Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel In Clash of Crowns, the peace and quietness of your rural village are shattered by the threat of Barbarian forces. With war upon your region, you must build up your village and train your militia. But, things take a turn for the worst: the Dark King has returned to power, invading every territory across he continent... Features: A DUAL GENRE: SIMULATION AND STRATEGY A medieval simulation: expand lands, cultivate, harvest crops and raise animals to get money and food. Enjoy rich production system to build your kingdom A strategy game: raise an army and attack your neighbors. Hire/train/grow your army to prepare them for combats. Set the defense strategy of your castle to prevent any enemies assaults ADVANCED SOCIAL FEATURES Challenge your friends by launching your troops against their defense lines and see who has the best army! Forge alliances, rescuing their units, and send them unique gifts. A TRUE ECONOMY TO MANAGE ON A DAILY BASIS Optimize your production system and get extra revenues Upgrade your buildings, unlock new ones and enhance your capacities Invest to grow your army to upgrade their weapons Protect your kingdom, defeat rival armies and steal their resources Screenshots:
4 games by Gameloft in E3 and two will probably be paymium. These two of course disappoint me, but it's hard to be mad at GL when they show a game like The Amazing Spider-Man!
m?t vÃ# m?i ! có m?i cái di?u hòa l?i h?ng phòng nóng nhu cái lò ! ______________________ giu?ng t?ng--giu?ng t?ng hòa phát--giu?ng t?ng-- bÃ#n gh? h?c sinh-- bÃ#n h?c sinh-- bÃ#n sinh viên--bÃ#n thÃ# nghi?m--
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Gameloft makes a casual/social/Freemium game and everyone whines. They finally break down and reproduce another premium game, the Amazing Spiderman, and a lot of people still whine. They balk and cry and complain that the amazing Spiderman isn't good enough of a game, even though it's 1/10 the price of the console versions and 1/4 the price of the 3DS version. And it's significantly better then the 3ds version too. If you refuse to support GL when they occassionally do go through the effort to develop a premium title, then don't complain if these types of games are all that you are left with. With that said, Spiderman did get a good review over at Pocket Gamer U.K. And it's 7th on the list of highest grossing iPad apps. It's actually the highest grossing non-Freemium title in the U.S. Appstore, so it is selling well, despite the nitpicking criticisms, so I do hold out hope that absence has made the heart grow fonder and that GL can turn their non-Freemium sells around. I'm sure this here is someone's cup of tea, don't get me wrong; but I would love to see the day when GL never develops another one of these ever again.
and you can stop advertising the " i want my games for basically free or else ill complaiin to everyone that will listen. SERIOUSLY. grow up or piss off.