Universal Kings Hero 2: Turn Based RPG (by SVPMobile)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by itx, Mar 18, 2019.

  1. ivreal

    ivreal Member

    Dec 1, 2013
    First of all didn’t get the chance to say thanks for the promo code @itx . Enjoying so far, but still need some more playing. One thing, I noticed was that when I was at a choke point and my warrior was in the way because it moved, I couldn’t move through him even though he was one step away.
  2. itx

    itx Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    This is a bug. It's already fixed.
    New version with fix on app store
  3. itx

    itx Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    Buff and debuff
  4. candyjet

    candyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    Itx, much as I like the concept of the game, I think it has some serious flaws. I did pay for it. Ordinarily I would be asking for a refund, but as I think the game has promise, I'll keep it and see what develops.

    By far the major flaw is that cul-de-sac at the Phoenix Temple. I'm now on my 3rd run through and even though I've done everything I could see to avoid ending up there, I end up stuck, with unbeatable enemies and no way of escape from the map.

    If that wasn't bad enough, the only way out is to delete the game and re-install it. That is seriously bad game design, if I may say so.

    Here's some suggestions.
    1. Make an escape route always possible, via map, grinding, anything but delete/reinstall.
    2. How about restart the level, allowing grinding?
    3. At the very least, allow restart the game from the beginning, not delete/reinstall.

    That is a massive flaw in my book.

    Other, minor ones.
    The 'tutorial' such as it is, needs looking at. Right at the start, it refers to showing the range of the characters in grey, when, in the actual level, the tiles do not change colour.
    You need to expand on the Upgrades a lot more. See all the questions above asking about it? That means folk don't understand, and it is your job to prevent this. To be honest, I don't get the merging trousers with sword mechanic, but I have been trying it.

    Finally, as someone said above, there should be a preview at the start of the level so that you can see what the opponents are capable of, allowing tactical planning, rather than what I do at the moment, which is a suicide run through, not attempting to win, but just sussing out the opposition.

    It looks like a good game. It needed Beta testing before release. I'll keep following any updates, but at the moment it won't be touched again until some changes are made.

  5. itx

    itx Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    I'm sorry , but you SELL ALL YOUR STUFF, and now you tell about bad game design ;(
    Im afraid when you reach Cursed Island...
    I think can be better if you make refund and I give you promocodes for game ;)

    About suggestions - I already wrote you
    You always can return to previous location and farm more equipment, except Phoenix Island.
    Because Phoenix Island very very easy location.

    P.S. Anyway, tnx and you are right in many your points... But I need time to improve game...
  6. candyjet

    candyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    Hi Itx,

    Thanks for your reply. I'm trying to be polite here, but it's not easy.

    I have now tried and reinstalled your game 3 times. I did say in my post
    "even though I've done everything I could see to avoid ending up there, I end up stuck, with unbeatable enemies and no way of escape from the map."

    This has included not selling any of the stuff and upgrading wherever I can. I'm still stuck, while trying to avoid ever getting there, on Phoenix Temple (Not Phoenix Island) with overwhelming enemies and no way off. That is still a serious flaw. I cannot farm anything and it is not an easy location. The boss has 1600 points if I recall.

    I am trying to be constructive and offer simple fixes, but I realise that it is your game, not mine so it is up to you.

    I have taken the refund and the promo code, thanks. Now reinstalling again...
  7. Warmskin

    Warmskin Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
    #67 Warmskin, Mar 31, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019
    OK, so I agree with candyjet on most of his points. I did not get stuck on Phoenix Temple so I guess I was lucky. The game needs more explanation and that is definitely for sure. I realize it that might not be as much fun to do, but it might decrease the number of complaints you’re getting. So far, some suggestions (I’m on Spider Island)... I hope soon there will be some enemies that look (and act) a little different. I’m getting a little tired of the same old thing, with just some extra HPs added to them. same goes for the music. While I do like the music there s/b at least a couple different types for exploring and for combat. Speaking of combat, what does the ‘orange, detailed, pulsating circular object’ that appears under one of my men and one of the enemies mean? Also, please explain better how the ‘stars’ work in the inventory screen.
    I just want to say one more thing. This is a good game. It’s pretty close to being *really* good. There are still too many spots where grinding (a lot) is necessary, though. If you fixed all the complaints and suggestions, you could charge $4.99. Thanks very much for all your efforts.
    Oh, one last ?: How does the ‘helmet healing’ work. When does the amount specified get applied?
    Thanks again.
  8. itx

    itx Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    #68 itx, Apr 1, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019
    About music , agree , but i cant add it a this moment.
    > ‘orange, detailed, pulsating circular object’
    Its bomb ;) and can explode on next turn, anyway i dnot want explain bosses magic and tactic, you must do it yourself.
    >please explain better how the ‘stars’ work in the inventory screen.
    When you upgrade item to maximum level, 'upgrade' button can change to 'add star' , when you add star to item , item can lose all previous upgrade but get better start stats.
    >How does the ‘helmet healing’ work
    healing skill stacks with other helmets - for example Witch have 30 healing and try to heal Warrior who have 20 healing , total heal on warrior can be +50HP
  9. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Good game and thanks for the screen rotation, but....
    ...there is an absolute horrid rise in difficulty on the Cursed Island.

