Universal Kingdom Two Crowns (by Raw Fury)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    @Echoseven ah I didn’t know that, thank you.
  2. sakara214ever

    sakara214ever Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2012
    Yeah if you want my advice gather as many people from the camps as you can. I gathered so many i can not even count them now. And do that before you expand. Unless you have to. If you expand far enough to cover a camp this camp no longer exists and no longer generates citizens. Unfortunately i learned that the hard way after 12 hours of gameplay i expanded too far covered all camps went to island 2 and 3 and then checked back in kingdom 1 so my builders were all occupied at the ballistas and i could not build the boat to leave the island. So another advice. Have as many builders as possible even if they do nothing. Also i think you can not defeat the portal in island 1 if you do not go tho island 2 to learn how to upgrade your walls. This game is the worst roguelike type. It really is annoying. No matter if you play 1-2 or 30 hours there is a chance you can get stuck and then you have to start everything over. Also do not always follow the ghosts directions the first time it shows you to do so. The game sometimes gives you the right directions but with the worst timing.
    PraetorianX likes this.
  3. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    @sakara214ever I know it can be quite annoying the way the game is I don’t really like how it’s made if I’m honest I’d prefer to be able to complete one island and then move onto the next and not just have to keep going back and forth it’s not very fun. Spent a lot of hours on it and was doing really well but then pulverised in one attack on island 4 when you’d think it would slowly introduce the new enemies not just swap from basic greed to a massive swarm of the flying and big ones.
    PraetorianX and sakara214ever like this.
  4. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    Kingdom Two Crowns is FREE for a very limited time. Snatch it up!
    ste86uk likes this.

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