save, and not, I want to stop playing here?

    Keep up the good work! Although, I'd like a different kind of endless content besides battlethon and pvp, if -possible-.

    The biggest idea in the back of my head is a totally separate game mode where you own a really big castle, and there are like multiple other 'kings' in the same big region who also each own their own castle. The way gameplay would work is that you hold a specific amount of territories, with several others in neutral standing. Your goal is to conquer and control all enemy territory. But you have to be careful, defeated kings might or might not ally with other kings for a boost in power.

    But you have to be careful. There are other regions besides yours. If you are unable to unite your region before another region invades your own, you'll have trouble pushing back against an entire kingdom with fragmented army forces that have no intention of helping each other out. There would be x amounts of these kingdoms that each rule part of the larger continent.

    To keep gameplay fresh, the AI learns what units you are dominating with in certain regions and sends units specifically designed to counter those units, so you can't just rely in power

    E.G. A maxed out knight cannot defend against a half-maxed mage because his armor wasn't designed to endure magic attacks, but he would be too much trouble for a maxed out archer because the arrows would deal severely reduced damage due to the armor.

    Once you conquer all the kingdoms, the game is effectively over. Whenever you start a new game, all the regions, kingdoms, opponents, etc would be randomized. To constantly keep you on your toes, a rebellion, or multiple could break out randomly anywhere for added challenge. Effectively, with the random rebellions, the game has the potential to go on forever.

    And all of this is happening using the current system. Just a thought ^^. Maybe you could ponder upon this area after you finish pvp?
  7. wigzisonfire

    wigzisonfire Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2012
    Art Director
    Game Breaker

    I loveeee this game. But i have hit a game breaking bug:( Has anyone else hit this, and is there any way around it.

    Basically i completed the dungeon that unlocks the javelin girl. Once complete it told me where to hire her from, as i did this as soon as the recruitment is due to complete the game crashes and instantly turns off.

    When i go back to the save file, it had autosaved after i had paid for the recruitment so once i load the game it is already counting down the days till the game crashes again.

    GUTTED:( im on an iPhone 4, memory is pretty stacked up! Until i hear anything on how to fix this i just had to start a new game which is a ball ache!
  8. ednan

    ednan Well-Known Member

    It's not that bad. The game isn't very long. I finished 2 times in 1 day
  9. brittspace

    brittspace Member

    Jul 26, 2012
    Travel and Hunging?

    Does anyone know what Traveling and Hunting do? Is that a spoiler?

    Also, agree that endless mode doesn't give much else to play with except watching Battlethons, which can get quite boring. I'd love to see a game like this with some LORD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legend_of_the_Red_Dragon) PVP elements. Oh man!
  10. christopherrocs

    christopherrocs Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2013
    #6 iPod 4 supported wayy better right ;)
  11. trazer

    trazer Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2013
    I want to get this game, but man it sure seems to be short from all the comments. Looks like fun, but I also want the fun to last you know?

    I think I'm going to hold off until there is more content I guess, or at least I hope there will be more.
  12. drunkhobo15

    drunkhobo15 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2010
    Fort Worth, Texas
    I bought it after seeing it on GOTW and it sounded right up my alley. I got addicted and played the normal mode for about 4-5 hours before moving onto insane and enjoying it even more(normal feels like a tutorial to a certain extent getting you ready for hard/insane). If you enjoy resource management style games its perfect and their are no hoops to jump through and their is no need to buy the IAP even on insane to win.
  13. aikavari

    aikavari Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    I have a question for you guys... I'm playing on Insane and the unique cleric is always offered to me after the first tourney (I assume it's because I have my @$$ handed over to me the first few fights). Given how early it is and how hard it is to actually win, I don't have enough cash to actually hire the guy... Will he be offered again later on or if I miss him, I miss him for good?
  14. christopherrocs

    christopherrocs Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2013
    He will be gone forever.
  15. Yep, that's what we're contemplating as a possible solution.

    That's a really cool idea, we'll discuss it with Kurechii. It sounds like quite a big understaking but we like the overall idea. :)
  16. aikavari

    aikavari Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    Wow, has anyone been able to get the cleric on insane? What was your strategy?
  17. pantoneblack

    pantoneblack Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
    crashing issues?

    Has anyone been having crashing issues? I've played quite a bit on normal, think i'm getting close to the end but this morning I launch it and I select my save game and the app crashes, rebooted my phone same thing, tried to start a new game just to see if it would work, get through the naming and confirm and crashes again. Anyone having issues? my next step is to delete and reinstall but I'd loose my save.
  18. christopherrocs

    christopherrocs Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2013
    From no reply I'd guess I'm never getting iPod 4 support?
  19. Echoen

    Echoen Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2012
    That happened to me too. It seems to have corrupted that save file. I had two saves at the time so I tried deleting one and I was able to make a new team again. It didn't fix the save with a ton of progress though. :/ What I found odd was that despite crashing the app, no crash logs were produced no matter how much I made it crash that way. I'm sure Gamenauts could use any logs if you have some. It happened on my iPad 2 iOS 7.x
  20. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Firstly I have to say I have no idea when this game actually saves as when I quit to menu it says anything unsaved will be lost? Shouldn't it just save it for me then??

    Anyway I took the chance on this game even with people saying its short and I'm enjoying it, I've just completed normal and decided I'm going to try insane tomorrow...I did try once today but got my ass handed to me in the first battle...or should I expect more of this?

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