    There is a locked path near the top where I assume you have to find a switch to open it.
    Down the bottom left hand side there is one enemy that is incredibly hard to kill. I believe the switch will be behind that enemy.
    It contains two brown spiders and one boss black spider behind a fence and two brown spiders and a rock throwing troll boss.
    The troll can insta kill you as can the black spider.

    I think I entered this area at character level 13. I have now gone back to the Labyrinth and grinded and grinded and still, at level 19, I continue to get insta killed.

    Things were going swimmingly before this one section. Definately needs a difficulty rethink imho.
  10. itx

    itx Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    Yes.. Cursed Island is hard... But I not have idea how to balance it... Because for some people's it's hard , but some clear it very fast.
    Did you already get RED weapon from Labyrinth bosses?
  11. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    @itx Cursed Island wasn't that hard, just annoying. Like with other areas, the problem is the sudden huge jump in enemy difficulty. This jump requires a lot of grinding - as opposed to natural progress - which is where the annoyance/frustration comes from.

    Regarding balancing I suggest the following:
    1) Make items gives grade x value in upgrade points. E.g. base points is 10, then a grade-2 item gives 2x10=20 upgrade points.
    2) Either make a lot more Gold available, or lower upgrade prices significantly. I advise the latter.
    3) Do a regular playthrough yourself, or add an option that people can send you their save files. Then check for each area & boss in which (approximate) state you arrive there.
    4) Take the current difficulty monsters & bosses, and throw them into an extra hard dungeon where people can grind at their leisure, if they feel like it.
    5) Rebalance accordingly to #3 to get rid of the excessive grind.

    Note though that *some* grind is perfectly acceptable. You just went a tad overboard with it ;)
    Which is why, for example, I asked you earlier to remove even the 30 second timer on red boss respawn. When you fight one 50+ times, even 30secs get annoying.

    I would also consider to
    a) make more upgrade Stars available
    b) add an option to retrieve used Stars. Destroying the starred equipment in the process is fine, methinks.

    Another option could be to leave the current game as is, and release KH3 with better balance as soon as you can.
  12. Warmskin

    Warmskin Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
    Itx, thanks for the help. Couple of suggestions: I now have over 70 skill points that I can’t use. All my spells are as high as I can go, but at least 70 total skill pts and no spells to use them on. That’s just not right. Also, definitely more stars are needed to drop much more often! And make them stack. I’m on Cursed Island and grinding, grinding, grinding. I really like the game and I appreciate all the work you’re doing to make it better. Thanks!
  13. itx

    itx Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    Uhh?!?? What level of your team??
    Looks like you miss 4 types of spells
  14. Warmskin

    Warmskin Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
    #74 Warmskin, Apr 2, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2019
    Itx, everyone is at level 42. I have 3 spells for each teammate, 2 spells in total cannot be increased (sacrifice and charge). I am on Spider Island and there are 2 fights vs. huge black spiders (1 each Fight) that I’ve been grinding out for days. If there are spells available on a place I’ve already been, then I’d sure like to know where. I finished Cursed and Lost islands earlier, I was in error telling you I was only on Cursed. All my spells (12 in total) have been maxed. Any help w/b greatly appreciated. Thanks very much!
    By the way, I just increased to level 43. And now 44. I have 82 total skills I cannot use!
  15. itx

    itx Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    #75 itx, Apr 2, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2019
    As I write I agree... Looks need rebalance.
    P.S. I complete game myselfm before release ;)
  16. itx

    itx Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    #76 itx, Apr 2, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2019
    o_O at level 43 you must already kill final boss.....
    When I test game, I face Lich at level 28...
  17. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    I got no red weapon, just a red helmet. I am grinding in the Labyrinth so I’m sure I haven’t missed a boss??!!

    And what exactely is the point of the stars for upgrading?
    I haven’t used one yet but they appear to only move the upgrade bar about the same amount as a piece of equipment does?
  18. Warmskin

    Warmskin Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
    #78 Warmskin, Apr 2, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2019
    Itx said: at level 43 you must already kill final boss.....
    When I test game, I face Lich at level 28...

    So, what does that mean? What do I do with all these skills and nowhere to use them? I never even saw a RED weapon. It’s grind, grind, grind, and I’ve had a stomach full. Man, I like the game, but it really needs rebalancing. It’s good, but it just wasn’t ready for ‘prime time‘! Please, where do I get all these new spells to use my skills (82!) on? And We Need More Stars! Please Help. thanks.
  19. itx

    itx Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    Each boss in respawn circle drop red weapon.
    Stars reset item upgrade, but add huge amount of base stats, you must upgrade item again
    stubbieoz likes this.
  20. itx

    itx Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010

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